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ClawST`S 187th BCMD Application


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Steam Name:


RP Name:

TR 187th RegL Colonel ClawST 

Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

The 187th Legion BCMD


im only going to be talking about my experience on Synergy


91st PVT - CMD: My time in 91st I had a lot of  different jobs started as the ARFL I was ARFL from SFC to CPT And after that I moved on to ARCT And I eventually moved to AOVS As CMD


187th - TCPT - COL I don't have as much time in the 187th to talk about other I believe I've helped the Battalion a lot to get it to be better i am now the RegL of the Battalion as we get no other high ranking Officer False is in the hospital and Dreams It's just not active for the Battalion


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

 I have proven my leadership, and that I can function properly. I've very passionate, clear minded, focused, and capable. I'm not a minge, and have never intentionally broke a rule I knew about, been banned, or kicked on any server I've played on. I have 3000+ hours on Garry's Mod. Most of them being on Star Wars and other Military style RP servers. So All of my experience is backed up. I can also be very active, I try to be on for 6-10 hours a day. teach people how to lead and command if they need help instead of just demoting them instantly,  I will also try to help in any way I can with OOC things If need be. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:




I am a European so my time it's not the same as anybody else 

 Monday – 9 am EST - 5 pm EST

Tuesday - 9 am EST - 5 pm EST

Wednesday - 9 am EST - 5 pm EST

Thursday - 9 am EST - 5 pm EST

Friday - 9 am EST - 10 pm EST

Saturday – 5 am EST - 10 pm EST

Sunday – 5 am EST - 10 pm EST


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Since roughly of April 2019


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want it to be, functional, independent, and professional. I want it To be well trained and listen to orders and dont disrespect other battalions within the server and be loyal. I want the battalion to be active, doing trainings, and recruiting often. I want a serious image for the server. I have a good system for managing and keeping my battalion in line. I want to make sure the next BCMD after me, can keep this image, and that they have an easy time doing it. and be fun


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:



I want to add some extra stuff: I've never been the best to Make applications so That's why my application is a bit short

Edited by Claw
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Current: Retired

Former:  BCMD Blitz, Guild Lieutenant, Jedi Branch Overseer-x2, Guild Leader | Jedi Council Member

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Guest Ricky

SGM Ricky

Doin this cause he is an overall excellent Colonel and is very active, I see him on almost every day and also, he makes pretty good plane noises


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Head Admin

+1, likes to make racing sounds with me just now. Also: currently the only high officer within 187th that is active. Does his job well and is very capable.

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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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nothing but pleasant experiences with this lad, thank you for going above and beyond with me in investigating that poor mans situation.

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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+1 This is what we need as a commander. We need right now more than anything someone who can step up and take charge. Good luck buddy.


I forgot to add in the absence of CMD he has really stood up and done his part. I feel a lot of people would tuck their tail but hes been oud go to guy this whole time.  

Edited by Camilo
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Neutral I dont doubt ur leading capabilities but you joined about 187th about 2 weeks ago and so I'm giving an idk chief 


Dreams It's just not active for the Battalion (wouldn't let me quote on mobile)

 dreams is Australian so his timezone is wack compared to everyone and usually is on at night and everyone in 187th from when I last talked to them understood that 

Edited by justuscloud5
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+1 Claw is very active and is a very friendly person. He shows his leadership time and time again 

-187th ARC 2ndLT Banzai

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Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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ClawST is one of the single most hard working commanders I've seen in a bit. At least when he was in 91st.
He's been working for a long time, and by no means is he unworthy of any BCMD position imo. He is very flexible, he knows how to communicate with people, and he's all around a nice guy. The potential this man has to be BCMD is rather beautiful. I don't believe the reasoning "He's only been in the battalion for a week or two" is too grand for this man. Like I said, flexible and hard working.

Good luck. Hopefully this doesn't get denied for being a little late.

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-1 Ew gross Defect

+1 In all seriousness. When he was a commander in 91st under me, he did lots of work. He has some of the biggest drive in the battalion. It was sad when he transfered into 187th but he will always be one of my defects. I feel you have the ability to help 187th even if you dont have alot of experience or anything. A small app does not mean a bad one


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Big Fucking +1


For those of you who don't know, ClawST is a fucking outstanding commander during his time in the 91st, he has shown dedication, commitment, professionalism, and great leadership, I was sad to see him leave our battalion but he definitely took part in bringing the Battalion back up on it's feet, and for that, I know he is ready to take on the role of a Battalion commander. 

Everyone's gotta start somewhere, and this is definitely his time to shine.

Edited by XSilentJoe
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Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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I'm dreams on my mobile. Now I don't know if I'm allowed to comment on this but.


My last LOA I have just taken is an ROA. And it's because my best mate has just returned from his 1 year exchange to Norwiegh. I think that is more than fair to take an LOA is it not?


My last ROA/LOA before that was 29th of June. For 1 day for my cousins birthday in which I was on discord the entire day.


The reason you where not given CMD 2 weeks ago was for this exact purpose all officers in the battalion saw your transfer as a power play which this application has just confirmed, which I do not mind about but if you are going to call me inactive tell the community the reasons for my LOA and my last ROA and the time my time you ask me to get on which is a consistent 1am. Ontop of that I only haven't gotten on twice when you have asked because I have not been home or about to sleep.



i was also on the other day and held a battalion meeting... the first one held in a while implementing new strike system, removal of jobs etc and working with the  battalion. 



Edited by Reed(Phone)
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7 minutes ago, Reed(Phone) said:

I'm dreams on my mobile. Now I don't know if I'm allowed to comment on this but.


My last LOA I have just taken is an ROA. And it's because my best mate has just returned from his 1 year exchange to Norwiegh. I think that is more than fair to take an LOA is it not?


My last ROA/LOA before that was 29th of June. For 1 day for my cousins birthday in which I was on discord the entire day.


The reason you where not given CMD 2 weeks ago was for this exact purpose all officers in the battalion saw your transfer as a power play which this application has just confirmed, which I do not mind about but if you are going to call me inactive tell the community the reasons for my LOA and my last ROA and the time my time you ask me to get on which is a consistent 1am. Ontop of that I only haven't gotten on twice when you have asked because I have not been home or about to sleep.



i was also on the other day and held a battalion meeting... the first one held in a while implementing new strike system, removal of jobs etc and working with the  battalion. 



i hope you know that when you are applying for a bcmd+ position you cant comment negative feedback on your opponent right?


thus getting you denied 

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1 minute ago, SmallJeff said:

i hope you know that when you are applying for a bcmd+ position you cant comment negative feedback on your opponent right?


thus getting you denied 

I have been called out with false accusations I've simply stated facts. If I get denied it whatever.

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