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Xcom 2 Clone Wars Playthrough

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Mission 7

@Bbstine, Cody, Yakory, Ordo, and Firat are sent out on a high priotity mission to neutralize an ADVENT Field Marshal. The team enters a sewer system quickly dispatching of the first ADVENT team they meet. The ADVENT become aware of the team calling in an evac for the Field Marshal. The team now runs against the clock to kill their target before they escape. Yakory then rushes forward killing an advent soldier with his blade as the rest of the team watches over him. Another enemy squad spots Yakory in the open taking the opportunity to quickly gun him down. Ordo attempts to revive the trooper to no avail as the rest of the team moves forward and disposes of their squadmates killers. Ordo and Firat take fire as the move around the field downing several of the enemies. Cody spots the enemy Field Marshal taking shots at him nearly missing. Firat runs forward taking the final shot downing the Field Marshal with a single shot.

Yakory has died doing what he loved. Firat and Ordo are slightly injured. Cody is made a medic and Firat a ranger.

Firat also has PTSD now. No kidding it's a mechanic of the game.



Edited by Woody
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Mission 8

Ordo, A'den, Boss, Unkindled, and Thexan are sent in to stop an ADVENT retaliation over their Field Marshals death. The teams landing zone is hot meaning the enemy is already aware of their arrival. Thexan and A'den take point searching for civilians to rescue. The squad quickly comes into contact with attacking ADVENT forces. A'den, Boss, and Thexan swiftly wiping them out. A new type of enemy makes themselves known the ADVENT Muton. A giant beast wearing a breathing mask and wielding a rifle that seconds as a grenade launcher. A'den hastily runs up on the muton to slice it with his blade only to have the attack turned back onto him by the opponents brute force. Ordo quickly heals A'den up as Unkindled and Boss move in the dispatch of the muton. With A'den healed and the muton dead the team moves forward encountering an ADVENT officer. This is what A'den had been hoping for he had recently been given a Skulljack. A weapon that can piece the ADVENTs mind and download their intelligence. A'den rushed the officer slapping their weapon to the side and piecing the ADVENT through the jaw into the skull. As A'den hold the ADVENT up by one hand the Skulljack does its job downloading the information. As the officer falls to the ground a being made of pure information spawns onto the battlefield. A Codex an ADVENT being existing in several dimensions at once attacks the team. Unkindled unloads his Z6 onto the codex just grazing it. The Codex realizing it has taken damage slips itself in 2 leaving the squad with twice the problems now. That's not the end of the teams misfortune as another ADVENT chosen makes themselves known on the battlefield. The brother to the assassin the ADVENT Hunter arrives and quickly starts a sniper battle with Boss. The two moving from cover to cover and firing at each other. One of the Codex fires an EMP field at the team causing their weapons to stop working until they leave the area. Before Ordo can escape the EMP field he is tranquilized by the hunter momentarily as Boss rushes into the field grabbing Ordo and helping him behind some cover outside the field. A'den who was also caught in the field rushes behind some cover just outside the EMP reloading his shotgun and preparing for the next engagement. The hunter then fires a second tranq at Ordo dazing him as A'den is shot down by one of the codex. Boss helps Ordo back onto his feet once again. Thexan and Unkindled move in gunning down both the codex as Ordo rushes to A'den and stabilizes him. Boss, Unkindled, and Thexan then fire on the hunter forcing him to flee from the fight. 

Mission is a success. All members of the fight survive thanks to Ordo stabilizing A'den.



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It's a little harder for me to write these when I record because I usually just take my turn come and write what happens and continue. Where as when I record I do the whole fight. Memorize the details and then come write the update.

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Mission 9

Boss, Fixer, and Sev are ambushed while on a mission behind enemy lines. The team quickly makes their way through the streets Boss eventually running into enemy forces. An ADVENT transport comes flying down dropping off additional enemies for the squad to fend off. Boss takes fire as the rest of the team overwatches his retreat to safety. The gunfire attracts the lost located in the town surrounding the team. ADVENT forces quickly flank Boss gunning him down. Fixer retreats to cover and starts firing onto the ADVENT killing a soldier in the process. Fixer is quickly surrounded by lost but runs off escaping unharmed. An ADVENT soldier fires at Fixer as he retreats missing him hitting a vehicle in the process. The vehicle suddenly expodes awakening the rest of the lost in the area. Fixer rushes toward the evac site taking fire in the process. Fixer caught in the open and wounded decides to evac trusting Sev to be able to handle his own. ADVENT and lost close in on Sev's location missing with every shot as he rushes toward the evac escaping the area.

Boss has died and Fixer is slightly wounded from the ambush.

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Mission 10: Bonds forged in blood

Unkindled, A'den, Ordo, Bigman, and Thexan are deployed to destroy the ADVENT radar relay that caused their comrades ambush and Boss's death. Unkindled and A'den take point on the mission uncovering an ADVENT squad. Unkindled fires a grenade onto the ADVENT position inflicting major damage. One of the ADVENT mistakenly takes cover near A'den's position and is quckly cut down. An enemy launches a grenade at Thexan, Ordo, and Bigman destroying their cover. Bigman rushed up firing his pistol into the radar relay destroying it as he takes cover. Unkindled flanks the enemy killing the soldier that wounded Thexan, Ordo, and Bigman. Thexan patches Bigman's wounds sustained from the grenade explosion while Ordo heals himself. Unkindled and A'den run into a grocery store taking cover inside. Advent forces then enter the building on the opposite end of Unkindled and A'den. Bigman and Thexan flank the enemy from the outside of the building firing in through the windows killing the last of the enemies in the area.

All members survive. Bigman, Ordo, and Thexan have sustained minor injuries.

Unkindled and A'den have bonded becoming a well oiled machine when together.

Similarly Bigman and Ordo have created a close bond.


Edited by Woody
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8 hours ago, Woody said:

Mission 9

Boss, Fixer, and Sev are ambushed while on a mission behind enemy lines. The team quickly makes their way through the streets Boss eventually running into enemy forces. An ADVENT transport comes flying down dropping off additional enemies for the squad to fend off. Boss takes fire as the rest of the team overwatches his retreat to safety. The gunfire attracts the lost located in the town surrounding the team. ADVENT forces quickly flank Boss gunning him down. Fixer retreats to cover and starts firing onto the ADVENT killing a soldier in the process. Fixer is quickly surrounded by lost but runs off escaping unharmed. An ADVENT soldier fires at Fixer as he retreats missing him hitting a vehicle in the process. The vehicle suddenly expodes awakening the rest of the lost in the area. Fixer rushes toward the evac site taking fire in the process. Fixer caught in the open and wounded decides to evac trusting Sev to be able to handle his own. ADVENT and lost close in on Sev's location missing with every shot as he rushes toward the evac escaping the area.

Boss has died and Fixer is slightly wounded from the ambush.


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Mission 11

Thorn, Cody, Wolffe, Doc, and Unkindled are sent out to raid an ADVENT supply convoy. The team moves in spotting an ADVENT squad immediately positioning themselves up for an ambush. Doc launches a grenade into the enemy scattering them. Thorn and Unkindled finishing them off as they run for cover. ADVENT start airlifting supplies out of the ambush area as the team pushed forward. Thorn moves forward taking out an ADVENT Mec suit. The team starts to mark supply for their own airlifting operation. Thorn and Wolffe start running from crate to crate marking them for pickup while the rest of the team wipes out the opposing ADVENT forces. 

Mission goes off quickly and without injury. Thorn has been made into a heavy.



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Just now, Doc said:

like the stats thing that shows skills, kills, missions, etc

Oh yeah I might be able to take some of those in a bit. You're guy is def lucky the lest mission he got shot at like 5 times...all missed

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So I have some bad new....

My game crashed and it corrupted the save. Even worse bad news it was Ironman so there's only 1 save of the entire campaign. So in other words I have to start over. Good new everyone gets a second chance!

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Just now, Woody said:

So I have some bad new....

My game crashed and it corrupted the save. Even worse bad news it was Ironman so there's only 1 save of the entire campaign. So in other words I have to start over. Good new everyone gets a second chance!

heeeeeeeey, might wanna turn off ironman tho

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1 minute ago, Woody said:

So I have some bad new....

My game crashed and it corrupted the save. Even worse bad news it was Ironman so there's only 1 save of the entire campaign. So in other words I have to start over. Good new everyone gets a second chance!

Oh shit man, that sucks. But the second time often ends up better, at least cause you can make it more organized.

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3 minutes ago, Woody said:

So I have some bad new....

My game crashed and it corrupted the save. Even worse bad news it was Ironman so there's only 1 save of the entire campaign. So in other words I have to start over. Good new everyone gets a second chance!

Lol u see another chance, i see another chance of my character dying off ?

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3 minutes ago, Thexan said:


Did you go through and remake all the characters?

Everyone is already in my character pool so I auto have them whenever I start a playthrough. I only get so many though so I have new starting people than last time. Like this time I didn't start with Doc, you, or Bbstine.

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15 hours ago, Woody said:

Mission 9

Boss, Fixer, and Sev are ambushed while on a mission behind enemy lines. The team quickly makes their way through the streets Boss eventually running into enemy forces. An ADVENT transport comes flying down dropping off additional enemies for the squad to fend off. Boss takes fire as the rest of the team overwatches his retreat to safety. The gunfire attracts the lost located in the town surrounding the team. ADVENT forces quickly flank Boss gunning him down. Fixer retreats to cover and starts firing onto the ADVENT killing a soldier in the process. Fixer is quickly surrounded by lost but runs off escaping unharmed. An ADVENT soldier fires at Fixer as he retreats missing him hitting a vehicle in the process. The vehicle suddenly expodes awakening the rest of the lost in the area. Fixer rushes toward the evac site taking fire in the process. Fixer caught in the open and wounded decides to evac trusting Sev to be able to handle his own. ADVENT and lost close in on Sev's location missing with every shot as he rushes toward the evac escaping the area.

Boss has died and Fixer is slightly wounded from the ambush.

If only Scorch was there, he could've helped.

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So the way I've been recording is showing everything. Fights, set up, research, building, and so on. I just want to know if you guys want all that or strictly just the missions. I can start when a mission starts and show promotions then pause until the next mission.

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1 minute ago, Woody said:

So the way I've been recording is showing everything. Fights, set up, research, building, and so on. I just want to know if you guys want all that or strictly just the missions. I can start when a mission starts and show promotions then pause until the next mission.

we're big boys we can skip the base part if we dont like it

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On 3/6/2018 at 9:06 PM, Woody said:

Ok So I've had Xcom 2 for a while and downloaded a lot of Clone Wars mods for it. I was going to do a playthrough with CW characters and peoples RP characters if they want them in there. Basically this is to ask if there's anyone out there that wants me to make them a character. If so just leave your RP name and which BTLN you're in. If people want it I'll also leave updates as to who becomes the big heroes and who dies in glory on here. I just thought it'd be a cool idea to let you guys put your character in my campaign. Also let me know if you're an ARC, RM, or RC because I can make your guy look the part.

I am an ARC HVY so the blue one, If you could make one for me that would be very kind of you! Also i am a 1stLT.


Edited by Kase

Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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Just now, Woody said:

RANCOR I'm guessing?


Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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You should make the ARCs work together lmao.


Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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19 minutes ago, Kase said:

You should make the ARCs work together lmao.


The plan is to have the BTLNs send squads of their own men unless I don't have the numbers to do it. Like so far I have 5 104th in the game so far so they're going out as a squad. Where as some BTLNs I only have 2-3 ppl so they're going as just mixed squads.

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Just now, Woody said:

The plan is to have the BTLNs send squads of their own men unless I don't have the numbers to do it. Like so far I have 5 104th in the game so far so they're going out as a squad. Where as some BTLNs I only have 2-3 ppl so they're going as just mixed squads.



Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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Just now, yakory said:

Are you uploading the first episode tonight?

Part 1 actually just uploaded. Like I said be prepared for some Grade A Green Company Autism because I didn't mute TS. I did for every EP after it though. I have 3 others uploading rn.

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Ima watch it.


Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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Just let me know when my guy is done!


Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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2 minutes ago, Woody said:

The only thing that sucks is when I build a new type of armor for everyone I have to rebuild them. So if your guy looks different at certain parts blame the game. lol

Thats fine lol.

Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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21 minutes ago, Woody said:

The only thing that sucks is when I build a new type of armor for everyone I have to rebuild them. So if your guy looks different at certain parts blame the game. lol

I forgot to mention that my guy has a blue visor.

Current: Parjai-1 Bear
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood | First Rav Bralor

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Just now, Doc said:

hey also @Woody , is there a way you make every soldier you get to be a clone or is it just making a lot of troopers that you customized

It's using a lot of people I made in my character pool. So in other words I custom made every single person in the game.

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6 hours ago, Extinzion said:

Make a Boost character plez :>


2 hours ago, Eduji said:

You ever get around to adding me to the 91st? If you do, I'd be fine with like how Thexan is, just without any the pauldron or kilt. Just a bare bones model with some colors.

Both of you are already made. 

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