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JBFox bids you adieu.


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Name: JBFox

Steam ID: You guys have it.

Date: 2/12/2018

Reason for leaving: Since i've resigned from Wolffe, things haven't felt the same anymore. I no longer enjoy the server or staffing and i have nothing left to achieve other than moving higher in staff, which it appears as if that is an impossibility. I've had a lot of fun on the server these past 8 months. 

Farewells: @Zyner Sorry to go like this, but i dont want to hang around when it feels like you guys dont want me there.

@BlackiSblack You'd better not go hitler mode and ban soundboards.

@Square If you get Regimental, good luck my dude.

@Chop You'd better take the reigns once Black is worn out. Tea drinker :P

@Styles12 You'll get Commander eventually, then the real powerplay can commence.

@Tony Inactive. 

@Jayarr It was fun my dude, dont ever change.

@Jax You're an awesome person, and a great friend. You did great as regimental and i was sad to see you resigned.

@Korm You'll do great things as Kal, i know that for sure. 

@Nix Never said it to your face but, grats on Yoda. Maybe i'll come back and play as Jedi when they add in hitmarkers.


To everyone I didn't @, dont feel bad i'm just really lazy and i'm on my phone so this took forever.

With all that being said, maybe i'll come back in a month or two. Maybe not. Hope i did my job as best as i could.

o7 for the last time.



Edited by JBFox
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Fuck. That's two in two days.
Take care my friend.

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Don't understand how feelings have changed when we still treat each other the same so perhaps we can talk about that later one on one, I also haven't talked to you in a few days so I'm not aware if anything happened in between. I can think of some stuff that we should talk about but wouldn't see it as serious to feel the need to resign.

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I wanted to complain about the fact you mentioned me without saying anything about me but that would've ruined the meme so it's understandable. Now, you little cunt, first you leave Wolffe (aka Wolfiee) and already make me sad and now you take your memes away from me too?! REEEEEEEEE ;-; I'M SAD

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