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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  2. Who helped (If applicable): NA Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): droids shot in CY. Munis above and Commandos in BCC/HMC. Buzz droids spawned out of the pod debris Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: nope Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  3. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  4. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  5. TG isn't just limited to guarding. We have alot more to do its just the lack of people wanting to give us more to do. We have priority when it comes to imprisoning, VIP protection, Holocrons returning or being stolen and a couple other things. It's just that GMs lack that knowledge and tend to not go down that path. So if we get a Yoda who's willing to push for Jedi events in more places than just saying "droids at the temple" then im all for it. Changing to a +1 by the way, solid edit i think you deserve at least an interview
  6. For future reference [ Bug Report Template ] Please remember before making a Bug Report to check if the thing you're reporting is already listed on the Trello. https://trello.com/b/PeuhFAaQ/synergy-cwrp-development [ Good Example of Bug Report ]
  7. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  8. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  9. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  10. These are ripped from BF2 2005. They would look goofy as hell on our server, plus Xaze is currently adjusting our Synergy DRG NPCs that are also Nextbots and function much like this. -1
  11. -1 i see little to no effort in this application. Masters are permitted to host Tournaments already. I believe you're an admin as well, you have the ability to ask for a GM help and host Jedi missions. Why would you need Yoda to do this?
  12. Mystic


    2/2/3 Gameplay was confusing Shoot em up mostly. Didn't go the GMs direction Server performance was poor throughout but the map didn't help this.
  13. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  14. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  15. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  16. Never. You get to suffer knowing the Echo model exists and you can't use it.
  17. -1. I see no plan here. Your app i could read without scrolling when theres alot more that needs addressed, I only see you having a sentence for each subunit and only address the regiments. What about the base members? incentives to move up? how do you plan to do these things? I see nothing here to back you up on this. Sorry mate.
  18. Mystic

    The Pirates

    5/5/2 performance crapped the bed but no biggie.
  19. I think this is a given? I really don't see the need to include this. 501st for a long time has been a self sustaining battalion. BCMD presence is of course vital but you need to explain what youre going to do to address this problem. 332 - This is redundant. All you did in this was state you want to add tough tryouts and trainings. Then say you want it to be an elite unit twice. What do you want them to specialize in? and would doing this hurt Torrent Company, the elite unit? TC- This response has been in EVERY 501st BCMD app in the last 2 years. What makes yours different? What are you planning to do? I can really only chalk this application up to "Increase RP and put people in positions and change the purpose of this and this" How are you planning to do this? How are you wanting to going to change the current structure for the better?
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