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Your Name: Matt


Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:144387460


Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: I am a Jedi Knight and a LT in Naval


Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: Meow / Doom


Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND):STEAM_0:1:90701592


Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: Doom's Unit


Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?:  


1. Inactive Battalion, Doom’s unit is currently spiraling out of control. This is evident through the highly inactive player base in the battalion, the commander is also not doing very much which is not helping them gain new players. These numbers should be easy to regain due to the fact  they have one of the most , if not the most overpowered weapon and defence combination, the Z6 and shield combination is probably the most appealing thing this battalion could have asked for yet it currently is dying!                           


2. He is not putting work into fixing this, Doom has an easy job at recruit compared to     some of the battalions on the ship, even with this he is not getting that many recruits into the server and this is showing how his ability lead and get his troopers recruiting is clearly lacking and I do not feel that he should keep his role as Doom because of this.


3. He is not letting his officers doing his roles,  “ He wouldn’t let me do a sim even when we had around 8 people on, he said tryouts only basically” This quote shows how even the most dedicated DU is going against him as he was not allowed to work with the battalion he loved. This is a major problem as people who join the battalion earn their ranks and then once they reach SGT+ they have nothing to do due to the fact their higher ups are not hosting simulations for them to enjoy and have fun in.


4. He has made members leave due to this fact, This one is a little bit of an odd one as     the main example of this would be once again Deadly, Deadly is one of the members of the most dedicated members to that battalion, he was once Doom and he loves the battalion. He left the battalion and was torn by this and rejoined. However due to the way he was treated in the battalion and the fact he did not feel welcome there he left again and transferred early back to Republic Medics. This is and extreme sign of he is doing things wrong and I once again feel this is an extreme sign of how the battalion is falling flat on its face.   


5. He does not discipline his officer either, this is seen by the fact that they are highly

Inactive and when they are on once again just like you will see in the next point they are like him and not doing anything to help the battalion recover. This is once again shown by the fact his CMDs are inactive and the fact he is saying he has thishttps://gyazo.com/b2c0825488ca1920cbf9ed58502dc899   

This shows how A.) He is not getting any officers transferred in meaning that it is not having new life and competition to push them into being active & B.) It also shows once again he does not have an idea of


6. He himself appears to be inactive, by this I do not mean his time on the server, that is fine, it is the fact that even when he is on the server he is not doing anything even when the battalion is dead. This is shown by this screenshot : https://gyazo.com/ece831edd8650c8fc8443f81c1a1bac3


The admiral is clearly seen asking him when were the tryouts and he only replies with OOF rather than immediately hosting them and when that was posted only two DU were even on the server shown here: https://gyazo.com/ffa76a84b66aefc280d6c72702362420

This is shown that even when he is dropped a hint he is not taking it. That is a major problem.       


7.) He allows infighting amongst the officers, this is once again shown by a quote by deadly “He also allowed infighting within the battalion, particularly within the officers” This is once again highlighting the fact that Meow does not know how to lead this battalion. This infighting is also one of the reason his battalion is dying as they are too busy fighting and not really helping the battalion   


8.) He has not done what he promised to do in his commander application, “want to increase our numbers so we are more fleshed out so we can fully defend the fourth floor and execute our formations correct” - Meow’s Commander App This quote shows how he wanted to do well yet he has not done that, he told Deadly to take a shield formation down which they were doing perfectly and they then were all murdered by a sith.

“ I want to push the officers to host trainings to drill our formations into the troopers, so we can perform quickly and professionally. I also want to keep up the engagement outside of  the ship by continually running incentives and contest’s for the members of my battalion.” - Meows Commander App, This once again is disproved by the quote from deadly earlier as he clearly denied him the ability to do these types of training.


Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: ability to maintain numbers within the battalion.


Evidence against the individual?:Here is my evidence of him not doing his job and his battalion being inactive.



Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: None that I have due to the fact I have a bias towards the person



Edited by Matt
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WOW hmmmm got some good points in this report 

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Fuck? What? -1. How about instead of judging a YOUNG LEADER and try to remove them. HELP THEM. This is a fucking community, not powerplay central. Just get out.

The battalion's activity ISN'T the BCMD's fucking fault. Meow tries his hardest, puts his heart and soul into DU. I'd know as I was there with him before. Just get out.

If you have a problem with a battalions activity, join them and help them, don't fucking sideline an get the BCMD removed. Much like 327th and 91st. HELP THEM or they'll get removed. JUST. GET. OUT.

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13 minutes ago, Fours said:

Fuck? What? -1. How about instead of judging a YOUNG LEADER and try to remove them. HELP THEM. This is a fucking community, not powerplay central. Just get out.

The battalion's activity ISN'T the BCMD's fucking fault. Meow tries his hardest, puts his heart and soul into DU. I'd know as I was there with him before. Just get out.

If you have a problem with a battalions activity, join them and help them, don't fucking sideline an get the BCMD removed. Much like 327th and 91st. HELP THEM or they'll get removed. JUST. GET. OUT.

Fours i ain't planning to powerplay anyone i have no intrest in becoming a BCMD and i just don't want DU to get removed and just one question did you read it? and btw the inactivity is just in the batt because he has 100 hours but he isn't all that inactive on the server but he doesn't do anything when he's on


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Aight, I'm gonna lock this real quick if you all just decide to argue and make a heated thread. Cease hostile replies from here on out please, +1s and -1s, if you don't like someones +1 or -1 then downvote or upvote, don't reply.

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Before dragging names through the mud and just going over someone's head, we're they talked to about their potential issues? Because if there wasn't even an attempt to fix them before going for removal, then someone did something wrong. For the time being I'm going to stay neutral

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7 minutes ago, Fours said:

Fuck? What? -1. How about instead of judging a YOUNG LEADER and try to remove them. HELP THEM. This is a fucking community, not powerplay central. Just get out.

The battalion's activity ISN'T the BCMD's fucking fault. Meow tries his hardest, puts his heart and soul into DU. I'd know as I was there with him before. Just get out.

If you have a problem with a battalions activity, join them and help them, don't fucking sideline an get the BCMD removed. Much like 327th and 91st. HELP THEM or they'll get removed. JUST. GET. OUT.

He is helping them. 91st and 327th's problem wasn't bad leadership they were successful in most of their event missions it was discipline in recruitment. perhaps if they focused more on recruitment and put emphasis on promotion there it'd be better. Why did you have the throw "young" in there too? are you implying just because he's young he should be treated any differently. This report wasn't made to hurt DU but keep it from becoming 327th or 91st. Also why should he leave his battalion to help. His battalion probably needs him doesn't mean he can't do what he feels is best. Get rid of an incompetent leader. Battalion activity might not be the BCMD's fault but recruitment definitely is. If this is the BCMDs hardest maybe he shouldn't have it. 

Edited by Rocketpackgolem
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+1 It does not matter age and let me make that clear fours, however, it is litterally a BCMD rule that if your Battalions activity is bad you can be removed. No no offense to meow, he is young, yes that is a point but that can be taken in a negative way and not a method of defense and before everyone says no one tried to help him. I watch Deadly leave me to help him and he returned to me because of Meow. So before you guys defend meow because of his age or the fact that no one helped him people have tried to help him. He clearly has tried his best yet his best did not save a dying battalion and it needs to be solved

Republic Medic BCMD Meds

Edited by Turbine
added more
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-1, You need to talk to him first. This is silly. Some points are good, I can see where you come from, but talk first. Report after.

Edit: Never mind, you entirely bypassed the system

Edited by Hood
Reviewed and changed my mind
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10 minutes ago, Matt said:

2. He is not putting work into fixing this,

Hmm, yea. He really doesn't spam adverts DAILY, to attempt to get his numbers up. You just sit at the side and judge someone for something so pitiful.

11 minutes ago, Matt said:

3. He is not letting his officers doing his roles,  “ He wouldn’t let me do a sim even when we had around 8 people on, he said tryouts only basically”

This contradicts your second point. "Tryouts only" meaning he is PUTTING IN WORK TO FIX IT. 

16 minutes ago, Matt said:


About that picture, and the whole "rank transfer" thing. DU began with NO RANK TRANSFERS. People joined as CMD and had to drop to Private JUST TO HELP. Rank transfers were added again then removed until I suggested they re-add them. Which they talked about. They have this whole voting system and everything. Is that not welcoming enough?

20 minutes ago, Matt said:

6. He himself appears to be inactive,

https://gyazo.com/7793c7ad91e42f0d58e84deed30c9c64 "inactive"
https://gyazo.com/6777db81e8b882102b0fc5cfd7459029 You in the last two weeks. A four day LOA hardly contributes.... 

26 minutes ago, Matt said:

8.) He has not done what he promised to do in his commander application, “want to increase our numbers so we are more fleshed out so we can fully defend the fourth floor and execute our formations correct”

Again, he is TRYING his best. He adverts a lot for DU tryouts. 

27 minutes ago, Matt said:

“ I want to push the officers to host trainings to drill our formations into the troopers, so we can perform quickly and professionally. I also want to keep up the engagement outside of  the ship by continually running incentives and contest’s for the members of my battalion.” - Meows Commander App, This once again is disproved by the quote from deadly earlier as he clearly denied him the ability to do these types of training.

Denied the training's for TRYOUTS. Trying to re-build the battalion.


He's probably pleading for help but doesn't want to show weakness. I would help if I could. I tried helping 91st. Look where that is. One person doesn't make the difference.

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This contradicts your second point. "Tryouts only" meaning he is PUTTING IN WORK TO FIX IT. - Just to say this, I have not seen a DU tryout in a while, second of I just want to say I asked for you to take this into TS and you didn't and responded in quite a rude way to matt on ts and third and finally the fact he tried to focus on the tryouts and he still has not got the battalion into a good state shows that he is not right for this role. TAKE IT TO TS TO DEBATE PLEASE

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As Jayarr said please don't fight on this post. talk it out in a channel on Ts

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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7 minutes ago, Fours said:

Hmm, yea. He really doesn't spam adverts DAILY, to attempt to get his numbers up. You just sit at the side and judge someone for something so pitiful.

This contradicts your second point. "Tryouts only" meaning he is PUTTING IN WORK TO FIX IT. 

About that picture, and the whole "rank transfer" thing. DU began with NO RANK TRANSFERS. People joined as CMD and had to drop to Private JUST TO HELP. Rank transfers were added again then removed until I suggested they re-add them. Which they talked about. They have this whole voting system and everything. Is that not welcoming enough?

https://gyazo.com/7793c7ad91e42f0d58e84deed30c9c64 "inactive"
https://gyazo.com/6777db81e8b882102b0fc5cfd7459029 You in the last two weeks. A four day LOA hardly contributes.... 

Again, he is TRYING his best. He adverts a lot for DU tryouts. 

Denied the training's for TRYOUTS. Trying to re-build the battalion.


He's probably pleading for help but doesn't want to show weakness. I would help if I could. I tried helping 91st. Look where that is. One person doesn't make the difference.

seems to me like alot of this you pulled out of context. just because HE individually hosts alot of try outs doesn't mean he's promoting his NCO's to host them. This brings me back too your criticism of his 3rd point. He in no way contradicted himself. part of Officer's job is to host sims and train them him saying "ONLY FOR TRYOUTS"  basically deters people from consistently playing on their clone thus reduces activity. you claim it isn't his fault for the activity and too an extent I agree people will either not play regardless of what you do. However if he is making the DU experience undesirable why would any of his officers want to play or for that matter any DU? and about point 6 what does he have to do with Meow? as far as I can tell this isn't a report on Matt but  Meow. In conclusion he is unfit to be BCMD due to lack of understanding of what he must do and you defending him isn't helping DU the best you can do is tell him "just step down and when you're ready take it again" you are in fact being a detriment for DU by enabling this kind of behavior

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Well DU started dying when they removed SS Sharp Shooter and replaced it with ENG Also yea I Don't do sims often Because there is only 3 people on when there are 4 people on I do sims for the most part I have told my officers to do formation/ sims when we have 3+ people on. he told Deadly to take a shield formation down which they were doing perfectly and they then were all murdered by a sith. the sith was behind us so of course I told them too take the shield down because we were defending bridge and a sith was in bridge so I told them to take the shield down and on the point were somebody asked were tryouts are held I didn't respond and host tryouts because I was doing a admin ticket also I had a SGT+ already doing tryouts also those screenshots are way to misleading you made up a lot of that. Also yes the screenshot were I said we will have no more rank transfers till Dooms Unit High Command votes for it yes we have a high command were my COL+ job leads and IT leads vote on stuff and we were doing rank transfers till I said that so again your misleading. I plan to host a meeting this weekend because that's when most my battalion is on because I want to know how the majority feels also I have been hosting so many tryouts and I Drill into my SGT+ to recruit idc if there officers rn. The only fighting in the battalion was when deadly was here and that was when he wanted to place a stacked shield wall when a sith was behind us Also if you are criticizing me for the way I lead my battalion Iv plan event after event just so they can have fun and sim after sim its. I agree I hevent fuffiled my goals as a BCMD but IV been a BCMD for 2 and a half weeks so instead of trying to get me removed help me and after you took a pic of the 2 DU on 10 minutes later there was 5. There are some good points in here but a lot of the evidence you put in here and when I know all the CTs on are minges then I'm not gonna host tryouts or tell my troopers to because I don't want people like that in here. Another point its a week day and the pics you took were taken on Thursday around 1 when a lot of my battalion has school so again misleading and I was doing Naval Tryouts when they asked were my tryouts were held so I'm not gonna leave naval tryouts for that expecialy since I waited 2 days for them. 

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When did you get ONLY FOR TRYOUTS from I would like to know were you got most of this evidence and if you have been active I have promoted every single person that's not on a cooldown mostly I'm not promoting officers that arnt doing anything and if you ask my col+ I have demoted a lot of people for being inactive officers iv demoted to Also My Officers have been on LOA reasons Schoolwork,Jobs,Vacation, and stuff like 

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This report honestly is the most disgusting thing I've seen all day and I personally try my best to stay off the forums but dear lord wtf are you even reporting. Do you even have enough activity to even see DU? -1 Id like to personally speak to you about this unwarranted report

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+1 If it takes the man to long to do anything till now Im on your side Age does not matter either since Im 14 and BCMD but I have not been seeing tryouts or anything being done within DU To make it big ever since Jayarr and Deadly left If this fails Than I hope you get this as a head up to put in more effort into DU 

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12 minutes ago, Heather said:

This report honestly is the most disgusting thing I've seen all day and I personally try my best to stay off the forums but dear lord wtf are you even reporting. Do you even have enough activity to even see DU? -1 Id like to personally speak to you about this unwarranted report

Damn its about to go down, you dont want this rant!! On that note...... He has three screenshots of no evidence. You need to help him and not make a report.

-1 - Captain Taggart

Edited by shields1996
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-1 Talk to the person before you make a commander report. Im not going to lie when I first joined naval I was thinking about making a commander report on Freck, but I talked to him & we ended up talking about these issues & he actually did something about them

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8 minutes ago, Robby/Ri said:

-1 Talk to the person before you make a commander report. Im not going to lie when I first joined naval I was thinking about making a commander report on Freck, but I talked to him & we ended up talking about these issues & he actually did something about them


I mean. atleast you was honest lol! <3

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Honestly, I feel as though I need to -1 this. While the quote is true and most of the things I'm mentioned in are also true, I think Meow is capable of fixing many of the issues here. I love DU, and I always will, though I do disagree with how Meow is running the battalion, which is why I left(2 times?...3?)...but that being said...I think he deserves to be given more time, even if I don't personally agree with how it's being run. Like he said, he's been focusing a lot on staff work and I believe this report will hopefully motivate him to do better in regards to the battalion, maybe focusing more on it as it should honestly be his top priority on the server in my opinion.


Regardless, the activity in DU needs to improve, and I think it will if we give it some time. They are still recovering from many people leaving including multiple officers after my resignation and the remove of the SS branch.


-1 to the report.

 - Deadly (Forever DU at heart)

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-1   leh me stop ya right there bud 
number 1:  He hasn't been Doom long. what 3 weeks. Christ lil quick to jump the gun right?

number 2: This is an issue you should go talk to him about. hell If I have to I would but its not my job. 
number 3: I don't see that shit as evidence. ohhhhhh God he said "oof"  CMD REPORT. like.  

Final opinion: Not all of us BCMDs start out guns blazing making a battalion 110% perfect. sometimes it takes time.  if he had members unhappy with him. well, this shouldn't have been made by you rather one of them.  People hide behind walls and complain instead of taking action by talking to the BCMD.   oh no   a great way to solve a battalion?  REMOVE THE LEADER. ohhhhhh  /me claps.   much respect @Matt
this isn't a flaming rather it is my opinion

Thanks for reading but I will not support this report.  

~212th Battalion Commander Cody 

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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+1 the evidence is there and i see it to. 

As i am getting a lot more active on the server. i do see commander doom frequently but never with his battalion.

i personally never seen him do/help tryouts and even during a couple of event i seen him going solo and not joining his battalion.

As when i was in DU, we would always be doing trainning such as protecting a vip, holding down a position, or pushing on an enemy.

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Judging by the title, I'm going to lock this. Poke me on teamspeak if it's just a case of you forgetting to change the title.

Locked and moved.

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