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Everything posted by Edgar

  1. Name: Edgar Staff Rank: VA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 12/7-12/14 1 week Reason: I have finals, and I just found out that I quite literally have to pass my math final with a 100% in order to pass the class. Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Ye Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Ye
  2. RP Name: Governor Zager Dean | Edgar Battalion: Civilian Who is in command until you return?: Law and Poker (obviously in charge of there individual sides) Length of Absence: 12/7-12/14
  3. NGL I ain't read anything stated above, offer credits for BOTM fr
  4. Jedi has 3, 4 if you include the base tag (in which case guild has 2)
  5. Name: Edgar Suggestion: Add a role for the governor with equal powers to the RCMD tag Where would this be implemented?:TeamSpeak roles How would this benefit the TeamSpeak/Community?:By letting people know who the current governor is in TS. Have you asked for Feedback from others about this suggestion?: Yes, all of SOBDE supports this (According to Rizzo) Briefly explain why this should be implemented?:This should be implemented because Yoda has their own role, and Yularen has their own role as well, Governor is the only VIP faction without a TS role for their Regimental.
  6. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or a Veteran Admin+. You may re-apply for a staff position after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  7. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  8. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  9. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  10. +1 Are you gonna fuck up the renown economy by adding millions of quests for millions of renown
  11. Unfortunately your application has been DENIED. For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or a Veteran Admin+. You may re-apply for a staff position after 30 DAYS from this post. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  12. 1 | 1 | 5 Was litterally an attempt to piss people off and insinuate a base raid, literally not an event, was just the bombing of the village.
  13. Edgar

    Prison escape

    5 | 5 | 5 I love Boston events! Was a very enticing event.
  14. +1 this guys application is flawless love this!
  15. Hey man, from reading this over, I have never been told about Hunters turning off the ER within the past month or so, the only ones I have been told about or seen, were citizens turning it off which is the equivalent of CTs, which I have no control over. The last base raid that happened was on the 20th, and the last one before that was on the 6th, so I don't understand how it happens every other day. If you are doing tryouts, how are we interrupting when we never make it past MHB in any of our recent base raid attempts. I dead ass don't understand the MRDM bounty claims, I don't see any multiple headhunt bounties that are up currently, so I don't know where your getting that info from. Regarding the in game bounty that was placed today, the rules were put in place so a CT wouldn't go around paying people 5 credits to kill an MCMD, for as long as I have been a part of the Guild, LT+ have been able to give permission for bounties as they see fit, they have been able to (ever since Brooklyns first term) go around telling people to kill other people for a certain amount of renown, this permission was given to them so that they could promote RP and hits and Such in game without having to do a full on bounty for it. As for me not RPing, I don't believe this to be true at all, I have been actively participating in events and such, as well as constantly going around on Alias's and such promoting different styles of RP from my typical.
  16. Hey, thanks for asking, so a lot of these were mainly added because of the intensity and how much effort it takes to complete, a lot of the are 1 time claimable. The beret one was added at the time to spice some stuff up, as there weren't a lot of killing bounties during that time. Onto your questions though. MRDM with no punishment has been a thing, with the new bounties being added, it has been a problem, as Guild Leadership we have spent a fair amount of time coming up with more controlled bounties, such as things like only killing 1 person, and other things such as the bounties for saluting a medic, or the graffiti bounty, what we have mainly noticed with these however, is that people tend to go for the killing ones, so that's the main reason there aren't a ton of them up. I believe that we have been lacking a decent amount on the RP regarding bounties, the main way that we have been attempting to solve this problem is by slowly introducing more and more friendly bounties, while slowly phasing out the more hostile ones. No I do not need Governor to stop Terrorist RP, its been a problem for a while, but its been getting less and less of a problem over the past few weeks. By quality control I assume you mean the quality of RP, but feel free to reply with what you mean by that, as I was slightly confused. The quality of RP has been slowly increasing, as at previous points in the Guild, people were only complaining that BH is just a way to RDM, and that no hunters can be friendly. I believe this aspect has been changed a lot, as I'm sure a ton of people can attest to a fair amount of hunters help out the republic during events, and some do a fair amount of passive RP helping out the GAR as well. I assume that doesn't really answer your last question, sorry I just don't really understand it.
  17. Steam Name: WatchYoProfanity RP Name: Guild Leader Zager Dean RP Rank: Guild Leader Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460144846 Why should you become Governor?: I believe I should become Governor because of a few things, first off I would like to bring up dedication, I have been an active member of the guild and guild leadership for around 2 years. During this time, I have learned a ton about the Guild, as well as learning a ton about the senate and overall the aspect the civilian faction has over the server. I believe that I can do what is needed for the betterment of the faction overall, I believe I have what it takes to be a good leader of not just the Guild, but the Senate overall. Since my last application, I have learned a ton about the Senate, including a few talks with Law (the current Mas) and Kiara (current Senior Senator), as well as watching a few senate selections so I can understand more about the Senate. I believe I have a firm grasp of what the senate is, as well as what it can become. My experience within the Guild is relatively self explanatory, I have been within Guild Leadership for a long time, and I understand a lot of what the Guild needs, as well as just overall understanding of what makes the faction fun or not. I believe I am one of the people with the most experience regarding the Guild and the Senate, and that's what would make me a good Governor. Availability: I am available on discord a lot of the time during the day, but my hours for Gmod/TS is as follows. Monday: 5pm-11pm Tuesday: 9pm-11pm Wednesday: 5pm-11pm Thursday: 9pm-11pm Friday: 5pm-3am Saturday: 5pm-2am (This is my most fluctuating day btw, sometimes I’ll be on all day, sometimes barely at all) Sunday: 12pm-11pm (All times in EST) Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server: I have been playing on the server for around 2 years now, and have been in many different positions. I will go over my most applicable and notable ones however. 104th CPT Mortar This was my first ever lore and officer position, as Mortar I got my first feel at what it was to run a sub branch, leading ARF, and being an Wolfpack, and being an officer in 104th, which gave me a very nice taste at what running a group was like. SOBDE During my time as SOBDE I have been Delta XO Sev, and Delta Lead Boss, during this period, I managed to have a pretty active squad, and was very happy with what my squad had turned into when I ended up resigning. Guild Marshal x2 Guild Marshal the first time around was very interesting, as Kiara can tell you, I was a decent Marshal to begin with, I did my evals, and cloak certs, and overall maintained positive interactions within the server, within my first term as Marshal, I became more and more lenient with myself and rules, and by the end was just getting on to fuck around and push the limits. My second time around was much better, I was doing my evals and Cloak certs of course, but I was also doing more work than before, such as discipline, I did not get in any trouble during my time as Guild Marshal the second time around. Guild Lieutenant During my time as Guild Lieutenant I learned a ton about the inner workings of the guild, such as how base raids, and overall Guild Leadership activity, can affect activity overall of the Guild. In this time, I focused a lot on keeping the Guild healthy, this included me putting a ton of bounties up, (a lot of which are claimed by now) Hysterical and I also had the Data Heist and into the Vault taken out, which was and still is a controversial thing. While Date Heist did provide a lot of RP and activity on the server, we believed it was in our best interest to remove it for the time being, with the possibility of it being added back in the future. Senator Gume Saam During my time as Gume, I was actively hitting my quotas, but I got bored of it very fast, as I burnt myself out. During this time I learned what type of RP is good and entertaining with a senator, as well as what type is boring from a senator. Guild Leader During my time as Guild Leader I have been actively attempting to fill up my cabinet, the Guild Cabinet consists of 3 Marshals, and 2 Lieutenants, currently we have 1 lieutenant being Reborn, 2 Marshals being Fyko and Price, but we are actively recruiting, and have some people currently in the process of becoming a Marshal to help out with stuff. Within the position of Guild Leader, I have accomplished a decent amount. One of my greatest accomplishments for me personally is just being able to see double digit hunters a fair amount, as well as just seeing overall Guild activity increase. What do you feel the role of the Governor is?: I believe the role of the Governor is to provide oversight for both the Guild and the Senate, the main role is to make sure that they are both running correctly, and to respond to any problems within the guild or senate. The governor is meant to step in to help out either faction when they need it. The governor is meant to start RP in game as well, because they are the governor of the planet, they can do a lot of in character role play that will connect the clones with the guild, as well as connecting the clones with the senate, as well as with Jedi and Naval. I believe he is also supposed to be a huge communication factor, he is there to address overall concerns within each factions, not to micro manage them, but if the Governor sees something is not happening the way they want or believe it is supposed to be happening, they are there to make sure it happens the way they want. The role of the Governor is to keep both the senate and Guild running smoothly, and provide insight into both senate and Guild. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes How do you plan to improve relations between the guild and the server?: I plan to improve relations between the Guild and the server by having them more integrated into overall RP. By more integrated into RP I mean that they will be an active part of events, as well as starting RP themselves outside of events. I believe one of the biggest ways to have more passive RP go on overall, is to put more RP related bounties up. A lot of these RP bounties could be friendly, but hostile bounties are always good if they have RP to go along with them. A lot of the current RP has mainly been leading up to base raids, or directly after base raids. One of the things that is very basic, but I believe needs to be said, is to increase the reward for contracts, currently there's not really a reason to get contracts, as there isn’t an incentive. The easiest incentive to use for this would be credits or renown. Bounties have also been very hostile recently, which I will blame myself for, as I have added most of them, but I have been starting to incentivize being friendly and “hostile” without actually killing people. I believe while hostile does bring a decent amount to the table in terms of the Guild, it is not all that Hunters can do. Hostile RP does bring a lot to the server, especially when done correctly, but it is not all that should be done while people are on their bounty hunters. Onto a different subject, one of the things that I really hate that's been going on recently, is the talk that BH is just there to be hostile, and that's all there is to them. We as Guild Leadership have attempted to change this mentality by offering a lot of more friendly things to lean towards, such as friendly things to get paid for, usually simple, but still get paid for them. The main reason I believe that Hunters are typically more hostile is the idea that you can “only” have fun from killing other players and PVPing. I strongly do not believe this to be the case. Recently a few of the things I have tried to do have worked out pretty well, instead of going immediately to hostilities like much Hunters want, instead of base raids Guild Leadership has been trying to resolve things more peacefully. Of course we still do want to incentivize hostile Hunter RP, we just don’t wish for it to be the only thing that Hunters have to do while on. One of the huge ways to improve relations is simple as well, if there is a full leadership team, then there will naturally be less rules being broken, as there will be more people to enforce the rules. The Guild Leadership is there to enforce the rules, the more people there are to enforce the rules, the more people will be informed about the rules, and therefore the less rules will be broken. A lot of the problems that come from Hunter RP is terrorist RP which is obviously against the rules, which a full and active leadership team could fix. Do you understand that your position has a three month term?: Yes If you have any questions about me or my app that you would not like to address publicly, feel free to DM me, my discord ID is: Stflooshman
  18. If I remember correctly, I believe a Dev said there is a very very small chance for you to win one mil, but I entirely +1 the increase in pay.
  19. My only real question is on this part, this is gonna be a humongous change, in which either Dire Squad will fully die and end up being removed, or it will become a very active part of 104th, so my question is mainly just have you talked with the current Dire Squad lead, and have you talked to others about it and gotten opinions from people? Just want to know if this is just a thing only a few people want, or if it is a thing a bunch of people want.
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