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Everything posted by Nokia

  1. literally everyone i talked to thought they were still there
  2. idk who you are but cool
  3. Bug Type (Server): Incorrect values Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Low Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: The values for the join date and last promotion date are swapped, not hard to fix or see. How can we recreate it: Click on a battalion in F4, Press roster, click on a guy
  4. Nokia

    DogFighting 101

    5/4/5 Bit of a generic event but really fun.
  5. RP Name: Power/GM MED SPC Power Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:562108630 VIP (Y/N): N Age: 14 Timezone: PST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be a moderator to help assist the server, the members inside its community and its general playerbase. I just got out of a false permanent ban for 'advertising my own server', when in I spoke about working on a server, specifically a 1U Rack-mounted server I was using at the time. As well, Earlier today I was playing when a few CTs kept getting on, Going to the intercom, and spewing racist stuff and 'execute order 66', I want to join the staff team to help with that that and prevent situations like that.. The server is a good server and I rarely find a SWRP server I actually like, Or think is good, This is one of those and. I want to and am dedicated to becoming staff to help be a admin and staff here, not just with troublemakers, but making sure the server runs well as a whole. I have the will and interest in learning things about staff and enforcing the server overall. I really like how the server works and the community, And want to help it in general. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a guy who chills and plays games, I like helping and assisting communities, staff, etc. In my spare time I like to program, make websites, discord bots, things for streamers.. You get it. I have ADHD that makes me pretty good at something when I get the hang of it, And I get the hang of things pretty fast. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Ex-mod @ a server named knightrage | Ex-Admin on a few smaller ImperialRP servers | Used to own my own gmod server for a while (not related to my ban) How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: At least 7 in a single day, I can easily keep up that playtime and activity. Extra: All my past punishments have been waived by cubby (URL To discord message waiving them). I would also like to say I was rude and a dick when I made my first ban appeal about a year ago and I apologise to the people who delt with it.
  6. i get unbanned and join during a avengers event, 3/5
  7. haven't even used that thing in over a year, i booted it up just to get that screenshot, i use esxi on a newer server i have in a datacenter
  8. proxmox as a vm software works fine for me, i rarely look at the panel, also im broke
  9. there was infact no sit, i was in mhb on the venator and got bannered while they talked in chat and ignored me explaining
  10. Name: Disco/Amrpowershot/I forgor what it is on server Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:562108630 Ban Reason: Dont ad your own server Date of Ban: 1.8.22 Length of Ban: perm Staff Member(s) Involved: idk who but their steamid is STEAM_0:0:125741334 Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: wasnt advertising my own server, i was going to go work on my own psychical 1u rack-mounted hp prolaint, i posted a local ip (192.xxx.x.xx) and got banned for it Evidence to support your claims:dont have any on hand aside from a picture of the server and i can add that if you need it
  11. Name: Nokia/Amrpowershot Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:562108630 Ban Reason: "Don't ad your own server" Date of Ban: 1/7/22 Length of Ban: Perm Staff Member(s) Involved: Somebody named "Oreo Ranger" Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: This fucking dumbass doesnt seem to know the fact that "server" Refers to more than just garrys mod, and posting a IP address, despite it being a local IP. Evidence to support your claims:
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