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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. I just want the fuckin Reformed title bruh.
  2. I think it would be cool to have a battalion.. maybe a subunit of troopers who were trained in such operations in general! This would be an amazing way to push more hostage and negotiations techniques. Perhaps infiltration? Especially in these Imperial days! There were alot of sabotage missions in the Empire era....
  3. Full server deployments to other maps. Maybe rotate old and new maps in? Stop on Anaxes for a day? Run to a Venator for an hour and a half and head to the next location? Like our old rotation, but with purpose. It'd be cool to be in a Galactic Conquest esque scenario. I also would've really liked to see more interactions around the common players and not just the main characters. I love to participate in nobody battles. Things where its Trooper v Trooper no jedi sith whatever. Even if we lose these battles really push that roleplay that we arent the main characters. Adding even more onto this, If we do this again i'd really love to see some more focus on the clones that had left. I'd love to see some NULL Members or Clan Skirata in a fight against Jedi hunters or something like that. It was really cool seeing Omega embrace this so quickly. On the same note Bane mentioned, Cloaking rules need set. Inquisitors being able to see Cloaks was kinda dumb considering the Inquisitors are mostly former Jedi Knights, and utilizing the Dark side would make one less likely to sense a disturbance in the force that was as minor as a cloak, This falls much more under Jedi like traits rather than people who force the dark side to their will and are still becoming accustomed to said powers. Maybe make Probe droids able to sense cloaks via thermal imaging instead? Perhaps Emperors Shadow Guards can sense cloaks but limit their amount (color Royal Guards black)?
  4. I think someone said the way they tested DPS and whatnot was messed up. But i believe most of the damage numbers RPMs and ranges are accurate. If you are curious about a weapon i might have reviewed it in the "Audience Reviews" tab (most of which have the guns basic information). I am not 100% sure if EVERYTHING is accurate though
  5. Mystic

    I need it

    Get on the server. I'm doing it
  6. Mystic

    I need it

    Forreal. I wanna scream Bankai! everytime i ignite my lightsaber.
  7. Yes. Now make more and raise it again
  8. Maybe not here recently but it defniitley was an issue this year. @Tazi think you have Synergy Meme competition!
  9. Name: Mystic l Jedi Master Captain of the Guard I Staff Rank: SA SteamID: Roster (if you need it ill update this post) Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): ROA 1 Week. Reason: I was cutting food and jammed the tip of a sharp knife a good inch n a half into my pointer finger muscle. Its glued and recovering Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Uh huh Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yep
  10. I live on the forums. So its @Daytona211 @Xazejust needs to resign already sheesh (i love all the devs Daytona, Baron, Jayarr and Xaze.)
  11. Mystic

    [DENIED] Void

    +1 for more funny timed staff.
  12. Who helped (If applicable): NA Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Passive RP with a boxRP to restock the bar. Lead to a small pirate raid to account for low population Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: 1 but he left halfway Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  13. +1 was actually fun talking to you in the Dojo earlier.
  14. Was really looking forward to working with you, unfortunate truly. I wish you the best and hope you enjoy your time off from this 2nd job
  15. Never saw you around really, but i was on the server with you for awhile. You were always a pleasure to talk to in our few interactions. As long as you completed what you set out to do in 501st nobody can say anything more. Hopefully we interact abit more on server, i hope to see you around!
  16. o7 was fun talking to you for my short time in SOBDE. I hope life treats you well.
  17. So for a long time now, i know alot of people know the music discs by the missing texture replacer. At some point on Anaxes... Maybe a month or two before we swapped to Onderon? I installed like 90% of the Valve games you can link to Gmod for textures and found they were no longer missing textures. Now they are again and I was wondering if anyone off the top of their head knows what game provides the texture for the music disc? TL:DR I had Music Discs that weren't missing textures, now they are again. What game has those textures?
  18. i know the cost. I was saying 3k because usually someone who wants the Kyber Rifle has a hefty chunk saved up... plus 5k didnt fit the joke you just ruined...
  19. This sounds like something @Comicswould say. All i can say is, GM isn't the same and is straying away from that mentality. It might contribute to part of my reason for leaving the battalion, but at the same time the new direction is a good thing and i can vouch for Lyn's work in trying to avoid the old heads getting their way. +1
  20. hope you stick around, its alot of fun once you stick around and learn to tolerate people
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