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Everything posted by Kryptos

  1. +1 my man does a lot of good work for the battalion. Literally made an automated bot for logging stuff in discord and our roster. He excels with any task he is given with and he is a great choice.
  2. Full disclosure this list is assuming you havnet watched any of these... Obviously. So just to get some nerdy stuff out the way here are a few Disney properties you may like First off Obi Wan Kenobi is probably the number 1 thing Id recommend keeping up on but you have already said you are up to date. The new episode was really good imo though. I know you said you are already caught up on Marvel superhero mcu movies but if you have NOT watched any Marvel SHOWS, I'd recommend watching a few of them. I am going to safely assume you haven't watched them since you said marvel movies and not shows so if you did then my b. Loki is my personal favorite Marvel Disney+ show so far because of its quality writing and story. Along with that Moon Knight is a close second, has a amazing performance from Oscar Issac and is a pretty fun watch overall. Wandavision is a must watch if you plan on watching the new Doctor Strange film. That is if you have not watched the new one yet, I know you said most but I'm playing it safe. Other than that Hawkeye is pretty good, has a couple surprises if you like marvel stuff. OH actually, if you have not watched the Daredevil (originally Netflix but now Disney+) show yet I'd HIGHLY recommend watching that. That show is my favorite show of all time, great story, amazing acting, lighting and cinematography slaps, that show just has so much care in it its a work of art. Alright that's all of the Disney stuff here's a bunch of misc things you could watch if you haven't already Tick Tick Boom: Its a musical starring Andrew Garfield, he was actually a nominee for the Best Actor award of the 2022 Oscars for that movie actually. Really good music, amazing performance, really good movie overall. Free Guy: TECHNICALLY Disney since its made by Fox but screw it Im putting it here. A really fun dumb movie to watch. Its a action film about a guy inside a video game world. 21 Jump Street + 22 Jump Street: These movies are almost like a decade old but if you have not watched them they are so good. They a buddy cop comedies starring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill. Its one of the greatest comedy's I have ever watched. If you just want a good laugh, watch those they are fucking ridiculous. Don't look up was interesting. Its a Leonardo DiCaprio film that revolves around how the modern world would react if there was a big asteroid heading towards earth. Leonardo surprisingly didn't get an Oscar for this which is shocking because every time he stars in something he gets like 500 awards. Greenland is about another asteroid aiming for Earth although its about a family trying to survive it, not alert everyone as much as possible. I thought it was... OKAY. But its interesting to watch if you wanna watch like a junk food movie. The Devil All The Time was a okay film as well. Its thriller drama based off a book but it has some really good performances in it. Robert Pattinson's voice is no joke unrecognizable in the movie. I liked it although I know it got mixed reviews. 1917 is a good ass war film about 2 soldiers delivering a message in 1917 to prevent a shit ton of casualties. It presents itself as a one take film. It really isn't one take but the cuts are seamless. Euphoria is a really dark high school drama about drug addicts. Its really good but its really REALLY dark. If you dont like dark stuff dont watch it but if you like dark stuff go right ahead. The new Halo show is decent imo. Its a good scifi show but they are not game lore friendly at all. They are a little EU (like books n stuff) lore friendly but most of the lore is kind of botched. Its a good show regardless but its not afraid to do something completely different. Other than all that I'd recommend Baby Driver if you have not seen that at all. Its a action drama filled with a fuck ton of music. It's a masterpiece in my opinion. These are the only 2 I have not seen... Once Upon a Time In Hollywood is a 60s comedy that is about 2 actors or smth. that stars Leonardo Decaprio and Brad Pitt. I never watched it but it has A LOT of good reviews. I know bits and pieces of the film but its really interesting. Its a Quentin Tarantino film so if you like him you'd like this. Arcane is based on league of legends if you are into that and I heard its really good. Those are all the movies and shows I can pull out of my ass right now. Its 5AM and I need sleep, if you want more recommendations hit me up later today when I am awake.
  3. Hello everyone (or the 5 people who may see this), I am writing this to let you all know that I am going to put Project Airfoil on a hold/delay. I have been putting a lot of thought into what type of story I would like to tell and while the story I had in mind was intriguing it had one glaring flaw. The screenplay was extremely similar to A New Hope. I would like to take some more time to figure out a story that is original but also follows a lot of the themes I want to explore with the fan film. My main goal with this project is to make something that is satisfying to the audience and is of the best quality I can produce and in order to do that I need more time. Thank you all for your understanding and I am sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused to anyone who was looking forward to this project. -Kryptos
  4. Name: Kryptos (The current 501st Jesse) RP Rank: Commander Suggestion: Add a newly updated Bad Batch playermodel pack to the server. Please click the link at the bottom to understand what I am referring to. Reasoning: The reason why I am suggesting this playermodel pack now instead of 2-3 months ago is that they finally updated the pack to include Crosshair. From my understanding the game the developers ripped the models from it only included Crosshair in a different form... (You know what I'm referring to, that's all I'll say without spoiling anything). But now the entire Bad Batch is complete in this pack. I don't know what the servers plans are for Bad Batch models. I don't know if the developers are creating custom models for this server or if they already plan on bringing this pack into the game. While I don't have the answers I think this would be a great addition to the server. The Bad Batch is in need of a cosmetic upgrade and these models look amazing. I highly suggest adding this pack if custom models for this server isn't on the table. Once again, while this would've been not a good suggestion in the past, because it now has crosshair it is a complete package and I believe if we added it now it would work very well. Now, the only thing that is missing is Omega. Although due to light spoilers (I will refrain just to be super safe than sorry) there wouldn't be a reason to add her into the server right away and make her apart of the Bad Batch team. Implementation: We would simply remove the old Bad Batch models and replace them with the models from this pack. Lore: ...There is a good heavy chunk of lore for the Bad Batch. Instead of explaining it all because its long, and I don't want to drag this post on for too long, I will just post the Wookieepedia link https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Clone_Force_99 Workshop content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2476447065
  5. Hey everyone! Thank you a ton for your feedback and support! I want to let you all know that I began work on the script/screenplay sometime ago for Codenamed: Airfoil (the fan film's current production name). It should HOPEFULLY be done by the beginning of Summer Break (Late may-Early June) but no promises. After it's done I will be calling for auditions and all that fun stuff and then once we are done with that we will begin shooting. If you guy's have any questions please let me know. All I will say right now is that I am very committed to push gmod to its limits with filmmaking and I want to make something that is of quality and enjoyability. I'll let you all know about progress as it comes along. -Kryptos
  6. +1 He knows what he is doing. He has been Palpatine for most of my time on the server and I cannot see anyone else in the position. Small thing I'd like to bring up since it really caught my attention, I do agree with his stance on roleplay, he does definitely have a point when he says there isn't much passive roleplay before and after the event. Will say right now just to make it known if anyone needs help with creating passive roleplay don't hesitate to ask for my help if I am not busy during a day I am on. I'm sure I could start like a small comms RP or switch to a job I have like a BH and start stuff with that. Besides that, love the Darksaber idea with the guild.
  7. I would love to collaborate with you, I'll keep that in mind man!
  8. You have no idea what I have planned when it comes to camerawork and audio ;)
  9. Hi everyone! For a good amount of time, I was thinking about the possibility of making a Star Wars GMod fan film. I was just curious if you guys were interested in helping me make it? If you are interested in the possibility please take a look at what I have planned. I wont explain much as of right now in regards to what this fan film would entail but I will go over a brief summary as to what we would be doing and what I would like to achieve, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details on production: To start we would be filming this on GMod but not on the synergy server (most likely). We would be using a lot of different mods, mods that aren't on the main server. This would include maps, props, models, weapons, effects, etc. The story I have in mind at the moment is a wonderful story filled with a lot of character arcs, ups and down, character deep dives and development, etc. The story I have for this fan film works as a good stand alone film, however, if people thoroughly enjoy the fan film I have plans as to where the story can go for a sequel and if desired, a trilogy. The fan film I have in mind would take place during the Clone Wars. If we got together as a community to make it I feel like this era of Star Wars would be the best one to tackle since we are all familiar with it. If we come together to make this we would need a good amount of actors along with some crew members to help me with camera operating, set design, lighting, effects, etc. I would be looking for actors that can do a range of characters. While having similar voices to existing Star Wars characters could help, I would prefer to find actors who can embody or portray emotion with their voices and find people who have a mindset and a passion for acting. Lastly, I know this is a stretch for GMod film making but if people involved have Virtual Reality + Full body equipment I would like to incorporate the GMod VRMod into the production process. Its a stretch and if people don't have the equipment that is perfectly fine and we can run production without it. But if someone does I would like to take advantage of the VRMod and bring characters to life with real life like movements. I want to push the limits of GMod film making with this project to make something truly wonderful and if VR is on the table I wouldn't want to hesitate to use it. Again one more time, if VR isn't an option that is perfectly fine. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please let me know your thoughts on my idea and if you are interested in helping to make a Star Wars fan film to come to life. I love film making with all of my heart and I would love to tell a story that is emotional, heartfelt, and something that has a lot of heart and soul put into it. Along with that I would love to make something that feels like a love letter to Star Wars and Lucasfilm as a whole because without their stories we wouldn't be where we are today. Thank you all for listening to my idea, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to either leave a comment or DM me on either the website or in discord if you have it. I would love to get as much feedback as possible by as many people as possible. -Kryptos (The servers current 501st ARC Trooper Jesse)
  10. 9/10. Love the idea however, I think we should do the following things before adding sith: A. Have the main server map include a base for the republic, and place for the BH's to gather and a base for the sith. It could be a planet as a base or anything that allows them to have a separate place to operate B. Set up rules for engagement. This would preferably be something like having a Jedi or Sith say"Hey you're a sith/jedi Im gonna kill you!" before attacking. This is something that should be expanded on though but that's a basic idea C. POTENTIALLY Intergrade some sort of system for interaction between BHs and Sith.
  11. Oh no I understand, I was just mainly putting that in case they were like "We're gonna remove DU. Hmmmm what do we add as a replacement if we wanted to replace it with something?"
  12. +1 I know my feelings on the matter are personal, HOWEVER, DU has been struggling for a good amount of my time on the server. At most I have seen about 10 on at once and I don't know how long that was ago. I think its just time to move on and find something new to add. Maybe we could add the new 13th iron battalion from Fallen Order into the server? Or how about a battalion based off of Captain Howzer? I know we don't have much information on them due to how little info we have about them in lore but we could make our own lore with those battalion ideas. (With like clone paint designs, lore characters, etc) I think that'd be cool.
  13. 6/10 needs to be workshopped a bit but i had fun regardless
  14. 7/10 basic but not half bad
  15. +1 While the 501st misses you as our front line leader Anakin Skywalker you are doing a great job so far. Bless your soul and get another fuckin term in you
  16. 7/10 It was fun playing as the CIS. Whatever you do though regardless if you are CIS or not try your best to make it unique because without the CIS part this may have been very basic. Otherwise, good job keep up the good work and keep evolving!
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