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Zahariel's Staff Application


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RP Name: Zahariel

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:8625416

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): To be 100% honest I'm interested in being a game maker. I don't mind taking time to assist  players in conflict resolution or gameplay issues, but I prefer transparency and honesty, and thats why I feel it's important to note that designing and hosting events is the primary reason I apply. Synergy Roleplay is the only community I've been apart of on Garry's mod that I've truly felt like I was a family member of. I've gotten to know many players, and made many friends on the server, and I feel being an administrator would allow me to better give back to the community that has given so much to me. I've no problems with answering tickets, taking time out of my day to ensure others can have the best experience possible. I care about Synergy RP, and I feel that the feeling is somewhat mutual, and that's what leads me to applying today. I'm one of the most active players on the server, and genuinely enjoy my time on it.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Dustin, And I love in Columbus Ohio. I work as a security guard at an Arena complex that hosts Basketball, Hockey, Concerts, and a plethora of other events. I spent the last 7 years working in customer service as a cashier or sales associate. I'm imaginative and creative, typically passionate in the work I do so long as I enjoy it. My girlfriend is a University Student, and head of a student architecture firm, a the source I draw inspiration from to keep me proactive and busy. I spend my free time playing on the server in between being with her and working. I'm an open book, If you want to get to know me, I've no problem talking about it. I'm also adorable, but that's not as important. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? A year ago I was an Admin on a Garry's Mod Dark RP server called Savage Squad Gaming. I left when the server became too toxic and it ruined my player experience, something I hope to keep from happening on Synergy.

Thanks for taking the time to read my application. If you feel I'm not a good fit for staff, please give constructive criticism so that I may improve my attitude or play style to better fit in with the community. Hope you have a great day, Papa Bless.

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