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Siege Deployment


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Name: Ryujii

Who helped (If applicable): Otter

Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): CT Commander called everyone in Siege to take back a Village that was taken over CIS. 

Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: N/A


Warrant Officer Reign/Ryujiispacer.png

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7/10 Good for 1 person most of the time, but try to spawn some different droids. 21st was devoid of recon with the commando droids detecting cloaks, and it made it rough to fight the whole manufacturing budget of the CIS. Nice first deployment though

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6/10, Solid deployment. Seems as if it was a shoot-em-up but on a larger scale and with a small added objective with the CPT. Not too bad, I'd incorporate some more RP interaction with event jobs (once you can get a few haha) as well as some player driven RP.

Full-time Server Boomer



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I've never been a GM but I've got a few critiques for further deployments you may host in the future.

Some things that can help are to remind folks to place down there tac inserts when you've got a somewhat big map like this.  That way they spawn always at the original place.

Another might be to avoid some pre-spawning especially with the NPC  Group tool!  That can cause major lag.  Sometimes it's good to use, but I think you should pre-spawn rarely and only with small amounts of droids. You can always spawn in an NPC MTT and have the group spawned in then.

I think some more direction or call in's w/ the intercom might be useful to get updates from the troopers.  

Avoid using BX droids the majority of the time, but I can understand why you'd use them for this. 


All in all for a first deployment I think it was pretty good and you just need to correct some things, build a story line per chance and you'll be creating great deployments! 

Do not be discouraged from hosting the future :)

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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