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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. 9/10 i appreciate the short night time events so i can log a few merits before bed
  2. Mystic

    The Assassination

    6.5 outta 10. it was kinda drawn out but it was a solid event total
  3. one of my favorite SAs tbf 9/10 event hilarious asf
  4. Mystic

    CIS Attack

    i cleared MHB of like 250 droids by myself gave me some nice credits. quite pog 8/10
  5. 7/10 it was scuffed in the middle and the ending had a lot of discrepancies. Like a dead man's switch activating hundreds of light years away but it was a solid event all around
  6. Mystic

    Senator Message

    8/10 i was in a wall most of it. Great start though !
  7. 10/10 21st event always love a good event
  8. 7/10 good. Laggy but thats not in your control. A little bit lengthier wouldve made it much more fun
  9. Mystic

    Siege Gets Spooked

    i still have the scars of your rocket in me haha. it was fun deploying with you! hope to see you around in more deployments!
  10. Mystic

    Siege Gets Spooked

    7/10. i loved it but others found it confusing and the admiral had a very monotonous and boring tone making the start of the deployment kind of bland. other than that i loved it,. it had a flood/Halo type of feel
  11. 7/10. I got an apology. Event was very shooty your standard solid event to cure boredom.
  12. Mystic


    8/10 on Voice acting alone, i was uh a Senate Commando so all i heard were voices in my head
  13. He begged me in bunks ;) 9/10
  14. I got to blow up 2 ships and two MTTs 10/10
  15. +1 loved Barlex when i was in 212th, Would love to see that same person brought up to BCMD
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