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About ThorpyVEVO

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  1. RIP morine, time to play unturned.
  2. Undersandable, -1. Have a great day and I hope i can +1 you in the future once i've seen an improvement.
  3. You failed to address your interactions and thus behaviour. Im sorry for being vauge so ill just format it into questions for you to properly respond. What you listed is what pretty much an officer+ can do and is meant to do and doesnt even require a BCMD for it, so what else can you build on except the obvious needs of a battalion + DS? (roleplay (on a roleplay server lol)). Ok, so u made a forum post and tried to clear it up, you have a track record of not knowing or needing to clarify yourself on the rules, are you sure you now know all of them t to be fox without having to go to directors??? You were recently caught disclosing an X battalion had a "Gang mentality" essentially disrespecting them as an officer+ just for you to do the same thing to another member and get caught. Do you think these are qualities of a BCMD? How can you amend this? cheers for the feedback on your cell incident.
  4. -1.... Nothing but bad interactions from you and you have been banned before and from my POV (and im sure many others) have not changed since. Therefore i dont think you are fit for the position at all. Furthermore, you were CSM around a month or so ago and therefore i think you completely lack the experience to go straight to a Fox... Not to mention, you dont even know your own guidelines and rules as seen by you trying to arrest people for leaving DB even though it ended and naval messed up the DB threatening to arrest us... You also RDM'ed people with brig doors and killed a ct in a cell. Because of that, i need to emphasis the fact you have been captain+ for only 3 weeks. Also could you put it up any quicker LOL.
  5. whos gonna run the synergy tik tok account now??? HOW DO I APPLY?
  6. o7 bro, despite out fights ill miss you.
  7. 3/3/4 honestly not much depth and we have had so many events like this...
  8. probs one of the most ugly apps I've seen in my life. +1.
  9. +1 cant wait for your Gregor app!
  10. o7 gergor, can’t believe I made it halfway through your term and wasn’t removed!
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