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Addition of AV-7 & J-1

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Head Admin


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Adding the AV-7 (Republic Artillery) and the J-1 (CIS Artillery)

Add to the server

https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/AV-7_Antivehicle_Cannon https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/J-1_proton_cannon

Workshop content if applicable: 
AV-7 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3229078388
J-1 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236354287

These would be a nice addition. The AV-7 can be used again as a server training while the J-1 can be used by GMs as artillery, flak cannons, or other usages they can think of. It's different than the LFS ones as you can have a pilot + a gunner on this instead of one person doing all of it. 

LVS AV-7 In action


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Veteran Admin

+1 I like the idea will give the gm team more stuff to kill members with 

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AV-7 was garbage and loud. It didn't actually do damage  ( i dont know if this was Dev choice or a conflict/bug with stuff we had on server) and it was just useless when it was spawned in. 

Not to mention who would we give it to?

+1 for J-1 though. Artillery is a cool concept to fight against. Especially when we already pack TX130s/427s ATTEs ATRTs BARCs etc. The white noise would be cool and since its GMs using it there wouldn't need to be a sense of accomplishment (I.E the weapon doing damage)

Edited by Mystic

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-1 on AV-7

Just let it die.   Between the crashes it caused and being absolutely useless for 90% of maps.   We do not need it back. 

The other,  +1.

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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Head Admin
54 minutes ago, Zensras said:

-1 on AV-7

Just let it die.   Between the crashes it caused and being absolutely useless for 90% of maps.   We do not need it back. 

The other,  +1.

Watch the video, subscribe and try it out. The LVS version offers a lot more than the one you are referring to.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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I'll +1 this if the sound can be somehow lowered so it's not annoyingly loud every time it explodes.

Current: Dumbass

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