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Turbine's BCMD Meds Application


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Cleared by forseen and jackson

Steam Name: Turbine


RP Name: RM SRGL 2nd LT Turbine


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:6038587


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Republic Medics Commander Meds




Attack Regimental:

As my previous term as attack regimental, I have learned a great deal about the battalions that are under me, I have also watched them grow and fall. Currently, my goal was to get them training more and I believe I have done this very well. I learned that making the battalions organised was key to keeping them alive, I only realised this towards the end of my term this is why I want to go back for a second go and most likely go for ADB Senior. This role is what I feel I need to go for as I want to help out as many people as possible, this will include me helping defence battalions work better together with attack battalions. I noticed in my time as attack regimental they do not do training with each other enough and they should be doing more, this is for both attack battalions with attack and defence with attack.


Master Anakin Skywalker:

As Anakin, I have learned what it takes to lead from a Jedi point of view. This would mostly be looking at how Jedi and clones interact, while I was watching this I was noticing both sides treating each other in disrespectful ways (On the rare occasions) this caused tension from both sides and I helped solve this by the attitude I took up which was a neutral one. I was attack regimental and Anakin so I knew both sides and this allowed me to learn more about the situation and analysis it fully then decide my next move. This mostly ended up in me tell both sides they were wrong and saying that Jedi stood in front of clones in firing lines and clones shot them in the back. I mainly focused on fixing the clones side as it was easier and I did this by making my Attack battalions doing trigger discipline more.


Another Server[UK Server]

91st Reconnaissance Battalion - This was medical on that server:

As 91st Commander I had to revive a dead regiment, This regiment was mainly RP and I enjoyed setting up a structure. This regiment taught me how to set a structure up with my XOs and officers and allowed me to setup how they operated. I also enjoyed setting up the roleplay aspect of the battalion which was mainly focused on medicine in the star wars era.


Republic Medic 2nd LT.

I have been in the republic medics since day 1, I am dedicated to this battalion and I enjoy it a lot. I have increased my medical RP and have risen to 2nd LT under saint. I learned how to use the docs they have in place and I have learned a basic standard for troopers. During my stay in this battalion has been basically my whole time on the server and I want to see it flourish

Random Other Experience(Basically ranks I have held but all is said in the last couple)


Baranusu No Kage[Icefuse]

CTE XO - Diff Server (More RP,) [UK SERVER]

Republic Melee Trooper SGT - [UK SERVER]


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

In my opinion I should become the commander of the republic medics for a few reasons, 1. I am dedicated from this battalion and was in it from the first day I could have been, I want to watch the republic medics flourish and thrive into an active and immersive battalion. 2. I have a lot of experience be it in medical roleplay in the star wars setting to setting up an active battalion, these two pieces of experience will help me greatly in the task of commanding RM. 3. I am active and can be on every single day for a minimum of around 3 hours weekdays and basically all day on a weekend and on top of this if I am not in game I will be on teamspeak for my troops to contact me if they need me. 4. I feel as if my medical RP is very good and I want to pass this knowledge onto other and possibly even learn from them as well. 5. I am dedicated to a task once I set my mind to it meaning I will be dedicated into making this battalion into a better form of its current self.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, even though it is very little I know the lore.



All Times in GMT

Monday, 4:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Tuesday, 4:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Wednesday, 4:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Thursday, 4:30 pm - 11:00 pm


Friday, 4:30 pm - 12:00 pm


Saturday, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Sunday, 11:00 am - 12 :00 pm


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: and estimated 2 -3 weeks. This time may seem short and I know it is however my experience in the past , I hope, should make up for this lack of time on the server.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

  1. I want this battalion to be active, by this I mean I want a battalion that is going to have troopers on the majority of the time, this will allow me to host training, have my officer host training and also support the troopers on and off the battlefield.

  2. I want to have a structure in the Officers and NCOs, by this I mean I want each rank to have a role in the battalion I want them to feel like this. I also want to structure the commanders better so they are specialised in a division, for example discipline. This means each of my commanders will have a better role and the battalion will run smoothly even with me not online.

  3. I want to make the republic medics roleplay better, I have plans to do this and I want to make it so each trooper has their own style yet it makes sense and is immersive to the player having the roleplay done.

  4. I want to have a better structure when it comes to tryouts for the battalion, by this I mean I want the battalion to be more elite. The way I plan on doing this is making the tryouts to weed out minges and players who do not know what they are doing when it comes to medical roleplay.

  5. I want my NCO team to be doing tryouts on a regular basis, I want to do this to assist in the activity but also to help keep them doing other things than be locked in the medbay.

  6. I want my officers and NCOs to be activity hosting training for the lower ranks in the battalion, I want this to be done to keep the skill level up and the general activity in the battalion. I also want to do this for the next BCMD so they have a strong structure in the battalion for when they arrive.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I fully understand this and have no plans for going inactive.

Edited by Turbine
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  • Coordinator

+1 didnt even put ur time as rex when we left u with it xD

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+1 Holy shit where do I begin, Turbine and I go all the way back to the day Icefuse fell. I joined the 501st under Turbine’s lead at the time in refuge from getting demoted by Tennessee for filing a commander report. Turbine let me in with open arms and the month that I served under him was fun af. When I had become 101st Commander on Icefuse, literally the day afterwards Turbine became Attack Reg commander so I was once again serving under an amazing commander. Turbine not only is a great commander, he is probably the best medic rp’er ive ever met. Like this boi watches surgery videos for fun mind you. So if anybody onboard the Venator is qualified for Meds its Turbine.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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