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Cryo's 10thSec RCMD App (Waived by Mavelle)


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Steam Name: 

ChaoticCryo | Synr.gg

RP Name:

Broadside / Cai DuLace

RP Rank:

Executive Officer

Steam ID:


Regiment you are applying for:

10th Sector RCMD

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

Throughout my time in Synergy, I have always been a part of 10th Sector. I have an unequivocal love for the Coruscant Guard and the rest of the 10th Sector Regiment and the rest of the Battalions within Synergy. I believe I would make a great RCMD for 10th Sector as I have a long experience with the Coruscant Guard (SGT-XO twice) as well as a multitude of relations with both Rancor and the 41st. I already have plans in place and in the works for improving, not just relations between the three 10th Sector Regiments, but relations between 10th Sector and the rest of the Regiments and Battalions as a whole. 
I believe I have what it takes to be a great third and final RCMD to complete the trio with both Meow and Finn, and I know that if I need help or assistance with anything at the start of my term that these two will be able to help me out.


7 Days A Week Unless:
or Working
(subject to change as i just left active service within the ADF)

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:

Coruscant Guard | SGT to XO - Tracker Officer to Tracker Lead - ARC Officer to ARC Lead - Intel Deputy Director - CG Thorn, Hound and Grey (First and Only)

Coruscant Guard | CSM to XO - Tracker Lead and Hound - Successfully Reimplemented Disciplinary Branch and Disciplinary Director - Interrogation Officer - Reimplemented Heavy Ordinance and Heavy Ordinance Officer 

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I wish the regiment to be at a point where they are consistently working together as a team again. 
I have noticed within the last few months of being back in Synergy that there appears to be quite a gap between the Coruscant Guard and 41st/Rancor. My goal is to close that gap between regiments have them continue to do trainings and deployments together to consistently improve their communications, combat effectiveness and relationships between the three of them. This is something that, if I was to get RCMD, I would be happy if it was the only thing I achieved during my term. My final goal is to see Rancor, 41st and CG all work together and not be at each others throats for one reason or another.

As for individually:


Coruscant Guard:  

Relations and Joint Trainings:  My main goal with the Coruscant Guard is to improve their relations with the other Battalions and I mentioned earlier in the application. If I get this role as RCMD, it will allow me to oversee and organise Deployments and Joint Trainings which, in turn, will improve the Coruscant Guards relations with the other battalions throughout the server. 
I have discussed this with Keegan/Shrimp already (and hopefully Bleach by the time this goes through) and we are currently working on organising some more joint trainings or even just socialising between the three Battalions. 


Public Standing: As we are currently and constantly working on already, I wish to improve the public figure of the Coruscant Guard. People tend to have a negative outlook on CG since they are the Peacekeeping/MP Battalion of the server, and with the help of Tessa we are always striving to improve that reputation. Putting me in the RCMD role will allow me more opportunities to improve this public standing of the Coruscant Guard 


Activity and Numbers: My first port of call is to help Keegan and the rest of the HC of 41st to improve their recruitment drive. I can see the current chain of command of the 41st have a passion to revive the Battalion so I want to help them achieve that in any way that I can possibly help.

Trainings and RP: I want to expand on the Translations RP that the 41st provide. It isn't very often that they get to use this training and I would like to give them another reason to use it, whether or not that means help give them events/deployments that specifically caters to that or even just have it used more often during RP. This will include liasing with the GM team and now that I am an Admin, I will be writing up ideas on how to achieve this.


Increasing ARC RP and Trainings: I would like to be able to increase the amount of actual ARC RP and the amount of ARC trainings that are done. ARC are specifically seen as Special Forces, and I believe that they should have some form of RP that shows that. As I stated in my last app, I want to achieve this by figuring out a way on how to make ARC's RP more predominant rather than just "they get better guns".

As for the trainings, I wish to talk to Bleach (when we are both available) about Rancors future and where ARC Stands, and where he wants to improve on it during his time as Rancor HC. This is something that will take time and not something I have been able to do since (as far as I know, due to timezone difference) I haven't been able to catch him to talk about it.

Numbers and Activity: As the same with 41st, I want Rancor to flourish and become a Battalion to be reckoned with on the Battlefield. I will be liaising with Toaster and Bleach to see how we can improve recruitment and improve activity of Rancor.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I know that all three regiments have had some recent history of minginess, which some of it is not their fault in the slightest. As I have stated above, I want to work together with all the BCMD's to get rid of this stigma and show the rest of the Battalions that the 10th Sector is not what some people claim them to be. 
With this, I will be working hand-in-hand with every BCMD in and out of 10th Sector to see how we can improve on this without stepping on their feet within their respective battalions unless asked to intervene or give my perspective.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes i do.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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I’m going to address something that I feel like most Rancor Officers can agree on from past and present, trying to increase the amount of ARC Trainings within a week Is truly the most annoying thing ever especially if you are not the ones to host it and never have, I personally cannot say I agree with the idea of doing more if anything maybe allow people to request it to be done, but doing more is pointless especially when no one already shows up and someone’s gonna say oH sOunDs like LazIneSS, it’s not it honestly just burns people out having to constantly do them especially when it is the same few doing it.


as far as your plan for activity goes, there is no real foundation to it else than discussing if you could provide ideas that you have thought of that would be great, but activity wise also I’d just say good luck considering how the server is looking population wise. And I’m not even going to lie the RP section of we just have better guns is kind of insulting to people who I can say actually put effort into RP in Rancor like a few people who stand out specifically with their activity and everything, but elaborating on everything kinda would help steer my opinion if you can do that.

  • Agree 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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58 minutes ago, Piff said:

I’m going to address something that I feel like most Rancor Officers can agree on from past and present, trying to increase the amount of ARC Trainings within a week Is truly the most annoying thing ever especially if you are not the ones to host it and never have, I personally cannot say I agree with the idea of doing more if anything maybe allow people to request it to be done, but doing more is pointless especially when no one already shows up and someone’s gonna say oH sOunDs like LazIneSS, it’s not it honestly just burns people out having to constantly do them especially when it is the same few doing it.


as far as your plan for activity goes, there is no real foundation to it else than discussing if you could provide ideas that you have thought of that would be great, but activity wise also I’d just say good luck considering how the server is looking population wise. And I’m not even going to lie the RP section of we just have better guns is kind of insulting to people who I can say actually put effort into RP in Rancor like a few people who stand out specifically with their activity and everything, but elaborating on everything kinda would help steer my opinion if you can do that.

Of course, I can completely understand about doing repetitive trainings. That's why I mentioned in my App that I would discuss it with Rancor HC to see what would work best for everybody. 
One Idea that came was for ARCL's to be able to train ARC Selections for a while until Rancor built their numbers back up so the same people aren't doing it every 5 minutes, whilst still letting Rancor handle Leadership Try-outs as they see fit.
The plus side of this is that it allows more manoeuvrability to move around ARC Selections based on the Regiment rather than the times that Rancor can actually host it, plus it allows Rancor to take a break from being harassed about Selections every 5 minutes. The only downside is that Rancor would have to monitor the Selections from the Regiments (maybe the said Regiment or Battalion can only host it 1-2 times / wk). Thats just one idea.

As for the comment I made about the "better guns", that wasn't aimed at Rancor in its entirety, that was only aimed at *most* people I have seen get ARC status. Whenever I ask somebody why they went for ARC 90% of the answers are "We get wrist blasters and Westars". That's something I would like to hear less of and thats why I would like to work on that. 

  • Confused 1

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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I gotta say, I've personally never seen you in game. You've mentioned your plans, and how you're going to talk to HC of the battalions about them, but why haven't you done that already? I don't see anywhere where you reached out to the relevant BCMDs to ask for their support. This all seems very jump-the-gun.

  • Confused 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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4 hours ago, Lovestruck said:


I gotta say, I've personally never seen you in game. You've mentioned your plans, and how you're going to talk to HC of the battalions about them, but why haven't you done that already? I don't see anywhere where you reached out to the relevant BCMDs to ask for their support. This all seems very jump-the-gun.

You've probably never seen me IG due to time zones because I can honestly say I've never seen you around either. I live in Aus so there's a decent gap in time there.

And I did say in my app that I reached out to Keegan (41st doesn't have a BCMD atm so they're the closest) and I haven't been able to reach Bleach for a while, but I have been trying.

15 hours ago, Hanz said:

-1 Still don’t want any more CG influence 

I've seen you ask this and I'm genuinely curious as to why. I get the feeling that no matter what I say you won't change your mind, but you know that there's active HC now who's ex-CG?

And I can genuinely say that I don't think I know you, so why the CG hate?

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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22 minutes ago, Cryotec said:

You've probably never seen me IG due to time zones because I can honestly say I've never seen you around either. I live in Aus so there's a decent gap in time there.

And I did say in my app that I reached out to Keegan (41st doesn't have a BCMD atm so they're the closest) and I haven't been able to reach Bleach for a while, but I have been trying.

I've seen you ask this and I'm genuinely curious as to why. I get the feeling that no matter what I say you won't change your mind, but you know that there's active HC now who's ex-CG?

And I can genuinely say that I don't think I know you, so why the CG hate?

Very well. Then +1 good luck!


  • Friendly 2

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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i am literally captain tukk

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