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So, shortly after the release of the server, a lot of people was complaining how there is nothing to do on the server, server was boring, being on a venator sucks and etc. Most of those people have been playing for like 5 months or so. All of you that says that, I just really want to tell you to shut the fuck up. Like I'm sorry but ive been playing in this community for like 3 years now (if we add the time that we were on Icefuse). Ive never been bored. Always had a great time on the server and you know why ? I just RP. That easy. all of you complains how boring it is but most of the people that complains, never host sims, never do passive RP, never RP what so ever, never does training. Back in the old days battalion would always do training, sims and stuff like that. When I say training its like formation trains or even PT just because of the fun of it. This is a RP server not a shooting simulator. IF you dont do any kind of RP oustide of events that is literally why its boring. Back in the day I would always see RANCOR in MHB train their formation, not because they needed to just because they did it for RP and do dumb training like that is part of the RP. Im sure @Fizzik remember that too. All of you need to do more things, training and interact with your battalion (this is mainly for officer) you guys dont do anything with your battalion like honestly. So please stop complaining and start doing RP. THis is the reason why the server is slowly degrading no one does anything outside the event and then they blame the game master programme for not doing anything... like hello ? you dont do anything either like shut up LMAO.

Anyway my rant of the day you guys do you but for the love of god please try... for the server, for the community and for RP. This is a RP server after all

- Old guy Bazoo

Edited by Bazoo
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Memes aside, I agree with this post 100%

I see too many times that people complain in game or in TS that there is nothing to do on the server, but the server is RP. The server is what you make it. If you are not willing to initiate RP with other players on the server whenever you are bored maybe this isn't the place for you.

For instance, Sev and I have been going on patrols nearly everyday and we do passive stuff around Endor. I'll stop by all the comms towers and do routine maintenance on them. Same with the Outposts. If you are bored, just find or make an RP situation to interact with. It will only make the server a better place, as long as the RP is appropriate.

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"You think this is roleplay, you zoomers have no idea about clockwork rp"

cracks open a can of "Breen's Civilized Union Water" and lifts it to the tip of my lips, loudly sipping the metallic beverage with clenched eyes, before slamming it back down on the bench with a satisfying click of the lips.

"Yep, those were the days"


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I agree

so let’s talk about how whenever I ask for a tank they say no. Like come on I’m tryin to RP here, or whenever I go insane due to PTSD. They all just say I’m failing RP because I shot like 8 clones 🤷‍♂️ Bruh I just wanna rp lol

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Former: Liaison


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It's a complicated issue. In seems like a misunderstanding between the parties participating and their intentions. Things like other server structures affect this aswell like the plentiful hierarchies, the rules. Out with made structures the culture also affects the experience. Most RP interactions I have seen have been largely determined by rank. A medic will put more effort into RP for a jedi master, but then not be invested in the same person on a different job like a CT or low ranking battalion member. Personally I have experienced this and was just left slightly confused and disappointed. But that's my ramblings. 

Any thoughts, I dont bite so quote/@me



"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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