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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. -1 from me. When met with criticism in Jedi you often backed down and got a little bit quiet and seemingly passive aggressive. I remember a time when you went to suggest something on the Council Agenda and you were told that it was being worked on (or already suggested i forgot which) and you responded with something like "i was just trying to do my job". You lack the conversational skills or the interaction/confidence factor the Navy needs. It's coming off a very good Yularen and i just don't think that personally you have the ability to maintain the position and its demands. There is no doubt you're dedicated to the Navy. I do hope you take this as criticisms and not hate. If you do make it to interview and or get the position then i wish you the best of luck. Not to mention 2/3rds of this application is your availability. I would like to see WAY more.
  2. +1, Deathlok ftw If @Finncan do 4 terms this guy can do 1
  3. 1/1/5 There was no story or effort it seemed. Nothing made sense and it was just "rogue" clones screaming death to the GAR which made no sense Gameplay was awful. Logged on and walked out to courtyard and ate a RPS6 + Jetpack just to respawn and get killed by bunks by yet another RPS 6 Jetpack. Rockets were being used on single targets which im pretty sure is against the HVO rules. No performance issues. It was just modeling and spawning in rockets,
  4. +1 nobody read that shit bc its all black
  5. Bug Type (Server:): Weapon Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: Dying with the gun doesnt save it How can we recreate it: Buy it and die
  6. +1 make it big. and realy slow so it types for like a whole minute and everyone turns it off like the one on batuu
  7. Drones fr. 4/4/3 It was good overall. No real complaints aside from the slight lag and some bad spawns
  8. would help if you guys knew how to TECH RP the tickets
  9. -1. Nothing but bad interactions with you consistently during your time on server. These are also the exact same documents from your denied applications where you were informed they needed worked on.
  10. I agree. Overall my long ass rambles are just feedback I've heard around the server I figured I'd share. Seems like people are less and less vocal these days when Feedback posts roll around. Unrelated to this reply to you Kaiser, I feel like BOTM is really just about the name. Much like Jedi rewards permanent and temporary titles, this is like a crowning achievement on a BCMDs belt. I think the incentives may need redone as others have said, the Hanger is never used. Stand is just meh tbh and the deployments aren't anything special anymore since we deploy almost daily nowadays. May be worth looking at new rewards. I'll update the post with some ideas when I wake up .
  11. Before I vote. @Edgardid you waive this?
  12. I get that but at the end of the day its still numbers. It's honestly fairly safe to say that no other battalion matches your guys records. 212th has always been filled with hard working members that want the best with their battalion.. Plenty of battalions have been hitting all time highs, 212th just has the massive numbers to make theirs known server wide. I blanked on the outpost rotation part that Marvel wrote up. The triple digit numbers put my mind off, im of course not doubting the selection, 212th has been popping off. With 212ths and 501st's canon popularity It's just a common feeling it seems among people outside of said battalions. This is gonna happen regardless ofc. There is never gonna be a solution to that as you have to treat everyone fairly regardless of their statuses. Congratulations on breaking your guys recruitment record. I never stated you guys just look at 212th and say that. It was from an outside looking in perspective. Seeing the largest battalion win it multiple times is a feeling that plenty of people share bitterness at. Battalions like 41st or CG or 21st will never achieve the numbers 212th has. That's just how it is. If 212th keeps going up like i hope they do, it just kinda demotivates other battalions. Which is essentially the feedback ive been trying to give but couldn't figure out correct wording. It's like an army of 20 going against an army of 200. It's a futile attempt. When 212th is everywhere on the server with great leadership and massive interactions between themselves with all their new recruits its really demoralizing to small battalions going through rough spots that just have to worry about their NCOs or Officers wanting to do anything to help the battalion or even doing their quota. This is the 2nd place feeling i was referring to. Even if you cant win back to back people know 212th would be #1 in terms of everything. I really can't describe it all too well via typing. I didn't mean to insinuate that you guys default to giving 212th BOTM just based purely off numbers, it was just the quickest example i could use as they are the shining stars in terms of numbers and consistency on server.
  13. I'm a little offput by that though. If its not stats why announce stats for a battalion such as 212th and 501st that double everyone else's numbers? Your exact reasoning for their BOTM on the post actually, was strictly hitting record numbers? If its not based of JUST numbers and its instead based on overall battalion growth etc I don't see why 212th is one of only two battalions currently to have won more than once. Plenty of battalions have had solid numbers and a good turn around or consistent turnouts to be considered for BOTM. 212th is definitely deserving of it every month to be honest, but if the reason for their BOTM isn't just stats then you need to be open about the reasons. As all you stated were their stats, then you turn around and say its not just about those. This month IMO should've been RANCOR. Leaderless they have been doing AMAZING with their scheduled ARC trainings, they have a huge presence on server and had 2 BCMD applicants and a new BCMD. They've stepped up wholly and its noticeable by everyone on server. 212th has been BEYOND consistant. However if they triple your average battalions active roster in just their NCO ranks its really a given they'll have more trainings (they have 71 NCOs as of current for anyone curious about the number). Kaiser has done phenomenal but to be honest 212th has been peaking this year. Is that really improvement or just consistency? The overall pop on server has picked up, naturally 212ths numbers will as well. I guess what im getting at is why do stats claim to not be the deciding factor when its all thats ever stated? More transparency on the votes would be nice i guess.
  14. A TON of people disagree. It's disheartening if anything. Glad you think the competition is fun, but other people don't enjoy doing 60-70+ trainings monthly or sitting around for 7 hours to get 3 recruits just for them to not even be in the running for BOTM because another battalion decided theyre gonna double their numbers because they have 4x the amount of active people
  15. I think the toxicity it creates under covers is wild. People are harsh on BOTM members. Everyone knows they're essentially the 3rd choice for BOTM if its not 212th. Nobody can keep up to 212ths man power and everyone who isnt 212th getting that knows. From what ive seen back to back BOTM is not possible, for good reasons like stated above. But its really just kinda meh at this point. The deployments are less the incentive as much as the hangar or own stand. I just think BOTM just rewards the battalion with the most manpower, and those that get it after a battalion like 212th feel less accomplished because they know they weren't actually #1. It also gives certain people a weird elitism kick.
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