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Misfit ATK Regimental (waived)

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Regiment you are applying for:
Attack Regimental

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I believe I should be the Attack Regimental because I believe it is a position where i would succeed and fit my play / mangerial style. I care for the attack regiment and I always want to see them succeed. I have really good relationships with both battalions (officers, NCOs and enlisted). I also believe that I am hardworking and ambitious.

I have reached out to all Commanders within 212th and 501st and the majority are in support of me applying for this position because it suits my playstyle and my drive for the Attack Regiment.

What I learnt during my 212th BCMD is that I am a very approachable person and willing to take criticism while not using personal feelings to react to situations. Instead I look at things objectively and try to plan and execute a way to fix it whether people like it or not because I'm not scared of change. I have learnt alot from my term and realised the importance of good communication to keep a battalion functioning.

I believe that my drive and passion for the Attack Regiment along with being a staff member will allow me to keep battalions entertained and ensure that not just the Attack Battalion but the entire server grows.

I am available everyday after 12pm EST. I work a 9-5 (GMT) job now. 

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

2023 - 2024  212th PVT - BCMD Cody
Created the strongest Ghost Company unit and invested in RP as Ghost Company Commander.
Restructured the Regimental Lead position to meet the needs of the battalion.
Opened up Heavy as a joining regiment for all 212th troopers as we are an attack battalion.

2024 Naval CA - LCDR Krennic (RSB Lead)
Helped set up RSB with the Admiral

Created Documents and events for RSB 

Worked with the GM team to include the most wanted list in events. 

2023 - 2024 NA - HA / GMD

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

In the 212th the biggest problem they are facing is the lack of officers at the moment. I plan on supporting NCO’s to realise their potential and join the officer corps. Obviously 212th is also without a BCMD and one of my priorities will be to mentor and support candidates to apply for BCMD.

Ghost Company I plan on reducing the number of slots available to make the subunit more elite and work cohesively together. This will ensure that the subunit is healthy and active but also creating RP with one another and the server because they will be a close knit group. Myself and the 212th CMD have discussed this already.

2ndAC needs a whole rework with leadership positions. I plan on investing in people to take 2ndAC forward and people who can create drive and energy.


501st is in a really good place. However they are on the other side of the spectrum from 212th where the officer corps is strong and capable but they have limited NCO and enlisted. I plan on pushing recruitment to where they have a good core group of NCO’s ready to take up leadership positions within the battalion.

Torrent Company is full right now and is in a really good position along with 332nd. I plan on sitting down with both sub-unit leads and the BCMD to support changes they want to make to subunits and the direction of the battalion.

I also plan on supporting Moose and the candidates after Moose as BCMD is often a hard and lonely position. I am able to share my learning and create a positive relationship that helps the battalion flourish.

Dooms Unit
The battalion that will give me the least trouble ;) I've heard it multiple times that DU is not returning and that the server can't support it. If we found ourselves in a position where the server could support DU I would heavily invest my time on building the battalion, creating documents and selecting someone to lead and inspire the battalion to grow if it ever became a reality. RIP DU.

My focus is to increase the role playing aspect of both battalions again as we are on a role playing server. I will do this by hosting weekly events for both battalions, ensuring that both battalions communicate, work together but also create a little bit of rivalry that will increase stats in both battalions, But also encourage people to roleplay during down time such as saluting officers, hosting private debriefs etc. I plan on ensuring the numbers of battalion specific training (Boarding and EOD) increase and that every recruit gets these training the minute they join the battalion. 

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

Relations between 212th and 501st are at an all time high. The current CMD team in both battalions has made it a priority to keep it that way and it's also my priority. I want to introduce weekly / Bi weekly meetings between the CMD teams to see where we can overlap with each other and integrate together more both in deployments and downtime. I also want to have an open channel policy in my channel for concerns to be heard and also for restoration in breakdowns of communications or relationships. As mentioned before I also will be bringing back the Battalion vs Battalion competitions between 212th and 501st to create a little bit of rivalry and fun where they can take part in fun events while teambuilding at the same time.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: 


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


Edited by Misfit1

Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former and first Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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Veteran Admin

I have spoken in length with Misfit, I believe that on returning Misfit is a work horse. When in the driving seat Misfit does exceptional work, I fully believe that ATK Reg will thrive under him! +1

  • Friendly 1

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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  • Friendly 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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I only have a question. Were you waived for this position and by whom? 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Kurt said:

I only have a question. Were you waived for this position and by whom? 

I was, apologies I forgot to put that on the title and I was waived by the high command / staff team

Edited by Misfit1
  • Agree 1

Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former and first Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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Veteran Admin

Dude this guy has spoken to me alot since hes come back and I think he would be a great ATK REG to work with. +1

  • Friendly 1

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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I personally believe you'd do a great job as ATK RCMD. I cant wait to see you flying colors.

  • Friendly 1

Όντας δε θνητούς θνητά και φρονείν χρεών.

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam.

Current Position(s): CAO Matchstick | Naval Intel Director 501st SUPL & Hawk | Administrator

Former Position(s): CG SUPO | Aviation Manager |

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Misfit as Attack Reg Commander is a W. Dude 100% puts all his time and effort in the Attack Regiment    

  • Friendly 1

Former TC Tup, Former Improcco Company Clanky, Former Armand Isard, Former TC Dogma, Current Padme Amidala, Current 332nd Jinx, Current Shoan Killianspacer.png

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+1 Can't wait to see your promo

  • Friendly 1

Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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-1, i remember the BCMD term, maybe it's different now, but i remember the 212th term.

Note: love the guy as a person tho <3

Edited by Kase
  • Agree 2
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  • Based 1

Current: 41st MED
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood, 2ndAC Bear, Parjai-5 through 3, | First Rav Bralor


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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Kase said:

-1, i remember the BCMD term, maybe it's different now, but i remember the 212th term.

Note: love the guy as a person tho <3

Absolutely understand why you -1. 

It definitely wasn’t the best, and I’m working to rectify that. I have learnt so much from that term. And I had external issues going on but I’m not gonna make excuses. 

It wasn’t a great term I absolutely agree however this is my chance to rectify any issues and also support 212th stay stable until a new BCMD comes in. The 501st are really healthy and I think myself and Moose are gonna be a great pairing. 

My job as atk regimental,  isn’t to run battalions but it’s more of a supporting role to the current BCMD’s while filling in until a new one is selected. 

Edited by Misfit1
  • Agree 1

Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former and first Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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Personally, I would love to +1 this application as I know it would benefit the ATK Regiment to having an RCMD, especially when the 212th currently doesn’t have a BCMD at this time.

However I agree with Kase’s brief assessment. Your term as Cody did not go well at all, and with that I will be more inclined to say that I don’t think you even had a BCMD term as your priorities outside of the game took you away. As someone who was in the ATK Regiment for your entire term, I can say that I witnessed you actively on the server a handful of times. 

You then took a break from the server, as it was very beneficial for you to do so and missed out on all of Nexus’s term where he in my honest opinion struggled to fix the changes that were made in the 212th during your term. Speaking with former officers in the 212th, many credited their issues to your term. (2ndAC, No Progression, Lack of Leadership from CMD+).

However after your term finished, you don’t have a say over the battalion, so I won’t say that it’s your fault for how Nexus’s term went. I’m only pointing out what I heard from several conversations.


Edited by Charles
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  • Dumb 1

Current: DSXO CPT Jek 
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn | 332ndO Jesse | 332nd Vyse | TC Kano | 501st ARCO | Omega 22 Atin


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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Charles said:


Personally, I would love to +1 this application as I know it would benefit the ATK Regiment to having an RCMD, especially when the 212th currently doesn’t have a BCMD at this time.

However I agree with Kase’s brief assessment. Your term as Cody did not go well at all, and with that I will be more inclined to say that I don’t think you even had a BCMD term as your priorities outside of the game took you away. As someone who was in the ATK Regiment for your entire term, I can say that I witnessed you actively on the server a handful of times. 

You then took a break from the server, as it was very beneficial for you to do so and missed out on all of Nexus’s term where he in my honest opinion struggled to fix the changes that were made in the 212th during your term. Speaking with former officers in the 212th, many credited their issues to your term. (2ndAC, No Progression, Lack of Leadership from CMD+).

However after your term finished, you don’t have a say over the battalion, so I won’t say that it’s your fault for how Nexus’s term went. I’m only pointing out what I heard from several conversations.


Thanks for commenting. 

I have taken on board what you said. 

However, when you said I wasn’t around I was on almost every day of my term maybe you didn’t see me but I only missed hours twice in my term and that was towards the end when I was burnt out and had to take an LOA. 

Taking over from a BCMD everyone loved for 9 months isn’t easy and I knew that people wouldn’t like my term and compare me to kaiser right from the initial interview and I was okay with that.

People blame me because they don’t like change. I also wasn’t going to be kaiser and do everything for everybody during my term and my officers had to learn that. Nexus was a massive support during my term and supported me on a lot of the changes whether he agreed on them or not is irrelevant. 

Nexus was BCMD, he had ample opportunities to change things back if he didn’t agree and he didn’t because he didn’t need to or he wanted to work them out. 

Removing restrictions on joining 2ndAC will always be controversial. But during that time 2ndAC was dying and it actually made people join. Yes standard went down like anything if you remove restrictions but that was just something we had to work out in the process. Not every decision is always going to be clear cut and fix everything immediately. However I made a decision along with my CMD team and that was the direction we decided to go. I agree it could have been executed better and I stand by that. However I have learnt from my mistakes and I’m willing to help the ATK battalion grow. 

212th HC and 501 HC both support me for this after I have shared plans. 

If you wanna chat further on DM’s and discuss my dms are always open. Usually known as misfit on discord.  :)





Edited by Misfit1

Former Waxer | Former Boil | Former and first Wyler | BCMD Cody (FIRST IRISH & WELSH CODY)

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  • Coordinator
Posted (edited)

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a ME to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Edited by Woeny
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  • Coordinator

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


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