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Your Name: Dargon


Your Steam ID STEAM_0:1:38441546


Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?: Master


Battalion Commander(+)'s Name: @Nix or Tyzen


Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND): STEAM_0:1:38441546


Battalion/Squad/Regiment/Brigade: Jedi


Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?: The main issue is that Jedi trials are harder than they should be, I fail 5 times and couldn't pass at all.  This affects the ability to maintain numbers within Jedi. Jedi is not elite, they are there to make sure donators are getting what they payed for on the server. The tryouts should be as easy as Naval tryouts. It should be almost all roleplay, as this is mostly what Jedi do and should do. The current trials consist of impossible task. Delving deeper into Jedi, all of the branches are completely dead; Garden, Sential, and Counselors.  While Garden is not the most important branch, Counselors are. Talking with community members, there has been a big absence of Counselors. This is the most important branch of Jedi since they talk to everyone and make sure people are okay. All of the branches are dead. There is no important branch in all of Jedi. Even though Garden is completely useless, this is the only branch with some numbers in it. There is also the cause for concern with the fact that Jedi do not do much with their men, hence a lot of people are not playing on their Jedi as it is very boring because it's basically a clone/naval map.


Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?: Yes.  “complete retardation" and "Inability to maintain numbers within his/her battalion." As stated above the only branch with significant numbers is Garden, one of the least important sections of Jedi.  Other branches such as Counselors are low in numbers, while Sentials are completely dead.  Not only does this affect Jedi, it also affects battalions that are losing on roleplay.


Evidence against the individual?: https://imgur.com/a/Zmqgs 




Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?: I believe that removing Tyzen will solve the issue; therefore I am requesting FULL JEDI wipe until someone is chosen to lead the Jedi, with a no one stepping in and a complete stop of all trials.

Edited by Dargon
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  • Coordinator

+1 This is fucking insane get him out now

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I actually agree with this comment.

Jedi tryouts are not supposed to be impossible... they should at least be reasonably hard but not impossible. Most of the Jedi branches are in fact dead. 
I've had multiple players come to me complaining that it is close to impossible to pass and they even have screenshots of a black box that traps you in where you can't even tell where you're facing while doing faces.

Jedi is not RC... they're Jedi, it's an intensive roleplay role, not something that is supposed to be in depth with combat. It's supposed to promote seriousness and roleplay. It's not supposed to be Null and RC where you feel like an elitist. That's not even close to what it needs to be.

If there wasn't a problem with Jedi why is it that you never seen more than 3 or 4 on the standing weekly. It's rare to see a bunch of Jedi on at one point. It does happen but it's rare.

Most of the branches are suffering which is correct. Also calling 40 hours bad is kind of cancerous. That defines as part-time in a work definition. I challenge you to sit in a room for 40 hours and stare at a wall and really understand how long 40 hours is.

Jedi is majorly hurting and it's sad to say but the only reason Roleplay is being promoted on the server is that of the military hierarchy and the Game Masters. Jedi have 0 to little influence onto how to roleplay is conducted on the server. For those of you -1'ing you're simply backing Tyzen because undeniably he is a good lad and definitely a strong friend. But as someone who has run multiple communities and has stood as a leader for a long time, I can tell there is a major problem within the Jedi itself. It's not the roleplay role it's supposed to be and it has become entirely irrelevant and disrespected.

You guys did not take the time to really think this through on Dargon's complaint. I for one agree with Dargon heavily and this is something that should not be taken lightly considering I almost ALWAYS disagree with Dargon.

Best of luck to the Jedi, Best of luck to the Server.

Hopefully, this stands strong coming from a community leader

-Love from Noah.

Edited by Narvisius
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4 minutes ago, Narvisius said:


I actually agree with this comment.

Jedi tryouts are not supposed to be impossible... they should at least be reasonably hard but not impossible. Most of the Jedi branches are in fact dead. 
I've had multiple players come to me complaining that it is close to impossible to pass and they even have screenshots of a black box that traps you in where you can't even tell where you're facing while doing faces.

Jedi is not RC... they're Jedi, it's an intensive roleplay role, not something that is supposed to be in depth with combat. It's supposed to promote seriousness and roleplay. It's not supposed to be Null and RC where you feel like an elitist. That's not even close to what it needs to be.

If there wasn't a problem with Jedi why is it that you never seen more than 3 or 4 on the standing weekly. It's rare to see a bunch of Jedi on at one point. It does happen but it's rare.

Most of the branches are suffering which is correct. Also calling 40 hours bad is kind of cancerous. That defines as part-time in a work definition. I challenge you to sit in a room for 40 hours and stare at a wall and really understand how long 40 hours is.

Jedi is majorly hurting and it's sad to say but the only reason Roleplay is being promoted on the server is that of the military hierarchy and the Game Masters. Jedi have 0 to little influence onto how to roleplay is conducted on the server. For those of you -1'ing you're simply backing Freck because undeniably he is a good lad and definitely a strong friend. But as someone who has run multiple communities and has stood as a leader for a long time, I can tell there is a major problem within the Jedi itself. It's not the roleplay role it's supposed to be and it has become entirely irrelevant and disrespected.

You guys did not take the time to really think this through on Dragon's complaint. I for one agree with Dragon heavily and this is something that should not be taken lightly considering I almost ALWAYS disagree with Dragon.

Best of luck to the Jedi, Best of luck to the Server.

Hopefully, this stands strong coming from a community leader

-Love from Noah.

Hate to do this to my boys but +1 gotta agree with Noah

Edited by Nyon
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