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Scottishes Application for commander meds


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Steam Name: Scottish 


RP Name: 41st GC PLT LTC Scottish


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:159337494


Battalion or squad you are applying for:  Medical commander Meds


Experience: I am medically trained as required for the job, I was the PLTL of the 41st which put me in charge of organizing all the pilots of the 41st  I stepped down from the position as I had gotten a pilot dock that was reliable up and running, We had a healthy amount of active pilot members and I had seen it fit that my work for the PLT'S was done and handed the position over to someone else. I am also an experienced roleplayer from the many times I have had to barter with transposons for the admiral to performing emergency medical surgery on commander bly when he was infected with one of the many viruses we seem to get on board the ship bly. I have also been a former member of staff (vet admin) And also a former game maker Showing that I can control a situation that I am put in charge of and also being able to deal with stressful situations well.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I know I have a reputation for being crazy and annoying and there are going to be more candidates for this spot that are probably well more equipped for the job. But What I can bring is experience in many of the things required for a leader for instances a level head for when a situation demands me to think clearly about an important decision, I have shown over  and over again through the 41st that I can Lead a group successfully but also I,m a strong roleplayer as I even do roleplay outside of star wars RP as I also do other games like DnD, Warhammer, and Shadowrun not to mention that I take my roles as serious as possible and will follow them threw ttill the end. I also bring an open mind to the task of being leading battalion which allows me to listen to listen to the needs of the battalion. I would be honored with this position and I will treat it with the respect it deserves. I also really have been stuck in the character of Scottish for a long time now and want a change from the norm and I believe this is what I have been looking for.

PS I am also well inversed in the medical form of rubbing alcohol. 

PPS  That above was a joke to lighten the mood 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, I have read up on the battalions, lore and I am more than familiar with it.


Availability: Weekdays  around about 12pm-6pm and around about  Friday and Saturday 5 am- 7 pm this is EST 


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: over 500 hours 


Do you have a microphone?: Yes 


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want the Republic medical division to have reached the following goals 

Have docs for all registered medics and the battalions they are assigned to, to have at least 5 active medics in each battalion, To have Appointed a medical officer and to have all the slots of medical surgeon filled but also to be able to leave the battalion up and running knowing it won't die without its commander.



Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes 

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  • Coordinator

-1 Im sorry but for a heavy med rp cmd I dont see you fit your  a really good pilot i know that but medic not so much 

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1 minute ago, woeny23 said:

-1 Im sorry but for a heavy med rp cmd I dont see you fit your  a really good pilot i know that but medic not so much 


But that's the point I have done the pilot thing to death and now I want a change from it I want to move on from being the irresponsible Scottish and become a more respected member in the community

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-1 scottish ive seen you do some decent RP but ive also seen you minge and goof off alot i personally dont feel you are ready to lead a brand new battalion and keep it on its feet.

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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The main reason is this: We need a strong leader and a strong medical presence as MEDS. A time for a trial with a new battalion and the very unique roles they play for this ship, I am worried that the new CMDR Meds would fall behind and under which would hinder the development of this new battalion.  My suggestion honestly is to join the medical core and work your way up, learning from those around you to step in and take over in the future.

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