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[Mavelle] Stolen Valor


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Name: Mavelle

Who helped (If applicable): Glizzy, Caidoon

Event/Encounter Name: Stolen Valor

Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Attack Regiment was sent in a detachment to cull an uprising by the Hutt Cartel's former third-in-command, Chado Depifesse. The troopers found that the uprising's main base of operations was located in a scalding-hot canyon on Tatooine. The forces pushed their way through the canyon with a bit of trifling, but in the end were victorious!


Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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9/10 Dupe was great and the use of the mediaplayer was very good. I crashed 3 times but still had a great time. There were many elements in this that I could go into such as the voice changer, intercom RP, etc. but I think you know what you did well. I have no complaints, the only thing keeping this from being a 10/10 is that it was not the absolute best event I've ever been in. Thanks for deploying us, you're getting scary good at these.


Jedi Youngling

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Forum Admin

@FatherHanz You probably deserved it

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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