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Discord Server Suggestion

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Name: Spectre

RP Rank: PFC

Suggestion: Consolidate all existing Synergy Discord servers used for Jedi, battalions, and other groups into a single, unified hub server. This will lead to better networking, increased efficiency, and an improved user experience.


The implementation of this proposal will be carried out in several phases to ensure a smooth transition for all members. During the planning phase, feedback will be collected from leaders and members of different groups to understand their needs and preferences for the new hub server. This feedback will inform the design of the server structure, including the setup of channels, categories, and roles to support efficient communication and collaboration. In the development phase, the new hub server will be created, and the initial channels and categories will be set up. This includes general channels for announcements, discussions, and support, as well as specific channels for each group, such as Jedi and battalions. Roles for all groups and certifications will be defined and created, encompassing battalion tags, certification tags, and any other relevant roles. The migration phase will involve a manual role request system where users can request their battalion and certification tags through the Synergy Staff team. A dedicated channel will be established for users to submit their role requests using a provided template. The Synergy Staff team will review these requests and manually assign the appropriate roles, making the corresponding categories and channels visible to the users. Clear communication about the migration plan will be provided through announcements and pinned messages, and support channels will be set up to assist members during the transition. The migration will be conducted in phases, starting with a pilot group to test the new server setup and make any necessary adjustments before moving all members. Finally, in the completion phase, the old servers will be gradually deactivated once the majority of members have transitioned to the new server and all critical information and communication have been successfully migrated. Continuous improvement will be ensured by regularly soliciting feedback from members to identify areas for enhancement and making necessary updates and adjustments to the server based on this feedback.


Add: Unified Hub Server

     - Description: Create a single, unified hub server for all Synergy groups to improve networking, efficiency, and user experience.

Change: Role Assignment Process

     - Description: Replace the current multiple-server setup with a unified hub where roles are manually assigned by the Synergy Staff team based on user requests.

Add: Feedback Loop

     - Description: Regularly solicit feedback from members to identify areas for improvement and make necessary updates and adjustments to the server.

Add: Request Channel

     - Description: Set up a dedicated channel where users can submit their role requests using a provided template.

Add: Communication and Support

     - Description: Use announcements and pinned messages to inform members about the new server, the role request process, and how to get help if needed. Set up support channels where members can ask questions and receive assistance during the transition.

Add: Gradual Transition

     - Description: Migrate members in phases to ensure a smooth transition, starting with a pilot group to test the new server setup before moving all members.

Add: Deactivation of Old Servers

     - Description: Once the majority of members have transitioned to the new server, gradually deactivate the old servers after ensuring all critical information and communication have been successfully migrated.


I understand that as a PFC, my word might not hold much weight, but I believe this proposal could be a step forward for the server. It aims to improve communication and enhance the community experience for all users. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated so I can refine this suggestion. Thank you, and I apologize for any inconvenience this post may have caused.

     - Spectre

Edited by ATLAS
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Channels, Roles will be way too much.

There can be 250 roles within a discord server.

You have to keep in mind what each battalion has. And a role + Channels would have to be created for this.

THEN you have to consider ALL the jedi roles, Consular, Senitel, and stuff AND include the leadership of all the sub units + all of highcommand channels


wont be possible, and it will ruin channels


41st Jedi Commander Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
claire <3


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-1. Several reasons.

1. Roles would get confusing as fuck. 
- You need to have roles for CMD, BCMD and each individual battalion, subunit, branch, sub branch, training etc. 

2. Discord permissions!
- Discord permissions are not the same across discords. Each CMD+ or BCMD+ would need permissions to edit the server itself, which would lead to huge security issues and weak infrastructure in the turnout of a bad player getting one of these positions. Not to mention setting them all up and adjusting them as needed would be a NIGHTMARE. 

3. Automated Rosters.
- Currently We use Bots set up by dedicated members of the community to monitor discords and role assignments/recruits etc to automatically log them on the roster. Consolidating to one discord would cause a plethora of issues as there is currently two bots in use, Jovanovic's bot and Satan's bot. I'm not sure both could work in one discord simultaneously.  These bots function on changes of tags, or bot commands. Combining them in the discord would mean having the bot work for 8 battalions, monitoring several different tags and a lot more stuff that i wont mention here which will increase error rate and ruin a decent part of the infrastructure each battalion has.

4. Freedom. 
- It is within a BCMDs right to create channels as they see fit, For Officers, OOC reasons or documents, Consolidating all these into one discord would cause loading issues and lag when scrolling through discord. Your average discord per battalion or faction has 40+ channels, many sections, NSFW channels, etc. These are harder to maintain and standardize, and take away battalion freedoms. This also allows people to leave all the other discords while still staying in touch with JUST that battalion. A lot of people leave the Community Discord due to general pings or messages and then stay in the couple of discords they're legacy in. This just takes that freedom away and forces them to stay in a bloated discord. 

5. Privacy. 
- While BCMDs and CMDs always have Server Leadership in their discords, there is a degree of privacy given. Having all these put into one discord would cause issues on the privacy front, NSFW channels exist in some discords, Private VCs or tags for Game Night tie back into the Permissions/Freedoms mentioned above. 

6. Every battalion does things different.
- When creating discord roles, its impossible to have them all on the same level. If BCMD Fox is above BCMD Bacara and they have the same permissions, it now means BCMD Fox can assign all the BCMD roles below him or other tags etc. While there is tricky workarounds to fixing this, its not worth it. Having separate discords allows for even tag assignment, no power struggles etc. 

7. Discipline.
- People are removed from discords based on blacklists that may or may not be permanent. This is 10x harder to keep track of in just 1 discord as you cannot theoretically ban people from the discord for their issues in 1 battalion as it would lock them out from the server as a WHOLE. 

8. Confusion in general? 
- The most obvious one is, Why would Naval, Jedi, Civilian, 21st, 41st, 104th, 212th, 501st, CG, RANCOR, SOBDE, Leadership and High Staff share a discord? Like.. you didn't give a reason. Just how to go about it and that you think it would help. The server has been around for 7 years and operated quite well on this system, as have many other servers. This would revoke permissions from Legacy members per battalion, Former BCMD tags, fun discord bots setup by the BCMD,  Its just confusing and there is generally no reason to do this. We already merged a lot into the main discord with the Training Hub and Some of Leadership being pushed into the Community Discord, battalions weren't done this way for a reason. 

I, Alongside @Rohan, @Tetraand @Finn do a LOT of the Server's Intel work. Tetra being a big mentor and running 41st, Finn taking care of 501st, 212th and CG, Rohan keeping High Staff automated and helping them create trackers, and myself with 21st RANCOR, (up until recently 104th) and Jedi,

We have all fucked with discord permissions, built documents and had YEARS of conversations in these separate discords. Some of these discords have people from years ago who stay in and talk, but nowhere else. Taking away these discords would kill server history and ruin old friendships.   I also don't think @Wosyand @Woenywant to go through all the effort of organizing and setting this up. Its a lot of wasted time for those two pivotal members of the community. 

EDIT: Also there is a role cap on discord roles! Let me show some issues here :P 

This is the role count in the THREE discords i manage, 

Jedi Order 
21st Nova Corps
RANCOR Battalion

This is together 304 roles just between these 3 discords. 

You can at most have 250 roles and maybe a small boost if you're a registered discord partner (don't quote me on this) This is not including the 2 largest battalions on Server, 212th and 501st. It would be ABYSMAL putting effort into this. 

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Head Admin
8 hours ago, Mystic said:

-1. Several reasons.

1. Roles would get confusing as fuck. 
- You need to have roles for CMD, BCMD and each individual battalion, subunit, branch, sub branch, training etc. 

2. Discord permissions!
- Discord permissions are not the same across discords. Each CMD+ or BCMD+ would need permissions to edit the server itself, which would lead to huge security issues and weak infrastructure in the turnout of a bad player getting one of these positions. Not to mention setting them all up and adjusting them as needed would be a NIGHTMARE. 

3. Automated Rosters.
- Currently We use Bots set up by dedicated members of the community to monitor discords and role assignments/recruits etc to automatically log them on the roster. Consolidating to one discord would cause a plethora of issues as there is currently two bots in use, Jovanovic's bot and Satan's bot. I'm not sure both could work in one discord simultaneously.  These bots function on changes of tags, or bot commands. Combining them in the discord would mean having the bot work for 8 battalions, monitoring several different tags and a lot more stuff that i wont mention here which will increase error rate and ruin a decent part of the infrastructure each battalion has.

4. Freedom. 
- It is within a BCMDs right to create channels as they see fit, For Officers, OOC reasons or documents, Consolidating all these into one discord would cause loading issues and lag when scrolling through discord. Your average discord per battalion or faction has 40+ channels, many sections, NSFW channels, etc. These are harder to maintain and standardize, and take away battalion freedoms. This also allows people to leave all the other discords while still staying in touch with JUST that battalion. A lot of people leave the Community Discord due to general pings or messages and then stay in the couple of discords they're legacy in. This just takes that freedom away and forces them to stay in a bloated discord. 

5. Privacy. 
- While BCMDs and CMDs always have Server Leadership in their discords, there is a degree of privacy given. Having all these put into one discord would cause issues on the privacy front, NSFW channels exist in some discords, Private VCs or tags for Game Night tie back into the Permissions/Freedoms mentioned above. 

6. Every battalion does things different.
- When creating discord roles, its impossible to have them all on the same level. If BCMD Fox is above BCMD Bacara and they have the same permissions, it now means BCMD Fox can assign all the BCMD roles below him or other tags etc. While there is tricky workarounds to fixing this, its not worth it. Having separate discords allows for even tag assignment, no power struggles etc. 

7. Discipline.
- People are removed from discords based on blacklists that may or may not be permanent. This is 10x harder to keep track of in just 1 discord as you cannot theoretically ban people from the discord for their issues in 1 battalion as it would lock them out from the server as a WHOLE. 

8. Confusion in general? 
- The most obvious one is, Why would Naval, Jedi, Civilian, 21st, 41st, 104th, 212th, 501st, CG, RANCOR, SOBDE, Leadership and High Staff share a discord? Like.. you didn't give a reason. Just how to go about it and that you think it would help. The server has been around for 7 years and operated quite well on this system, as have many other servers. This would revoke permissions from Legacy members per battalion, Former BCMD tags, fun discord bots setup by the BCMD,  Its just confusing and there is generally no reason to do this. We already merged a lot into the main discord with the Training Hub and Some of Leadership being pushed into the Community Discord, battalions weren't done this way for a reason. 

I, Alongside @Rohan, @Tetraand @Finn do a LOT of the Server's Intel work. Tetra being a big mentor and running 41st, Finn taking care of 501st, 212th and CG, Rohan keeping High Staff automated and helping them create trackers, and myself with 21st RANCOR, (up until recently 104th) and Jedi,

We have all fucked with discord permissions, built documents and had YEARS of conversations in these separate discords. Some of these discords have people from years ago who stay in and talk, but nowhere else. Taking away these discords would kill server history and ruin old friendships.   I also don't think @Wosyand @Woenywant to go through all the effort of organizing and setting this up. Its a lot of wasted time for those two pivotal members of the community. 

EDIT: Also there is a role cap on discord roles! Let me show some issues here :P 

This is the role count in the THREE discords i manage, 

Jedi Order 
21st Nova Corps
RANCOR Battalion

This is together 304 roles just between these 3 discords. 

You can at most have 250 roles and maybe a small boost if you're a registered discord partner (don't quote me on this) This is not including the 2 largest battalions on Server, 212th and 501st. It would be ABYSMAL putting effort into this. 


Also everything Mystic has said is absolutely correct. Besides those discords he has shown, the roles in other discords are a lot higher or around the same for each one. 

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Veteran Admin
8 hours ago, Mystic said:

-1. Several reasons.

1. Roles would get confusing as fuck. 
- You need to have roles for CMD, BCMD and each individual battalion, subunit, branch, sub branch, training etc. 

2. Discord permissions!
- Discord permissions are not the same across discords. Each CMD+ or BCMD+ would need permissions to edit the server itself, which would lead to huge security issues and weak infrastructure in the turnout of a bad player getting one of these positions. Not to mention setting them all up and adjusting them as needed would be a NIGHTMARE. 

3. Automated Rosters.
- Currently We use Bots set up by dedicated members of the community to monitor discords and role assignments/recruits etc to automatically log them on the roster. Consolidating to one discord would cause a plethora of issues as there is currently two bots in use, Jovanovic's bot and Satan's bot. I'm not sure both could work in one discord simultaneously.  These bots function on changes of tags, or bot commands. Combining them in the discord would mean having the bot work for 8 battalions, monitoring several different tags and a lot more stuff that i wont mention here which will increase error rate and ruin a decent part of the infrastructure each battalion has.

4. Freedom. 
- It is within a BCMDs right to create channels as they see fit, For Officers, OOC reasons or documents, Consolidating all these into one discord would cause loading issues and lag when scrolling through discord. Your average discord per battalion or faction has 40+ channels, many sections, NSFW channels, etc. These are harder to maintain and standardize, and take away battalion freedoms. This also allows people to leave all the other discords while still staying in touch with JUST that battalion. A lot of people leave the Community Discord due to general pings or messages and then stay in the couple of discords they're legacy in. This just takes that freedom away and forces them to stay in a bloated discord. 

5. Privacy. 
- While BCMDs and CMDs always have Server Leadership in their discords, there is a degree of privacy given. Having all these put into one discord would cause issues on the privacy front, NSFW channels exist in some discords, Private VCs or tags for Game Night tie back into the Permissions/Freedoms mentioned above. 

6. Every battalion does things different.
- When creating discord roles, its impossible to have them all on the same level. If BCMD Fox is above BCMD Bacara and they have the same permissions, it now means BCMD Fox can assign all the BCMD roles below him or other tags etc. While there is tricky workarounds to fixing this, its not worth it. Having separate discords allows for even tag assignment, no power struggles etc. 

7. Discipline.
- People are removed from discords based on blacklists that may or may not be permanent. This is 10x harder to keep track of in just 1 discord as you cannot theoretically ban people from the discord for their issues in 1 battalion as it would lock them out from the server as a WHOLE. 

8. Confusion in general? 
- The most obvious one is, Why would Naval, Jedi, Civilian, 21st, 41st, 104th, 212th, 501st, CG, RANCOR, SOBDE, Leadership and High Staff share a discord? Like.. you didn't give a reason. Just how to go about it and that you think it would help. The server has been around for 7 years and operated quite well on this system, as have many other servers. This would revoke permissions from Legacy members per battalion, Former BCMD tags, fun discord bots setup by the BCMD,  Its just confusing and there is generally no reason to do this. We already merged a lot into the main discord with the Training Hub and Some of Leadership being pushed into the Community Discord, battalions weren't done this way for a reason. 

I, Alongside @Rohan, @Tetraand @Finn do a LOT of the Server's Intel work. Tetra being a big mentor and running 41st, Finn taking care of 501st, 212th and CG, Rohan keeping High Staff automated and helping them create trackers, and myself with 21st RANCOR, (up until recently 104th) and Jedi,

We have all fucked with discord permissions, built documents and had YEARS of conversations in these separate discords. Some of these discords have people from years ago who stay in and talk, but nowhere else. Taking away these discords would kill server history and ruin old friendships.   I also don't think @Wosyand @Woenywant to go through all the effort of organizing and setting this up. Its a lot of wasted time for those two pivotal members of the community. 

EDIT: Also there is a role cap on discord roles! Let me show some issues here :P 

This is the role count in the THREE discords i manage, 

Jedi Order 
21st Nova Corps
RANCOR Battalion

This is together 304 roles just between these 3 discords. 

You can at most have 250 roles and maybe a small boost if you're a registered discord partner (don't quote me on this) This is not including the 2 largest battalions on Server, 212th and 501st. It would be ABYSMAL putting effort into this. 

Goblin ass response I with mystic tho so -1


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Yea this is a big no from me dawg. As one of the 4 people de facto in charge of server intel, I can say with experience that less is not always more in this case. Putting aside the amount of time and effort that would be required to actually make the change and combine all the discords (and would mostly fall on Myself, Tetra, Mystic, and Rohan), it would be a nightmare to upkeep/update. There are too many roles that need too many permissions to set up a system airtight enough for commanders and server leadership to feel confident no one would abuse the powers given to them. It would require a large team of people to constantly monitor everything, when right now we're trying to reduce the amount of work that people are required to do outside the server.

It sounds nice on paper, and I'll agree that some battalions have a lot of extra stuff going on that they don't 100% need, but part of allowing each battalion their own space is to give them the freedom to set up unique spaces and ideas that bring the battalion closer together.


tl;dr I ain't doin all that work

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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Welcome to the server! I appreciate what you are trying to do here, as bringing the community together is always a good thing, but I do not think that this would be the best approach.

While Discord is a great tool to bring a community together and consolidate everyone in one place, it is currently not in a good enough state for managing what we currently do. As has previously been mentioned, we have a lot of different battalions and factions and they all have the freedom to do things in different ways. If everyone was cookie cutter the same across the board, this might be more manageable and feasible to do. Because each battalion has their freedom on how they operate, each battalion is very fundamentally different in how they approach. @Mystic did a good job going over most of the logistical issues with this.

Each battalion may have the same ranks, but each battalion has a different way of viewing these ranks, so their access to things are different. Our intel teams also function differently and have different purposes. The approach the 41st takes to Intel is different than the approach taken by other battalions. We each have our own unique needs and purposes, and there's simply not enough tags to go around to make sure those purposes are met.

Logistically, it would be a nightmare managing hundreds of people at once.


Edited by Tetra

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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Systems Dev

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED.

If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.



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(These are some reasons that your suggestion might get denied for.)

  • Not providing sufficient information.
    • Ex: Just linking the workshop and not giving us the actual model path you want to use.
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  • Suggesting a previously denied suggestion within 60 days of denial.


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