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Veteran Admin
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Everything posted by Reborn

  1. 5/5/5 Best event in a long time <3
  2. 5/5/5 We love blowing bases up
  3. 5/5/5 Fun event love blowing up thesh
  4. +1 for the back to back 2 time Rex app champion
  5. Pepe hands another one bites the dust
  6. 5/5/5 We love murdering Mandos
  7. +1 Super active and would be a great addition
  8. +1 New to the server but has shown dedication and would make a great fit
  9. +1 He is active and seems quite mature, I'd say give him a shot.
  10. +1 Never seen a man more qualified for the job
  11. 5/5/5 Had a great time love war crimes
  12. 5/5/5 Simple and fun RP
  13. 5/5/5 Short fun and entertaining
  14. +1 Love this guy super active and would make a great addition to the staff team
  15. 5/5/5 Super fun and fresh a nice change from the normal deployments!
  16. 5/5/5 Unique and fun love the ball
  17. RP Name: Jesse Steam ID: 76561197988206490 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 23 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentences minimum): Personally, staff has been something I have always enjoyed doing as I love helping people and inspiring people to grow. I also love keeping myself busy and helping players and making sure everyone is happy brings me great joy. I love interacting with people and feel like staff as a whole would allow me to help meet new people and form new bonds and friendships. As I have seen many staff that do such an excellent job at keeping the server together, it has inspired me to do the same. As well as I feel as if the staff team is a close family that works together to ensure that everyone enjoys their time on the server. Overall staffing is a way for me to help give back to the community that I love playing on every day and I hope in the future I can give back to Synergy the way it gave to me. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentences minimum): I work at a grocery store called Publix where I am attempting to move up and become a manager. I'm very close to becoming full-time and continuing my growth through the company. I grew up with Xbox before I got an old PC that could barely run War Thunder at more than 20FPS. Then a few years later I got a Ruby graphics card, booted up Gmod joined a server on DarkRP, and the rest is history. I used to play military RP before I started getting into Clone War as an alternative to MilRP. When I played on a few different servers I became (GOA), general of the army. I personally love to lead and take charge of situations and it gives me a sense of joy when doing a good job. I find myself to be kind of a jokester at times but know when I need to be serious. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes Head Admin, Super Admin, Senior Mod, and Mod more time I can count How many hours of in-game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 1,245 Hours
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