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Everything posted by Wing/EZKape

  1. Name: Wing/EZKape Event Name: Wing's Planetary Raid Summary of the story: Proceeding the abandonment on the Rishimoon Outpost, the CIS took control of the moon and made a droid factory there. The Republic received intel about it and decided to destroy it, take the CIS intel, and stop the malicious activity in which they succeeded. What was the result of the event?: All +1s (im sad since this is my last event) Republic won Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up
  2. Name: Wing/EZKape Length of LOA: Until the end of the School Year. Not an LOA, just a reduction of activity. Reason: School has been getting to me lately and is flooding all my past leisure time. And it's all coming in at once like an avalanche. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yessir. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yessir.
  3. I will definitely try to plan this out better in part 2. There were alot of changes made to fit, and somehow it just didn't work properly. Thank you.
  4. Name: Wing Event Name: The Return of Narco Summary of the story: Narco, a mad scientist, was interrupted by the republic during his research. He sought this as an opportunity to get medical supplies and turn his back on them. He asked for stuff like credits in which he then got executed by the republic turning his back on them. He came prepared, though, since he uploaded his conscious to a console on his primary outpost and will now seek revenge on the republic. What was the result of the event?: 2 -1s, (wow), will have a part 2. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: 1/2 RP 1/2 shoot-em-up
  5. Name: Wing/EZKape Event Name: Wing's R2 and C3PO Event Summary of the story: R2 and C3PO were given CIS intel by a republic acclamator and ordered to bring it to the nearest Republic Venator to download to republic database. In doing this, the CIS figured out that R2 and C3PO got the data and tracked their location. Commando droids aswell have General Gravy (Grievous) proceeded to attack the ship and try to take the data back, which they did in vain. Grievous esca What was the result of the event?: CIS lost. Some Metagame. Most +1s, -1s due to some lag and overused storyline (sorry I just wanted something for all of you to do) Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot-em-up
  6. Name: Event Name:Wing;s CIS Event Summary of the story: Darkness Squadron was called on the Venator to help out ARC-2064 (Dark) on a mission to scout coordinates that Dark received from a commando droid's helmet. They were then spotted by the CIS, tracked by the CIS, and the force tried to assault the Venator to take the intel back, which they did in vain. What was the result of the event?: Grievous escaped, Intel logged into republic database, happy ever after. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot-em-up.
  7. I agree. Know I know not to do these kinds of events for a while.
  8. Name: Wing Event Name: Wing's Voodoo Virus Summary of the story: the 188th Legion went on a mission to Minntooine and was returning from the mission but contracted a deadly virus (besides the pilot). They were then "cared for on the ship". The virus then proceeded to go airborne through the ventilations and effected a great many troopers (zombies were spawned). They "eliminated" the virus in a way I will not mention and happy ever after. What was the result of the event?: Some FailRP (will not point fingers or mention, some -1s, most +1s, and disease gone, Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Med RP and Shoot-em up equally
  9. My bad I forgot to put you in the AAR. Its in there now.
  10. Name: Wing Event Name: Ugly Umbarans Summary of the story: The 222nd was on a convert mission on Umbara where they infiltrated an Umbaran outpost in which it was a mission fail, but they did take some data despite the heavy loss of troopers. The Umbarans then proceeded to get triggered and place a tracking beacon upon the ship to take revenge. Then, they shot up/terrorized the republic in the effort of taking the droid away from them to prevent the data to go into republic circulations. (Edit: forgot to put this in but Joseph helped me create the event) What was the result of the event?: all +1s, 222nd all alive, umbarans died. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot-em-up
  11. Name: Wing Event Name: Wing's Merchant Meme Summary of the story: The CIS decided to terrorize the republic by taking republic merchants hostage, giving them fake weapons, and placing tracking beacons onto the crates. Once the received the coordinates, they arrived on the ship, along with general grievous and had the goal of shutting down the engines and data mining (which they failed to do). What was the result of the event?: General Grievous got captured. Will have a part 2. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up. Did have a bit of RP at the start
  12. +1 best papi. Does great as a 187th CMD
  13. Never thought of that. Thanks for the recommendations!
  14. Name: Tradd/Wing/EZKape SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111915727 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: I would estimate 500-700 hours. Including Icefuse, ~1000 hours spent playing. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I would say my knowledge of the Clone Wars is 8. It's not perfect but I've watched Attack of the Clones and the Clone Wars animated series 1 time through, although that was quite a while ago. How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: My communication and leadership skills, in my belief, are extremely well developed. I can express thoughts, ideas, events, or problems thoroughly and with clarity. I can also direct, command, and or lead a group extremely well to a close or exact goal. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I do understand that if, I, a man that resides on the planet Earth with the identification or so called name of Aiden with a virtual nickname of Wing of which who plays on his computerized device, or simply "computer", that plays on Garry's mod, a virtual game that costs 15$ on Steam made by Valve, that plays on the subsection of the game, STARWARSRP, within another subsection Synergy Roleplay that is currently using his computerized device to interact with the game and at the moment using the computerized device to apply for a position within the subcategory rankings of being an Admin, namely Game Maker, will be removed from the Game Maker program if I am inactive. Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: I'm a person who likes to RP meaning I would most likely do RP Events. I would throw in a shoot em up every once in a while, but those aren't to my taste. Catering to both parties, I will present an idea that incorporates RP and a shoot-em-up. To add, this event idea will take place when the event server comes out. It is also based around a friends old event ideas and I plan to carry that legacy along, that being Hell Fire's. And this is not plagiarism, I have received his permission to continue his Narco events. This is also a 1 life event meaning if the troopers die, they have to switch back to the venator. To introduce Narco, he is a cyborg that is essentially a mad scientist/doctor that knows his intelligence is overwhelming and takes that for granted and toys the republic with it. He also has a truce with the Confederacy of Independent Systems meaning he can call in a droid force (foreshadowing). What will happen first is Narco will comms in "Oh. What a coincidence? I've found just what I needed." and Narco will call in a droid force to attack the Venator and force them into defcon 1 meaning they switch to the event server. Narco, having his experience with the republic and having very keen guessing skills, meets them on the planet Geonosis. They keep indirect contact meaning Narco is transmitting through their comms and slowly leading them into a "game" by threatening the republic with many things giving the clones an incentive to find Narco and kill him. Narco tries to lead them into the droid factory, and if the clones do go to the factory, Narco will close of all the exits. Narco will then proceed to send his Magnaguards out to kill the clones. Narco will then start having fun with the clones by, for example, playing music, cutting their comms, and sending a small group of droids every now and then. After 5-15 of the assault, Narco will tell his droids to come back, and will demand the clones to bring the 3 highest clearances to his laboratory otherwise the factory explodes. This is where the RP comes in. Narco will discuss with the higher ups for some amenities like credits, weaponry, or advanced medical supplies since he needs credits for research. If they come to a conclusion where they will give him those things Narco he will call all the clone troopers to a meeting room, while at the same time transmitting to Pre Vizla to arrive, with their weapons stripped whilst 3 IG100 Magnaguards will be in the room and Narco, as a hologram, will tell the clones not the shoot otherwise the factory explodes. Narco will then discuss what has happened and the deal they made. He will proceed to delay the clones by talking and rambling while the deathwatch arrives slowly to Geonosis. When deathwatch is almost on his way, Narco dismisses the clones and leaves off on a "friendly" note. Narco then says "Why don't you republic have a GRAND interesting exit?". Some event job Deathwatch and a small group of NPC deathwatch will then be spawned in to buffer their escape. In the meantime, Narco escapes with his magnaguards, some deathwatch, and the ameneties. End of event. All troopers that survived should get a REC since it was a 1 life event. (Note that there will be many Narco events. There wont be a part 1 and 2. It will be much lengthier than that).
  15. +1 is a great leader, sets a good example, and has a descriptive nice app. One of the best guys I know personally!
  16. -1 Advertised. If you knew the rules, you should've known that.
  17. +1. Very honest, very descriptive application. As what I saw on Icefuse, you were extremely mature (when needed to be) and did an amazing job in not only RP. Good luck!
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