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Perma Weapon Idea


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Name: Brooklyn

RP Rank: Recon RCMD

Suggestion: Adding in a weapon on par with the lightsaber rifle that costs a stupid amount of credits

Implementation: Add a god weapon worth 750mil to 1bil

Lore: Lol what's this mean

Workshop content if applicable: Require Development (Or just modify a weapon to meet the criteria)

  • Funny 2

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 As funny as it would be it’ll only be annoying as hell like the NT and the RC shotgun. Would prefer we keep the amount of cancer weapons to a minimum.

Unless it’s a Lego blaster that shoots big super slow turbo lasers. Then I’ll +1

But on a fr note if this is serious I’m not rockin with another op weapon even if only one person will be able to get it.

Edited by Marvel
  • Agree 2


i am literally captain tukk

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this suggestion is literally just an attempt to power trip wtf brooklyn

-1 i would argue that the guns that we currently have are already too expensive. We need to go back to the olden days where the most expensive gun you could buy was 4mil.

  • Confused 1


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9 minutes ago, Fyi said:

this suggestion is literally just an attempt to power trip wtf brooklyn

-1 i would argue that the guns that we currently have are already too expensive. We need to go back to the olden days where the most expensive gun you could buy was 4mil.

this isnt really to be taken as a power trip but ok

  • Funny 2

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Yeah this wouldn't help the server at all, its just dumb. -1

This is useless since put into context this would take a normal trooper a minimum of 12 years of constant AFK'ing without any assistance of gambling or daily rewards to purchase.          

I really don't see the necessity in having this type of weapon either.

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Sorry Brooklyn

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