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Everything posted by Edgar

  1. +1 On everything except for the Bacta Grenade, I believe that should be kept with SOBDE only.
  2. -1 I don't believe the position of Governor is needed to be given out currently, big problems need to be fleshed out in the Guild first. Also, there is very little plans for the senate within your app.
  3. This shit is shorter than my first Governor app -1. In all seriousness you should really rewrite this app.
  4. +1 Let’s make it easier for Brooklyn to have killstreak moments.
  5. Only reason I would say to keep it still visible for the other factions is for stealing comms off of someone, because then there is no way you can see their comms if you have stolen comms, other than that +1, would love to see a workaround though.
  6. I made these all myself, looked up synonyms for words, I have a couple more, they just didn't sound the best.
  7. "The Falcons Nest" If it has high areas. "Subterranean Enclave" If it consists of caves/ is underground. "Alpine Outpost" If it is mountainous. "Sweltering Hamlet" If it is very watery/wet area. "Sylvan Crossroads" If it is relatively wooded/wooded with an opening. "Tropical Enclave" Another one if it is relatively water/wet, or even a slightly wooded area. "Plunderers Paradise" If it is near a big water mass, kind of a pirateish setting. "Wanderers Haven" If it is kind of a ran down area. "Mercenaries Utopia" If it is a relatively well kept area, appears to be in good condition. These are some ideas, can mix and match some of the words if you feel like it
  8. +1 According to FearRP rules, only clones can use this, Civilians can not, Jedi Padawans can not, and Human Navals can't, literally making it pointless for a good portion of the server.
  9. +1 But can you make the font for your experience readable , I'm basically Asian so I can't see it.
  10. -1 You deserve to have it gone.
  11. +1 This guy won't send me back imessage 8 ball
  12. 5 | 5 | 5 Very cool Kanye.
  13. +1 I'll see your resignation in 3 weeks.
  14. +1 I'm almost as bad as Otter when it comes to gambling
  15. +1 I agree with Zeros
  16. +1 Free my Mans
  17. +1 Free my Mans @Crisp This guy ain't deserve it
  18. AIght , if this is what its gonna be, as long as its run correctly I could see it turning out good. +1
  19. I know I made fun of you a ton, and probably made you question me ever being Governor, but you really helped me out regarding some things I wanted to do with the Guild, as well as being an amazing person. Hope you have fun with all your free time now.
  20. -1 Mystic and Clutch kinda cooking on these responses.
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