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[Accepted] Clone Wars Server Ban - [CW] Art’s Ban App

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Name: Art
Steam ID:76561198104060045
Ban Reason:Hate speech
Date of Ban:5/31/2024
Length of Ban: 5 days
Staff Member(s) Involved: Kaiser
Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: As someone who has played this server for over 3k hours i never been banned nor said any form of hate speech, my mic cut out while running away from the group of people talking while saying "negative" i am a cajun and have an accent. i was currently applying for staff trying to help improve the server, I was not near the person during the clip and was not visibly in it. I love the community of Synergy and have on multiple occasions come back to make friends and build up battalions. If a person can be banned for things for saying things that sound wrong and taken out of context while not being fully aware of what's happening nor being around the individuals recording the clip it then staff members need to differentiate between hate speech and words similar in tongue as Garry's mod cuts off speech chat unexpectedly at far ranges. [I understand how it may of sounded though was not my intention to say something racist or involving hate speech]
Evidence to support your claims:[If you listen very carefully this is the clip given just slowed down.]  https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYB1TBpdZT9SAkrhW/d1337LeDlA9i?invite=cr-MSw0Z1UsMjEwOTIyODk5LA

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Head Admin
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       Zeros          Clutch



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I was unaware that Art was also working on a slowed down version of the clip so I have my own as well. I removed the extraneous audio so its only the part that Art said. I genuinely believe that this is an unfortunate intersection of Gmod proximity voice chat as well as Art's tendency to speak quickly, plus his accent playing a part as well. If you're familiar with that old Yanny vs Laurel garbage from years ago, this seems to be another situation similar to that. I do hope that this appeal is passed as I struggle with the idea that Art would be racist for no reason whatsoever as he has never said anything to indicate any sort of racism. If it's allowed, I'd like to +1 his appeal but I understand if that may not count due to submitting evidence myself.


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can you join teamspeak cause im so curious how you go from a IGGER word to EGATIVE (Being serious)


but i can KINDA see it i guess?


what is your accent im actaully MORE curious now

Edited by Bacta



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+1 the amount of y’all that say it in teamspeak and not banned is crazy. 

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I mean. It doesn't really sound like Negative to me? there is clearly an R. 


Boosted the audio 2x and i clearly here Neg-a but then theres an R. So i'm not really sure where the full assumption of the N word cames from. 

Ill +1 just be way more careful about the things you say. I have no reason to not believe you as the context would be non-existent, and it seems really uncalled for given the  clip.


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+1 Using mojavelicious's clip which removed the uneeded audio if you simply put the volume up and listen closely (since he was far away from the person recording the clip) You can hear him say "negative" quite well this is a straight cut case of just some misunderstanding and bad Gmod audio output that meant absolutely no harm at all when closely investigated.

Edited by Timber_Wolf_one
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+1 after hearing mojavelicious's clip and hearing it slowed down, IMO i'm definetly hearing egative.
Knowing the amount of time he has put into the server and the community i genuinly believe he wants to grow the server and community.

Current:  Jedi General A'sharad Hett

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Bro +1 

Free Art


Edited by Kurt
Wanted to add something
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+1 Lets unban this guy before the map releases!

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

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  • Director

Congratulations! Your ban appeal has been ACCEPTED.
You may be contacted by a Director+ to discuss your return.




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