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Luther's Palpatine Resignation


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RP Name: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

Date: 02/13/2023

Reason: I'll be honest, my life is kind of crazy right now, I just started the next part of my military career and it's taking up a lot more time than I thought it was going to and I need to put my full effort into it. Not only that but my Grandpa passed away on Saturday and I need to go spend sometime with my family. When I first applied for this position I had a lot of goals I set for myself and it sucks that I can't finish them right now but I'll be back to do it someday. This position was a lot of fun and to everyone who I had the chance to RP with, thank you for the good times.

Goodbyes: No goodbyes, I'll still hop on every now and again.


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o7 again

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07 dude

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