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Joseph's SC BCMD Application


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Steam Name:(SR) Joseph (NA)


RP Name:TR 187th Regimental Overseer (Would overseer the punishment/blacklist of the 187th, And lead the classes of ESS SS and HVY,) Commander Joseph


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:1:97189627


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Shadow Company

Experience:  Doom’s unit ENG PVT-CSM Joseph

In my time as a DU trooper, I would assist my officers in leading events, Hosting tryouts, And learning leadership skills that still help me today, The battalion was fun and it was back in Icefuse, I did end up getting bored of it, And took a long (3 month) break from icefuse, At the time i had a pretty busy schedule (One i don't have at the moment) I enjoyed my time and had fun with DU, On ground missions i got a chance to lead my XO's one time, It was overall a good first experience

187th Legion ENG PVT-2ndLT,

My time in 187th was incredible, Reaper and the other officers always gave me something to do and i never got bored of it, Whether it be doc work, Tryouts, Going up to the stand, Promotions, You name it i would do it to the best of my ability, I would do daily tryouts to get have numbers stay about the same even if people left, And lead several events in Icefuse (This was Icefuse time) It was a very enjoyable experience and met a lot of people who are still friends now @Jason @Forge @Reaper It was a good time for the server (Until this server happend) and events would be pretty good, Until one day i came on, And saw over a dozen staff resignations including Naavi, Which shocked me, (All past this will be synergy)

327th Star Core SS SMB/LT Joseph

This was my first battalion on synergy, I got a good rank transfer, And spammed my tryout bind all day, I recruited a few people, But for some reason there was no appeal to the 327th for most new recruits, It made me upset, I was trying so hard, I swear i updated my bind like 5 times just in case it was that, But then i did get some people, It was then i realized ITS HARD TO RECRUIT FOR DEAD BATTALIONS, Hard, But not impossible,,, I would lead events, Update docs, And Help Hudson and KanZ, But i knew 327th was not gonna be a place where i could stay forever, I only went there for a little to help out, And do tryouts, My time was cool shoutout to KanZ, He is the best 327th along with Banana berry, Who are spamming them tryout binds efficiently, I learned leadership from Hudson while i was in 187th, When he was training officers in leadership for a while, And i feel i am ready for this spot

187th Legion ENG/HVY 2ndLT/Captain Joseph

The 187th has always been my battalion to go back to, Reaper has given me many chances to show i can lead, I proved to him i was able to lead events. This experience was one of my favorites, I lead events, I lead drills, I did tryouts, i did doc stuff, Anything an officer was expected to do, I was doing, The 187th has given me wonderful times, In icefuse and synergy,

101st Regiment JTL PVT-Commander Joseph

In my time as a 101st i learned a lot of good things from my BCMD Forge, He pretty much taught me how to be a commander, I would train the new recruits, Get them in battalions, Lead events, Help Forge with the roster and maintain the battalion while forge was gone, This was a very fun and enjoyable time, And the 101st can be pretty fun if you have the right set of people, I would get on everyday, Lead the 101st into battle, Then later train them for other battalions, There was a trooper every once in while who would see how much fun we had and would say "I want to join 101st it looks cool" I would  try them out a little bit, Make sure they were trained and whitelist them to Assualt trooper and get them in teamspeak, This was a good time for 101st, Until  it fell apart, Spitfire and Lilac/Rose/Yashiro went inactive, And it was dying a fast death, Forge started to main his jedi (He was a good commander) more cause he enjoyed it, And the last straw for me, Jirachi left the 101st, Leaving me alone with forge, So i left, For something better

187th Legion Regiment Overseer (Explained what it means) Commander Joseph

I would lead drilling, Make documents (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bAms5u1DmYb0z4tkDrTy-S0oiZDEeLTWR31S2ATcLP4/edit?usp=sharing)                    Lead PT, Make sure all my officers know there shit, I would also lead the Punishment branch, It's my job to weed out minges, And i implemented a 2 strike system for the battalion, 1 strike = Demotion to TR3 2 Strike = Kicked out Or blacklisted from 187th, Depending on the severity, I helped jirachi with docs, Attended Commander Meetings, And still enjoy my time, I might be a little sad to leave honestly, the 187th is less mingey due to work me and jirachi and jason put in, And with the systems i put in place it should stay that way, I lead events daily and did all commander duties assigned to me, Instructed NCO and officers to do tryouts daily, Made a promotion system , Which should encourage NCO's to do tryouts, And do good in events to get a reccommendation, I have helped the 187th to the best of my ability, I Believe its time for something new (SC BCMD Hopefully)


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:I would lead this battalion to the best of my ability, I would make whatever documents are needed, And do constant tryouts, I might be the commander, But i will still to constant tryouts, Make drilling a twice a week  thing mandatory for CPT and below, Lead the battalion in events (From the start if i get active officers, I would let them prove there worth by leading) , And make a new promotion structure, Possible new class structure, Possible new class docs (Whatever is missing), New tryout Doc, And much more coming including a  Shadow Company discord, I would use the discord Instead of using a google doc to fill out tryouts, You would put it in the tryout section of discord, Same if you did a promotion (So we could obey the cooldowns) You would mark it down in the "Promotions" text channel, I would also fight for SC to get bunks (This is something later down the line) So it would be easier to get tryouts coming , I want to make SC active again, And hopefully some people will join me, I will do my best to revive SC, I'm also a very quick learner, And could learn about the ins and outs of SC in less then a week


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:Yes


Availability: Alright Mon  I can be on almost all day (Unless i’m in school at that time) Tuesday  Same as monday, Wed I can get on until  like 7 then i go hang out with some friends, I get back at like 10 and play until  12/1am,

Thursday-Sunday, I can pretty be on all day on the weekends and friday


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since the first beta test, And was in the teamspeak within like 4 hours of the TS getting up,,


Do you have a microphone?:Yes,


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:Looking good, Having 4 active commanders, A good overall battalion structure, A respected Officer team, And NCO's who earn a promotion  by ranking up slowly, I wanna see them not just active, But not mingey, And when people minge in SC they get kicked out, I want to see the SC be an active battalion, And keep improving


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?Yes, If i need to take an LOA i will, I won’t go anywhere without warning

Edited by TRR 187th ENG CSM Joseph
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-1 Honestly from the time I've talked to you, you are a solid dude. But I feel like we need someone with past SC experience the most right now, not to mention the other contender is helping the battalion at his best already, as am I. You're still a solid dude though. <3 

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2 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

-1 Honestly from the time I've talked to you, you are a solid dude. But I feel like we need someone with past SC experience the most right now, not to mention the other contender is helping the battalion at his best already, as am I. You're still a solid dude though. <3 

SC has been dead for like a month, Figured they would want somebody who is experienced, But not in SC, Not being an SC is not really something i can improve upon, Still Jayarr your a cool guy

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-1, you have no experience within the battalion. This seems like an attempt to move up the chain of command in my personal opinion, you deleted your 101st commander application once Naavi applied and I feel like you just want to become battalion commander of any battalion at this point. 

  • Agree 1
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3 minutes ago, Zomb said:

-1, you have no experience within the battalion. This seems like an attempt to move up the chain of command in my personal opinion, you deleted your 101st commander application once Naavi applied and I feel like you just want to become battalion commander of any battalion at this point. 

When this postion came open, Which you can ask vanhorn he is the one who told me, And immediately, I knew i wanted to apply, I know it seems power hungry, Or that i want to go up a rank, I pulled my up, Because i wanted to go for SC commander, Ever since Aust got it a while back i have wanted to, I know you won't believe me, But the only reason im not in SC is because i would go down to like 2ndLT, I was trying to join SC at the time of making the app, But i would no tbe able to apply unless im a CPT+

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So I've edited this to reflect a change of attitude I've had towards this topic. I was too quick to jump the gun on a -1 before I took time to formulate my opinion on this.

     My main reason for my initial -1 was that you were not a member of SC, thus you should not run it. But that is the wrong idea to have in mind, because the people who ARE there have done little to nothing to help save the battalion, clearly a change in leadership is necessary.  The New Guard must take over for the new as they seem simply incapable of wanting to fix the battalion, and someone with a good resume of command positions may be the fit for the job. The only concern now is that this is indeed a power play for a BCMD position, and if that is the case, there is still a chance you could revive the battalion anyway, and if you don't, you get removed, job done win-win. So I am willing to put my support behind you because I believe you may be able to successfully save this battalion from it's slow, painful death. I hope that you will be able to successfully carry out an implementation of good reforms to save SC and to help bolster its numbers back to its previous glory.


                    - I remain,



Edited by Washington
Change in opinion
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7 minutes ago, Zomb said:
1 minute ago, Washington said:

-1, for the simple fact you were never in SC, have no experience in SC, and that just makes you unfit for the job compared to the competition, sorry bud

What i meant by that, I would be able to do more good if i was the BCMD, IMO, But sorry for this application

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1 minute ago, TRR 187th ENG CSM Joseph said:

When this postion came open, Which you can ask vanhorn he is the one who told me, And immediately, I knew i wanted to apply, I know it seems power hungry, Or that i want to go up a rank, I pulled my up, Because i wanted to go for SC commander, Ever since Aust got it a while back i have wanted to, I know you won't believe me, But the only reason im not in SC is because i would go down to like 2ndLT, I was trying to join SC at the time of making the app, But i would no tbe able to apply unless im a CPT+

You claim to love the battalion so much, yet you are not willing to go to the rank of 2ndLT to help it? Even if there was a chance that your app rank req could get waived? Im sorry, but I'm now certain. You are not qualified for this position of Shadow Company Commander.

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5 minutes ago, Zomb said:

You claim to love the battalion so much, yet you are not willing to go to the rank of 2ndLT to help it? Even if there was a chance that your app rank req could get waived? Im sorry, but I'm now certain. You are not qualified for this position of Shadow Company Commander.

Im just trying to help, Im not meaning to be "Power hungry", I thought change would be good for the battalion, its been dead for a while, But im not in SC because im applying for this spot, I feel i could do the best for the battalion if i lead it, But im sorry im not in SC,

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I disagree with a lot of people here but this is my opinion. 

Joseph I have seen your leadership and it is very very very good. I love your app and you went into a lot of detail. I talk to you a lot in teamspeak and I notice some good things you say that if you get this spot on what you would do. All because you were not Shadow Company it does not mean that you can not make it better. The benefit of you applying as the SC and if you get this job, then you have a fresh pair of eyes. You can see stuff that can work. Its not very often that I support someone who was not in that unit you are applying for, but I see some great stuff in you. We all have to start some where.



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So, I assume you can tell what's coming from the title, this is my rant on what I believe to be the dumbest -1 reason ever used. This post will involve some "tooting of my own horn" so, if it offends you.... read it anyway, I don't care. I see at least 2 of these -1s on every commander application from someone outside of the battalion, and I've seen it ever since I've been involved with this community (July 2016...) so I know it's not just a small thing that just happens on occasion. I suppose I can understand the reasoning behind the -1. It's someone that you don't know applying to lead your battalion. I will be talking about the practical use of this -1 - insinuating that experience in a battalion is required for you to be successful leading this position. I'm gonna tell you it right now, IT'S NOT. 

This is where the self-boasting comes in to get my point across. Most would say that I was a very successful commander for Rancor and in a way, am a somewhat legendary commander as a result. I've never joined Rancor/ARC traditionally, not once. I've been a commander 3 times and never tried out for the battalion. My first term I was running against the remainder of Manson's followers (mainly Turok) where I was flooded with -1s due to my lack of experience (I was a 91st COL). I was chosen, and despite my "lack of experience", I essentially built what is now the Rancor you all know and respect. A battalion that was previously seen as a minge battalion. TL;DR, a 91st COL with no experience turned ARC into one of if not the best battalion in the community. 

Hopefully after reading this story, you'll understand why I feel so strongly against such a pointless and petty -1. Don't -1 due to lack of experience guys, it makes you look dumb and sways commander results for no reason. What would have happened if I was denied ARC commander due to my lack of experience? Food for thought I suppose.



Previous Blitz, Fizzik

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Just now, TRR 187th ENG CSM Joseph said:

So, I assume you can tell what's coming from the title, this is my rant on what I believe to be the dumbest -1 reason ever used. This post will involve some "tooting of my own horn" so, if it offends you.... read it anyway, I don't care. I see at least 2 of these -1s on every commander application from someone outside of the battalion, and I've seen it ever since I've been involved with this community (July 2016...) so I know it's not just a small thing that just happens on occasion. I suppose I can understand the reasoning behind the -1. It's someone that you don't know applying to lead your battalion. I will be talking about the practical use of this -1 - insinuating that experience in a battalion is required for you to be successful leading this position. I'm gonna tell you it right now, IT'S NOT. 

This is where the self-boasting comes in to get my point across. Most would say that I was a very successful commander for Rancor and in a way, am a somewhat legendary commander as a result. I've never joined Rancor/ARC traditionally, not once. I've been a commander 3 times and never tried out for the battalion. My first term I was running against the remainder of Manson's followers (mainly Turok) where I was flooded with -1s due to my lack of experience (I was a 91st COL). I was chosen, and despite my "lack of experience", I essentially built what is now the Rancor you all know and respect. A battalion that was previously seen as a minge battalion. TL;DR, a 91st COL with no experience turned ARC into one of if not the best battalion in the community. 

Hopefully after reading this story, you'll understand why I feel so strongly against such a pointless and petty -1. Don't -1 due to lack of experience guys, it makes you look dumb and sways commander results for no reason. What would have happened if I was denied ARC commander due to my lack of experience? Food for thought I suppose.



Previous Blitz, Fizzik

This is nice and all, and I still like you, but making such a huge rant and gloating about the rancor experience is very unprofessional and shows that you can't take much heat as a commander. Try and relax maybe with the post a little and make it look a little less hostile, then I can slightly agree. :P 

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Just now, Jayarr said:

This is nice and all, and I still like you, but making such a huge rant and gloating about the rancor experience is very unprofessional and shows that you can't take much heat as a commander. Try and relax maybe with the post a little and make it look a little less hostile, then I can slightly agree. :P 

Thats a quote from fizzik, Lmao , Not me

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Just now, Jayarr said:

This is nice and all, and I still like you, but making such a huge rant and gloating about the rancor experience is very unprofessional and shows that you can't take much heat as a commander. Try and relax maybe with the post a little and make it look a little less hostile, then I can slightly agree. :P 

oh shit, sorry lmao. im dumb. got confused there

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You know, i can see both sides of this, but seeing the "youve never been in the battalion" one is a little off the chart for me, most people wont remember this, but a long ass time ago when the old ARC battalion was wiped, it took on a commander from outside the battalion. i cant for the life of me remember who it was, but the ARC and now rancor STILL has a legendary reputation due to this fact, whos to say it wont happen here with this man here?

To counter another point, if i made a CMDR app for a battalion, and then saw a previous CMDR who had alot of success(naavi) hell i would void my app too.  

@Jayarr perhaps you can back me up on this point, dunno if you remember

Alot of people liked me as a BCMDR, or just Commander back in the day, not to toot my own horn but considering what 327th got after me, i was probably a legend because of how active my battalion was when i was Bly, and i have never been in another battalion up till that point, the guy applying for this? has probably has more experience than me, and apparently his methods has been successful in the past. i dont see why he shouldnt be CMDR

a power play? excuse you did you sneeze? 

WHO HASN'T DONE A POWER PLAY BEFORE. it wouldnt even have to be a high position, we've all done it at one point or another

okay, im gonna get some caffeine now




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1 hour ago, TRR 187th ENG CSM Joseph said:

So, I assume you can tell what's coming from the title, this is my rant on what I believe to be the dumbest -1 reason ever used. This post will involve some "tooting of my own horn" so, if it offends you.... read it anyway, I don't care. I see at least 2 of these -1s on every commander application from someone outside of the battalion, and I've seen it ever since I've been involved with this community (July 2016...) so I know it's not just a small thing that just happens on occasion. I suppose I can understand the reasoning behind the -1. It's someone that you don't know applying to lead your battalion. I will be talking about the practical use of this -1 - insinuating that experience in a battalion is required for you to be successful leading this position. I'm gonna tell you it right now, IT'S NOT. 

This is where the self-boasting comes in to get my point across. Most would say that I was a very successful commander for Rancor and in a way, am a somewhat legendary commander as a result. I've never joined Rancor/ARC traditionally, not once. I've been a commander 3 times and never tried out for the battalion. My first term I was running against the remainder of Manson's followers (mainly Turok) where I was flooded with -1s due to my lack of experience (I was a 91st COL). I was chosen, and despite my "lack of experience", I essentially built what is now the Rancor you all know and respect. A battalion that was previously seen as a minge battalion. TL;DR, a 91st COL with no experience turned ARC into one of if not the best battalion in the community. 

Hopefully after reading this story, you'll understand why I feel so strongly against such a pointless and petty -1. Don't -1 due to lack of experience guys, it makes you look dumb and sways commander results for no reason. What would have happened if I was denied ARC commander due to my lack of experience? Food for thought I suppose.



Previous Blitz, Fizzik

The issue with posting this here, is that Shadow Company isnt like RANCOR or 327th, 187th or any other battalion. Its far different, on par with difference from main units similar to that of RC and Null (ill explain this). You see, Shadow Company has something that no other battalion has, and someone with no experience in the battalion, does not understand how to control it.

That item is the cloak. You see, if you look at RC and Null, they all have internal leaders, (Cipher, Chris, etc) rarely ever do you see anyone from an external battalion come in to lead them.

This reason is because they have power, they have honor, and they have an image. Someone coming in without the experience, simply won't understand this image, and it leads to a large influx of new members who simply are there to minge or get free promotions, or for a large assortment of other reasons.

Unfortunately, for a new incoming non-internal commander to get accustomed to all of this new responsibility would take too long, Shadow Company is trying to revive itself. Someone has to have the internal experience or else it would take to long to write rules, regulations, tryouts, etc, for the battalion.

By the time you would be finished, the battalion would have been deleted or you would have a CMD report for inability to hold numbers. 

Because of theprevious reasons, my minus 1 still stands. I still do not believe you are qualified to hold the position of SC Battalion Commander.


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Zomb to be honest with you... maybe it is time for a new person from a  different battlion to take over and give this a shot someone who isent in the battlion. its not bad to have new eyes come in and control a battlion that be perfectly fine i feel like joesph will be able to do a lot for the balttlion. if you don think so. what if joesph does get it are you just gonna abandon it or are you gonna be there to teach him. thats the honest question right there. 


Edited by Reaper
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Honestly, the only reason why people are -1ing this application is because they don't like to see change. To be frank, we can all admit that SC is a dying Battalion. Most of the officers have either left, or have become inactive, and Honestly I don't see them anymore. You wanna talk about someone deserving of BATT CMD? Let's talk about Joseph for a second. As a 187th CMD, he has been entrusted by Reaper to promote who the thinks is worthy of it, and has worked with us other CMDs and Reaper to create a document to prevent the whole "187TH PROMOTES EVERYONE TO CMD" mindset that people have put on the Battalion. Jason, Joseph, and Myself all work with Reaper to not only keep the battalion in good standing with the server, but to also keep Reaper in check from feeding into this mindset (no disrespect reaper, but we do have to tell you a lot of times that you promote too many people at once). Joseph has worked tirelessly to make sure that our battalion is in a state of improvement. Because of Joseph, the amount of minges that have come into the battalion have decreased significantly. Because of Joseph, we have started to be able to start changing the way that the 187th is looking. Slowly, but surely, the 187th has been improving, our numbers are higher, our policies against mingeing are stronger than ever, and a lot of that has to do with Joseph's contributions to the Battalion.


You wanna know what I think? I think that people who -1 because of the fact that he's not in the battalion is fucking stupid. It's like, you'd rather have SC be further plummeted into the pit of being cut out of the server rather than to see that Joseph wants to help the SC with rebuilding. It's fucking childish, and not good for the battalion, nor the community. I admit, there was a time that I wanted to become SC because of how cool they were. Now? they're so inactive that they're on the chopping block. The majority of officers have all left, meaning that the axe is teetering closer. I'd rather see the SC bring in someone who is capable of bringing discipline and action into their battalion than see it axed from the server completely


With that in mind, +1 to you Joseph. If you do end up becoming Batt CMD of SC we'll miss you, but I know that you'll be able to make the SC a great battalion again. Don't give me the whole "SC isn't like other battalions" crap, because at the end of the day, we're all here to have fun.

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5 minutes ago, JirachiSirachi said:

You wanna know what I think? I think that people who -1 because of the fact that he's not in the battalion is fucking stupid. It's like, you'd rather have SC be further plummeted into the pit of being cut out of the server rather than to see that Joseph wants to help the SC with rebuilding. It's fucking childish, and not good for the battalion, nor the community. I admit, there was a time that I wanted to become SC because of how cool they were. Now? they're so inactive that they're on the chopping block. The majority of officers have all left, meaning that the axe is teetering closer. I'd rather see the SC bring in someone who is capable of bringing discipline and action into their battalion than see it axed from the server completely 

With that in mind, +1 to you Joseph. If you do end up becoming Batt CMD of SC we'll miss you, but I know that you'll be able to make the SC a great battalion again. Don't give me the whole "SC isn't like other battalions" crap, because at the end of the day, we're all here to have fun.

Shadow Company is already rebuilding, and I haven't seen Joesph go over to lend any help. They have a few officers who are woking very hard to revive it. And I can assure you, my former officers are quite capible of bringing discipline and action to Shadow Company. 

Secondly, the majority of officers left during the transition to Synergy, I had around 16 officers on Icefuse, coming over I believe SixSeven had about 8, not bad especially for a specialized battalion. After SixSeven left, the numbers just kept dropping, it wasn't Frecks, or Austs fault, people just got burnt out. But the point is, their numbers are increasing, due to Freck, Jayarr, and Max pushing them down the right path, the only major outside assistance they have had is Max

Finally, "the SC isnt like other battalions" thing you call crap, please give me another group of both size and lore that has Cloaks or another very powerful tool given to it? I can assure you that there is none. 187th doesn't, 501st, 327th, RANCOR, 101st, 38th, Null, RC, don't. The only closely related group you could associate with them would be CG, because they get batons, thats the only similarity. And trust me, I know my shit here on this point. On Kachirho on IFN, the main commander I could relate and discuss issues within both of our battalions was @aStonedSparks, because our battalions had so much in common. We were so separated and different from every other battalion that we grew a relationship and became friends from it. 

To fix itself, SC needs an internal candidate with experience. Not an outsider.


  • Agree 2
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59 minutes ago, Zomb said:

Shadow Company is already rebuilding, and I haven't seen Joesph go over to lend any help. They have a few officers who are woking very hard to revive it. And I can assure you, my former officers are quite capible of bringing discipline and action to Shadow Company. 

as of typing this, the server has 0 SC on in a server of 107. If the Shadow Company is rebuilding, wouldn't that mean that there would be at least one SC on to do tryouts? Face it Zomb, the SC are dying and you know it. Your officers are not active. I checked this an hour ago as well, and there were still zero. If there were SC on, I'm more than sure that Joseph would be more than happy to help you guys out. Of course, that's if you don't do what you do in every event I see you participate in and tell them to leave.

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I'm going to stay neutral on this as I have no personal opinion on Joseph Although I am leaning towards a +1 as the dude can be helpful at times.


1 hour ago, JirachiSirachi said:

as of typing this, the server has 0 SC on in a server of 107. If the Shadow Company is rebuilding, wouldn't that mean that there would be at least one SC on to do tryouts? Face it Zomb, the SC are dying and you know it. Your officers are not active. I checked this an hour ago as well, and there were still zero. If there were SC on, I'm more than sure that Joseph would be more than happy to help you guys out. Of course, that's if you don't do what you do in every event I see you participate in and tell them to leave.

I will give it to you SC is dead but what you are saying,no offense is spitting in the face of all the people who decided to come back and try to help SC. Max picked multiple hard working officers to come in and help rebuild SC.These people consists of Jayar, Freck, and even one of my own Nulls(Vanhorn) who is helping them create docs and get reformatted. From the looks of it early today they had 6 people on at the same time, the most the battalion has had recently. So no offense don't fucking expect what ever the fuck you are expecting. SC is rebuilding it takes time."Your officers are not active." The fact you believe its Zomb's officers makes me fucking laugh as only one person who was a officer under Zomb is currently an officer at the moment(and he only recently came back. Until Now SC had no Officers. So of fucking course "no officers are going to be active") .There have been other individuals that have come in to come and help. Zomb has had no opinion or choice in the SC as THEY AREN'T IN HIS REGIMENT ANYMORE. Again this is not ranting about Joseph in any way, its the fact that Jirachi said no one in SC at the current moment is trying to make the move towards rebuilding it. "If the Shadow Company is rebuilding, wouldn't that mean that there would be at least one SC on to do tryouts? Face it Zomb, the SC are dying and you know it"


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-1 this seems like a massive PowerPlay to just get BCMD... you took down your 101st app because Naavi... IN WHICH you could of still beaten naavi in interview, but you wanted to secure a BCMD position... In my eyes, and obviously others... this is a powerplay and you being power hungry... You shoulda just left your originial app up than removing your 101st app and copy and pasting it here changing couple words to fit SC


Edited by Fido™
  • Agree 1
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1 hour ago, Fido™ said:


-1 this seems like a massive PowerPlay to just get BCMD... you took down your 101st app because Naavi... IN WHICH you could of still beaten naavi in interview, but you wanted to secure a BCMD position... In my eyes, and obviously others... this is a powerplay and you being power hungry... You shoulda just left your originial app up than removing your 101st app and copy and pasting it here changing couple words to fit SC


Fido can i talk to you man, I promise im not a power hungry asshole, I try to be nice to everyone, The reason i took down my app, Is BECAUSE THE SC SPOT OPENED!, Not becuase of naavi man, Im not trying to be power hungry, Im just trying to help a battalion, And i wiped my app, And made a new one

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27 minutes ago, Freck said:

Although I am going for the position aswell, and SC does need a BCMD. Ima stay neutral for now. Lots of +1 and -1's EVERYWHERE !!! AHHHHH !!! 

freck u cant do either. if u +1 or -1 it will get your app voided. i think its still a rule

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7 minutes ago, Flynn said:

freck u cant do either. if u +1 or -1 it will get your app voided. i think its still a rule

Good job Im staying neutral then xD(I didn't know about that rule so thanks for telling me <3) Best of luck Joseph!


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I know everyone has their own opinions on joseph becoming the Shadow Company BCMD. In my opinion he deserves a chance to run for the spot. Even though a lot of you think he is power hungry and voided the 101st BCMD to put this app out is irrelevant to the situation. I have known Joseph for about 4 or 5 months now and he has been a not only a excellent friend but also a great commander. Shadow Company needs to have a change and I believe he can fix the current situation.

Since the server came out Shadow Company has had very little in numbers. I have been on the server for over 600 hours since the launch and i barely ever see shadow company tryouts. If there were more active players they would have grown much better. I was the 101st BCMD for a while and about 7/10 recruits said they would have liked to join shadow company because they looked “cool”, but unfortunately there was never someone on that was able to do tryouts. Joseph was one of my commanders for while i was BCMD and i showed him how to manage and run the battalion. He served under me very well by training and sending recruits for other battalions. He was always very loyal and will serve punishment when it was needed. When he decided to return to the 187th i bid him farewell as they welcomed him back with open arms. Out of the 4 commanders he was my most active and dedicated Officer to the battalion.

I believe Joseph could bring some big change to the Shadow company if you let him. He will be dedicated to the battalion as a whole. He will make sure someone will be hosting tryouts or be hosting them himself. This is not a move to gain more power this is just him simply trying to make a battalion thrive. Even as vanhorn said the only reason he voided his 101st BCMD app is due to how this one opened up, and he feels like he can really help the battalion.

Joseph you get my +1  hope you make it my dude!

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Just want to say that I don't understand why people are using the reasoning "Shadow Company NEEDS a commander now so +1".  Yeah, it needs a commander, and it's definitely in a bad spot, but that's exactly why more thought needs to be put into making sure they get the right commander.  I'm staying neutral on this app, but just rushing a person into the position because it's needed can hurt shadow company more than it would help it.

Edited by Slack
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4 minutes ago, Slack said:

Just want to say that I don't understand why people are using the reasoning "Shadow Company NEEDS a commander now so +1".  Yeah, it needs a commander, and it's definitely in a bad spot, but that's why more thought needs to be put into making sure they get the right commander.  I'm staying neutral on this app, but just rushing a person into the position because it's needed can hurt shadow company more than it would help it.

I agree with this to an extent. Shadow company is just any battalion now, they are actually elite and not some battalion that says they are. SC needs someone who understands that and knows how to control it. Elite isn't easy.

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On 22/09/2017 at 0:24 AM, TRR 187th ENG CSM Joseph said:

When this postion came open, Which you can ask vanhorn he is the one who told me, And immediately, I knew i wanted to apply, I know it seems power hungry, Or that i want to go up a rank, I pulled my up, Because i wanted to go for SC commander, Ever since Aust got it a while back i have wanted to, I know you won't believe me, But the only reason im not in SC is because i would go down to like 2ndLT, I was trying to join SC at the time of making the app, But i would no tbe able to apply unless im a CPT+

xD Ur basically saying ur not power hungry and what ever and u want to help the battalion but u dont want to join because u go down to 2ndLT... Sounds power hungry my guy.

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After seeing both apps, Im going to -1

Joseph, youre a great guy, but i just feel Freck will take SC to places no one has yet seen. I feel as if you should Join SC, and then maybe at a later date apply. I know you have experience, but once again, i just feel as Freck will be a better leader in this dark time for SC.

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