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[DENIED] CWRP - Zests Staff App


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RP Name: Zest

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80053467

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 19

Timezone: PST

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Alright I would like to start off with an introduction, my name is Zest, and I've been a member of this community for just under 3 years. I have grown to love this community, even with all my ups and downs throughout the years. I've made many friends here and I've seen some of those people become staff; I would like to test my worth as well. My hours are quite wonky, meaning I'm usually on during late hours, where most Aussie and European folk do trainings and tryouts. I do also happen to notice that there is a lack of staff at that time(where I would also like to try my luck with the GM program to assist in late night events/encounters), where I would like to assist. Many trainings/tryouts happen at weird hours and I wish to be part of the "after-hours" team. Some people may not like me, but there are those that are willing to give people chances, and what's a community without a little grey area? I promise to be on my A-game and try as hard as I can to help the community and better myself as a whole as well. I believe I have what it takes to be part of the team and I hope you can realize that my confidence is a big plus. It's also my downfall. I will explain below.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Now that we've gotten past the appetizer, here's the entree. My name is Cort. I'm an adult. I pay bills. I pay rent. I have taxes. I have responsibility. I hold myself responsible to my own actions and I will say, I'm not perfect. Nobody is. I am chill person most of the time. I do get heated sometimes, but I know how to calm myself down. You will not have to worry about me "thwowing a tantwum". I know how to diffuse heated situations as well. I am calm and collective for the most part. I joke around a lot, which is something I acknowledge to a grand scale, and something I'm willing to put a suppressor on for this position. When I am not having fun, I'm usually serious.
Now as stated in the previous category I will attempt to state my flaws that operate in tandem with my strengths.

1) I am a confident person; willing to state the exact thing I have done, in order to give the most accurate possible evidence whether in favor of myself or not. I don't like sugarcoating shit, I tell it how it is or how it happened. If I get in trouble for something, I own up to it. I've never ran away from an arrest in-game, I've never ran away from an arrest IRL.

2) I do drugs. This keeps the scale in an equal balance. I'm sad, so I take drugs. In return I'm a chill person, very straightforward, and very confront-able. Me being high does not affect my work ethic as I am regularly high so it's become my definitive demeanor and attitude(You can ask Ratio all about it). But because of that I'm easily paranoid; when people say shit about me when they are obviously joking I can tend to take it seriously and lose track of the definition of sarcasm. This doesn't mean I become an asshole, I just become very... questionable, in a neutral way.

3) I have insomnia. My insomnia is the reason for my unusual hours. I am able to be there for late night shit(and I am active during mornings/nights). But I tend to be sleeping when community meetings and other big events in terms of the political side of the server.

4) I am a discussional person. I like to discuss things and see both sides before making a final decision. I hate people that jump straight to final answers, it lets me know they're insecure. It lets me know they have weaknesses. It lets me know they are able to be taken advantage of. I don't like doing it, but if my duty calls for solving an issue, you can count on me to get an accurate verdict.

5) I don't like drama. Self explanatory. I will dodge it if I can, but if it's directed at me I will take appropriate action.

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes, twice. First was High Administration on a small server(around 40-50 casually) by the name of "Generation Gaming" a little over a year ago for Imperial RP, I maintained functionality of the server in terms of activity of commanders, interviews, applications, forums, etc. Unfortunately the owner had to shut it down, and the administration dispersed. And the other being a Moderator on a HaloRP server by the name of "Revival RP". I left the team there a few months ago due to some legal troubles that the owner and his high staff had gotten themselves into (DDOSing other servers to eliminate competition, the posting of illegal pornographic content in their discords) and I didn't want to be involved.

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: Zest has played for 1826:44:59.

If anybody has any questions regarding my application or has any personal questions you want to ask before making a final decision, my discord is Zest#1378

I am frequently on discord so I will most likely respond within an hour, give or take a few minutes.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Previous offense waived by Forseen.

Edited by Zest
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Forum Admin

I would love to know your previous offence before i vote!

  • Informative 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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1 hour ago, Guac said:

I would love to know your previous offence before i vote!

In complete whole-hearted honesty:
"Bruh, I'm going to kill myself"
Issued by Dragon. We talked it out a couple days ago. He remembers the situation and it was only a week for my punishment.
Hope that cleared it up for you!

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Forum Admin

+1,  just gotta work on your attitude and how you present yoyrself to people in certain situations 

  • Friendly 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Forum Admin


Learned about your previous situation which was pretty stupid. Seems like a good fit for staff.

  • Friendly 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 good luck

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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