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Everything posted by Guac

  1. I can’t speak on behalf of ratio but I believe he means that as a GM or GH, when you don’t receive things like rates, it is extremely belittleing and disenchanting. For someone to plan and host an hour long event, then get 3-4 rates is the worst feeling. I don’t like to host “shoot em up” encounters. I like to host quality entertainment for the people of this server. I certainly see a lack of events and encounters but I don’t believe the way to go about this is to write a paragraph on the forums complaining. A great way to help GM’s and GH’s alike, GIVE THEM IDEAS. Writers block is a real thing for a lot of admins and it becomes tiring. I can almost gurantee you, 99.99% of the time, if you go to a GH or GM who isn’t busy, they’ll host that encounter for you. Have a good day man. TL;DR I understand there’s an issue. Rate the AAR’s. Give GMs and GH’s ideas. Stop complaining if you aren’t gonna offer an alternative.
  2. +1 sum of y’all can’t read where it says “optional”. If someone changes their rank they are opting into this system.
  3. Don't know why people like large scale deployments. I think this one served as yet another reminder that our server cannot handle 70 people, hundreds of droids, and props. 7/10 for the event itself. PLEASE from now on just deploy max like 3 battalions.
  4. I am going to stay neutral here. You have, relatively speaking, a lack of experience on the server with major leadership positions. But with that being said I believe you are a very competent person within not only your own battalion but the server as a whole. I would like to wait a while before a make a decision.
  5. Guac

    Frecks Defcon 1

    8/10 One complaint that almost ruined the event for me.... WHY TF DID THE COMMANDO HAVE 10k HEALTH? hUh. Anyways, nice shit as usual.
  6. Name: Guac Who Helped: N/A Summary: Just a basic storyline, tuskens set up mining facility on tatooine and 501st come to destroy it. Shoot em up to pass the time.
  7. 7/10 A bit short but the event as a whole was GREAT. Keep doin you!
  8. Guac

    New main map!

    We need a map change but this aint it cheif -1
  9. +1 Reviving 21st even when not in the BCMD position.
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