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Everything posted by KingGrizz

  1. Its Grizzly Btw but +1 great event from GH perspective
  2. 9/10 Me waiting for part 2
  3. 9/10 It was great as a event job aswell
  4. 7/10 Imagine not changing you name LMAO
  5. KingGrizz

    Fenn Rau

    8/10 It went well
  6. 9/10 I loved the ending, great event
  7. 7/10 Great job we rarely get the infected events
  8. 9/10 This Is an fucking Insane event Loved it <3
  9. 8/10 The assassination at DB Lmao
  10. 8/10 Great Work Buddy
  11. 8/10 great Job to the GM, i couldn't be there for most of it tho :(
  12. RP Name: TR CG MED SSG Grizzly Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:507971107 VIP (Y/N): N, but i will be getting it Sunday Age: 17 Timezone: Us Central Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to join the staff team because by joining the staff team It’ll give me the ability to help out my fellow community members. I truly believe that the workload that the staff team has to endure is ever growing and I want to do my part to ensure that the staff team does not collapse due to being overworked. Although I recently joined the community, my experiences have compelled me towards joining the staff team. I just want to make sure that I'm doing everything in my power to make this server the best that it can be. I have aspirations of making my way up the staff ladder hopefully creating unique and fun experiences for the community as a whole via events. Not only that but i want to be one of the first faces new players see when they connect to the server. Although I haven't had too much time to show it If i do get the chance of becoming a staff member I will try my hardest to ensure I reach the quality that's expected of me. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is grizzly but some People call me Chris cause that's my first name, I originally had a PS4 so I really wasn't into Gmod that time but when I bought a PC and Gmod i said why not play star wars So I played that and found this server and I'm playing on it for 99 hours straight. The server got my attention so I gave it mine. I love to play both American and UK Football/Soccer also love to play the guitar. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Not in Gmod but in other games i made it to Head Admin How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: | TR CG MED SSG Grizzly has played for 99:10:02.
  13. 8/10 The DB was the best part and loved the defcon 1
  14. 8/10 First time doing a infected event and well put together
  15. 8/10 Great event i laughed so hard I accidentally fell of the platform
  16. KingGrizz

    Downs Go Joe

    6/10 I would never think that a GM would do a boxing match but GG. If this event happened earlier it would of went well
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