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Adding a Teleporter Add-On. Would be useful in maps where traversing location is important for the way the event is set up, most specifically on the Star Wars Universe map. This would allow for seamless transittions between areas without having to spend 10+ minutes manually teleporting people. This can also dynamically change the map by allowing the Game Masters to create their own path for the map; where as normally you'd go through the map as points A-B-C, the Game Master could make it go A-C-B or etc and revamp the feel of the map by changing its normal path (Ex. instead of blocking an area, you are teleported ahead of it and walk to it backwards instead of waiting for a wall to be deleted). Another example you could take a map with caves and have a teleported in one to give the feel that you are entering through one cave and exit somewhere else through another cave (cave entrance/exit can be built, not just be mapped caves). This is only limited by imagination and will bring many possibilities.


Adding the Add-On to the server and setting up the restrictions for it.


As the late Smokes would put it, there are magical faeries that teleport us around so we might as well put down a machine that will do it for them.

Workshop content if applicable:
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")


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As long as you dont get those annoying laggy witcher portals I am good with it :D +1 i rather like the add-on you posted

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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A very useful feature I forgot to add is that this has been made to work with PermaProps. For example; we could set the spawn points on Star Wars Universe to be on the Venator map and permaprop teleporters to each individual map in one of the rooms. Seamlessly going from the Venator to one map, return and go to another. This also brings the possibility of reworking the main server by creating our own teleports, example being putting a teleporter on one of the dead end doors on Extensive and having it come out through another dead end door to create shortcuts or continue the flow of patrol.

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2 minutes ago, Zyner said:

A very useful feature I forgot to add is that this has been made to work with PermaProps. For example; we could set the spawn points on Star Wars Universe to be on the Venator map and permaprop teleporters to each individual map in one of the rooms. Seamlessly going from the Venator to one map, return and go to another. This also brings the possibility of reworking the main server by creating our own teleports, example being putting a teleporter on one of the dead end doors on Extensive and having it come out through another dead end door to create shortcuts or continue the flow of patrol.

Ok now that's epic 

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