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Its Max :D

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Hey guys its Max I love you all and Im excited to come back and show people how much I care its not the server its the community if you have not seen me or talked to me yet my short story will come soon but for the OG's I miss you all I miss naval star wars my family..... we all have been though ruff times  I miss alot of people Qal Tac's ect but its about making a new home and I could not he here without you for the last 4 weeks i've been working hard to loose weight I lost 6 pounds already and Im so happy Icefuse really got me fat xD anyway here is my story and some shout outs 



                                                                                           So I joined 91st on November 23rd 20164000_screenshots_20161123082124_1.thumb.jpg.772f77af897f04ffed289591473f886e.jpg

                                                                                                                My first Family 

4000_screenshots_20161204011156_1.thumb.jpg.d6a96f6a3bfc636d11ea0ad034601d88.jpg 4000_screenshots_20161204005407_1.thumb.jpg.821e93793e85b7f156fd4acc77b373a5.jpg




As you can see my time there was short Got to MAJ but one day I saw some naval doing medical training And I was in love with the idea of becoming naval so I bought T5 and jumped into tryouts


                                                                                   A fresh start 



  I was finally in Naval and got Crewman :D


Then I worked my way up to vice admiral :D


 I also made a doc to my admiral of what I did in my first week as Vice admiral - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-S5XuH8EBNpGLZVMQGs6zgnWLJhLkUk3_YJ4EKl71dk/edit?usp=sharing

                                           And one day My Admiral Gene got removed sadly so It was my time to step up and I made the right choice :)


                                                                            Best decision of my life  





                                                                                               Now at that time I was given a position I could not refuse I was a office in every single branch in Icefuse and was CTRD I was told one day I could become a executive and ect and I know I had to take it before hand I was offered like 12 HA position but in order to do that I would have lost my admiral but they told me I could keep my rank and ect


       Now My second term was Up and I replied and the amount of +1's was amazing :D it made me so happy



                                                                       Now something happened where if you been the admiral for 3 terms you could now become palpy and I know I had to go for it :D



And look what I got the most important role on the server I was so happy but sad that I left my naval people said I was the best admiral ever and I love them all for it :D


                                                                         The next step


                                                                      Then Red G became a thing 




 Then the day all of us were waiting for about 7 months on the UPDATE!


                                                           A new world 



                                                                                                           Cool senator bunks :D



Then the day came where everything went down will my friends left all of my friends I felt alone so I talked to corv and tld him I needed to leave for IRL and to be with my friends :D then Joah made his own server :D


                                                                           Follow your friends :D





     I love my family and I hope to look for more its funny haha while I was writing my return letter I found out someone made a demotion request for me xD but anyway I love you all and here are some of my best friends and Im back bby :D









- @Joah I love you man you stopped me from getting demoted help me though staff and made me a executive also gave me HA on here sorry I left you I wont do that again 

- @Rush Cat I always hated that they did not give you DVL but now here you are I remember when we played halo 3 it was a blast :D

- @Bacoon Remember that joke about you and your mom ;)

- @Reptilia even though you said my leadership was not that good and you made a demotion request for me You are still one of my best friends thats why I made you my vice never regretted that in my life

- Biggest cuck love in my life @Medic

- @Weeaboo My best Naval 

- @Lazer My first commander my first Vice and my fav HA :)

- @Beb Love you bby always wanted me to be a HA and kept wanting me to get palpy

- @Bebo Always fucked with me 

- @Bagel Best ST ever

- @Alistair Longest ponds I ever knew

- @Amup you were so loyal to the 91st it was crazy 

- @Caps Got me PUBG we watched E3 together one of my best naval true friend 

- @Dadd We dont talk alot but we were best friends when I joined 91st in November 

- @Gene_Starwind Best admiral I ever had well the only one xD you are a true leader

- @Halpert Medieval cuck :D

- @Jayarr Best Builder 

- @Kain I want you to yell more

- @Kane Funniest mother fucker ever

- @False Why is your name not false 

-  I Feels you always hated me xD but we still love each other @Kazane

- @Keem you need to STFU

-  Always trust me and I love it@Camilo

- @Fizzik We have Hate love

- @Zander Il let you rape me again anyday

- @Lean Rage clan

- @Flynn you were really skilled 

- @Naavi One of my best trainers now look at you im proud of you

-  Best 187th commander the numbers you have are crazy@Reaper

@Onions you were my best naval for such along time till you left me I cried ;(

- @Peacock such a troll but you are my troll ;)

- @Llama/Yoda Best yoda that this server will ever see

- @Dargon you are the black guy now correct how is it?

- @Sad Burrito another OP builder 

- @Technodad You were my dad in game grew me up shaped me and Im proud of that

- @Used you USED me way too much

- @Vint Arc was your calling and you treated like it was your bitch

- @Yancer 41st is your home and always will be

- @Omaha longest living HA ever

- @Faoeoa OMG you make me so made I told you to never leave me you leave come back you do that to me 3 times xD

- @Trig One of my best senators

- @Trumpski Love you fox

- @Stout I know I bullied you as a naval but you are a true friend and we have been though a lot together

-  Cuck@Rambo













Edited by Max
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I do believe people need 2nd chances and I believe you when you say that you are here to be a good Palpatine. All the new CG players ask about when they get to guard the chancellor before you came back and it was just kind of a shrug answer, You kind of give the CG players a bit more of an importance, yea Naval are important and all but you can always get more naval, you can never get another Chancellor Max. I hope to see you a lot more in events as us here in the higher ups try to change CG into something better for the server

-Current Commander Fox/Trig Related image

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hey im mentioned for once


im gonna miss u cuck <3

Edited by Jayarr
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damn @Max i remember that second picture with 91st.  Us, big ben(razor), and a few others just sat on top of crates and shot the rakghouls, then one of the rakghouls got juked by an RC and was trapped behind the fence thing or whatever you want to call it.  I remember we could barely even be touched.

Edited by Dadd
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Just now, Dadd said:

damn @Max i remember that second picture with 91st.  Us, big ben(razor), and a few others just sat on top of crates and shot the rakghouls, then one of the rakghouls got juked by an RC and was trapped behind the fence thing or whatever you want to call it.

I know best moment on icefuse xD

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i miss the days of British and archer before i was admiral those were the good days in naval and once they left all there was in naval pretty much was me to pick up the pieces and try to reform naval and get it on track to what it is today, if it weren't for all our efforts, mine yours and techno-dad's as the previous admirals naval would be very different than what is in place.

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Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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On 8/18/2017 at 3:41 AM, Gene_Starwind said:

i miss the days of British and archer before i was admiral those were the good days in naval and once they left all there was in naval pretty much was me to pick up the pieces and try to reform naval and get it on track to what it is today, if it weren't for all our efforts, mine yours and techno-dad's as the previous admirals naval would be very different than what is in place.

Could not agree more :D

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