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I did not resign from RM because I was burned out, just wanted more experience and to help DU due to the fact it was suggested to me due to the way I handled Meows Report that I should help them rather than just complain so I did. So I feel fine to go back into a commanding role like this as I was never burned out.


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-1 sorry bud you may be qualified but here's the thing you have to pass RC tryouts be be able to actually have that right to be able to be a squad lead and host the tryouts. Also my question is why do every single fucking bcmd resign then think they can go for another role just because they are a high rank earn your shit before you go for it. best of luck if you even get a intreview.

- Grand Master Of The Order Yoda

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3 minutes ago, Dilbnert1 said:

Turbine? Is this the guy that got banned on Icefuse for witch hunting as an HA? Lol -1.  

Ewww Starting stuff on forums. Ewww 5 months ago eww. 

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Big -1 here. If you want to become a RC lead how about you prove that you can pass the tryouts? You shouldn't be leading and hosting tryouts that you can't pass or at least prove you can pass yourself. Regardless of that from my interactions in-game with you when I'd run around(not sure if that's changed) you were pretty damn aggressive and would set off quick.

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-1 You can have all the experience outside of a squad you want and not be fit for a squad position. You have no idea how quickly half of the things you want to do with Foxtrot will get thrown out the window in mere seconds. Nor an idea on how we have actually been operating at current times. It has come up a lot recently that people say SOBDE have that elitist attitude and are disrespectful, but if you knew about us you would know how hard all of us, no matter what squad, have been making sure we don't act that way. As well as, they are called squad leads, but they aren't a BCMD. They are a lead, they are close, and they are like family. While you do not technically have to, I'd say join a squad and actually learn how we work before you apply for a lead.

Again, we are a family, and not only do you not know us on a personal level, but by what you say, you wouldn't fit in either. Which in multiple ways, you have said that you are one to go fix battalions and build them up, but there are only 4 spots, and to say they need fixing when Woeny and Buzz have put some much effort into every squad. That's a straight insult.

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-1 Obviously the other stuff like not being in the regiment, but did you even talk to any of the RC group much less foxtrot? It's important to do such with the battalion you are not apart of and applying for. Makes you seem power hungry if people don't understand your intentions.

edit: You also very recently left your position to help DU, and you are leaving DU so soon?!?

Edited by Nyon
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Alright, stop there. You have never seemed okay to me, your attitude is rotten and if things don't go your way you get real salty and upset. To maintain a squad of known people which need respect, you would fail with no questions asked. It's quite insulting that you decided to apply in the first place, seeing as you are not RC and have never interacted with any RC a side from screaming at them from what I have heard. Your ability to maintain anything is now questionable to me because you had to rely so heavily on your wonderful commanders in RM. THAT is the truth.

If you really want to be helpful, stay with DU as a CMD and don't dip from within the first week you've been it. They need to get it going and if you really do believe in your ability to recruit and work on things by yourself then prove it.

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I know that many people have pointed this out already but I would like to as well.

Firstly we as in SOBDE as a whole have different thoughts and opinions towards a lot of things, for example applying for a Squad Lead position without being in RC/Null or not even being in the squad as a whole and yes people will definitely shit on you for this but it is what it is. Try to take the first step which is get into foxtrot group. Everyone has a chance at getting a named or unnamed position in a squad you just have to make the effort.

Now going on to the harsh part

Turbine I don't personally know you and also haven't been under you but sometimes you need to take a breather and think about the things you are about to say before you do so. You overreact about a lot of things like fail rp and minging and yes we get it you want to be professional about somethings and you disagree about a lot of things people have to say but screaming about it doesn't make it any better. For now my answer stands as a -1, I hope you don't take these posts too harshly and try to fix the things that people list here.

-Delta Squad Scorch

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You proceeded to apply for a position which.... you ... probably can't pass the tryouts too.....

- Seems a bit odd doesn't it?

Yes you have experience... But... that's Icefuse, and hey how's it going. We are synergy roleplay "Synergy Roleplay is the new hope, a place where your voice can be heard and brought to life. As a community, we work in synergy to bring the game play you enjoy day in day out " The icefuse shit... doesn't tbh really matter but anyway moving on.

- It also seems pretty chill that you are applying for a position where.. people in the squad don't even like you (Lowkey oof?) R

Republic Commando's / Null is a family, for you to come in here and literally just swoop the position that you probably couldn't earn is...... Spicy.

- Seems like a lil' ol' freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepasss into the god damn SOBDE Folk. Oh an by the way, it wont work anyway :)

Also I thought you want to "Help DU grow and rebuild"?

- Another thing, attitude could be... improved. 

Didn't you want to go for spec reg? - Oh heyyyyyy this is SOBDE | Welcome to the life where we dont take fuck ups, and we actually EARN OUR FUCKING POSITIONS

- Now I'm gonna be quite honest with you, you do not deserve this fucking position, and if you do. SOMEHOW Get this position, riots gonna be filling the streets quicker than usain bolts 9 second win of the 100meter race.

- Not gonna lie, the only thing you did as Meds was bring in numbers..... and welp, not that hard tbh.

This to me should probably be put in the spam section of the forums as it seems to be a meme. Lol

Oh and BTW | SOBDE WILL -1 this quicker than enzyme got dropped from Head Admin....

- Fleet Admiral Yularen | Freck 

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Who ever said he done fuck all as meds is a dumb ass and he didn't rely on his fucking commanders as one my self i can say this because he didn't have me or Keo for 20 days. and you would think you would know how to run a battalion as SOBDE and Spec Snr Reg that you need to give it a stable base with good officers and commanders. an the amount of 2 faced shit on here is sickening. signing off rant concluded 

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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4 minutes ago, BigZach said:

Who ever said he done fuck all as meds is a dumb ass and he didn't rely on his fucking commanders as one my self i can say this because he didn't have me or Keo for 20 days. and you would think you would know how to run a battalion as SOBDE and Spec Snr Reg that you need to give it a stable base with good officers and commanders. an the amount of 2 faced shit on here is sickening. signing off rant concluded 

Alright kiddo. Before they lock this flame fest here you go:


Fuck outta here on telling me how to run a battalion. I don't just say shit to say shit, I know how battalions work. It's almost been 2 years that i've been here now, so thank you for the shade.

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  • Retired Founder

This application has been voided as per the request of the applicant.

This is your only void given for the next 30 days. If you void another application in the next

30 days you will be unable to apply for another commander position for 30 days.

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