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Everything posted by Dreams-

  2. Loopy, youve ended an era, one of the last good HA's that i want to be under, well done good sir, ill see you on the other side.
  3. nothing special about 2017 apart from wasting ur life for almost 4 years
  4. Zims Depressed, But he aint that depressed to ban someone over an opinion, Zim hardly bans anyone so im sure this is in good nature. But I mean from what I saw during his most recent post about the server dying, There was quite some toxicity towards sanchez and rather than making it a productive discussion to improve the server, the 4 head was toxic in his responses. Im a forum memer and shit poster, But you gotta learn to do it properly, you cant be toxic with no benefit to the server, play your cards right, be toxic but provide a way to improve the thing in which your toxic about, not just blatant toxicity, Drama aint needed, memers are. Although I do not think Perma is the best idea, but I do think he needs some time away from the community, I would like to see the ban changed to a shorter time rather than completely removed.
  5. +1 Private Pelamo, It was an honor to have you in my battalion, I have thus seen your work first hand, You are more than fi- Wait a minute sorry wrong person. TIno my good friend, You are literally the only regimental I have liked the work of, You wasnt my reg but I saw you more in our short time together than I have any reg in my 3 going on 4 years on Synergy, So thats absolutely great. Interms of skill, You have what it takes and know your way around SOBDE to bring Bad Batch to a greater height, One thing I have noticed with Bad Batch is that they never truly flourish and have never been held in the same regard as the other SOBDE squads, But with that, I know you can effectively make it what it needs to be made. With this +1, This is my last forum post as I am surrounded by emergency level Bush Fires, I hope you get this tino and hopefully I am around to see you become a true Hunter.
  6. +1 Ive now known Forseen for quite some time, I've seen the work he can put into a battalion and the turn around for the better. Interms of what others stated above with Kelso having worked harder, I can't agree with that unfortunately. Quite frankly, He is now in pending, His application has been up for a while and theres not been any major changes, or improvements from my eyes on the battalion, As an XO I would have thought he would be working hard around the clock to make his battalion as good as possible while there is no Captain Rex to take the reigns. I know you WILL give me results, and I know I dont have to hope with you Forseen, Its a matter of you getting this and doing it compared to hoping someone can. Best of Luck my fellow Australian, I have High hopes for you.
  7. Now this is the feedback I like to see, because I feel like shits been listened to, and is quite pog. Filling the community in with this info and having a good PR is a great step forward, and for me personally appreciate the time you've taken to write a proper response. I still think theres some clashing arguments and views from being a retired player and a current high staff, but that'll always be the case. As for the content part, thats the only part I wish to touch futher on, It was not a idea of stealing content(As you stated Youre aware i wasnt implying that) but more so evaluating other servers, In business and advertisment you see what your opponent is doing and do it better, thats what we did when we left icefuse, but now there are more opponents in the game with is breaking apart communities, but what are we here at synergy doing that will put us ahead of lets say Superior or communities like that? I see many unique additions to those server, but we don't and Im not saying I do not like vanilla CWRP but its bland at times, and we dont have a lot that a player can do in their sparetime on the server which he can do by himself. Now this is probably a server suggestion type post thing, but it would be cool to see some sort of update, its like we are still playing the server from 2017 but not going on with the times, for instance for me personanly, Perma weapons and Skill points was us moving on, a map update is, but content stays the same, what can we do at Synergy to improve the content value of the server and make it more up 2 date with the others going into 2020 IE, custom scripts to promote Engineer roleplay in an engine room where you interact with the consoles and have to do proper repairs type thing? Maybe a NPC which you can go up 2 every now and then and get jobs to do around the base, like if your a naval, it would be restricted to naval and put in naval bunks, when you press e you have a series of jobs that essentially need doing by naval on the ship and you actively have to do it, like if the librarian chick is around, she has to go collect and books around the temple archives etc, and they get some coin from completing it? Not saying add these but like what ideas are actually in the works to improve the content value of synergy, and bring it on par of Sup etc? Is there any in the works, I think a lot of people are left out of the loop with this sort of stuff.
  8. No, Why make this fucking post if youre just going to be a retard on it, Its for constructive feedback and you and sanchez just made this a fucking shit show and a meme.
  9. I cant Neutral anymore so I have to -1 Sugga, As you know I back you up quite a lot, you're the man I want to take over from me, and I personally think you could do so, but I am not going to be discussing my personal bias feelings towards you because that would be a +1 I am going to list some negatives in terms of the battalion: Firstly, upon my resignation, you'll find that there was a lot of conflict, a lot of internal drama, which even caused one of the best Senior Officers we had leave. Interms of recruitment and your plans, if you try and add requirements back into the battalion it will zap the fun out of the battalion and unfortunately lead to your downfall as a BCMD. From what I have discussed with people in the 187th, I almost had to join back because they see you as very distant from the battalion/very unaware of the direction the battalion wants to go as a whole, remember the numbers you have now didnt come from being a push over elite group that you can make them, that battalion became a family to one another, and more of a friendly have fun but keep it serious vibe, and with the numbers even after taking a hit being at a still a massive high compared to almost every past BCMD excluding Faoeae you have a golden opportunity, but also a ticking time bomb. People also came to me after my resignation because they thought they couldn't go to you, I was resigned and had to sit down for an hour explaining stuff to people in the battalion, telling them how to approach situations and how to improve the battalion. Unfortunately you slowly became in the battalions eyes an option they didn't want for BCMD, and I sure hope that has changed. On a positive note, you are a great leader, and If you obtain BCMD imo you would do great, as you did once before, but now the battalions bigger than then, more active then than across 2 timezones (Mine and yours) so be careful with that, Interms of the suggestion, I highly doubt its to be accepted, its dumb with the numbers atm, but then again anythings possible so be safe again. Best of Luck Sugga, dont let me down mate
  10. Rons right, And the other dude who stated it also, But theres a lot we could improve ourselves to attract people from other communities, for instance Defcon Gaming; Handles way better than Synergy Has more unique features that we dont have Allows more for a player to do during downtime more incentive to play overtime for instance, loot crates, player trading of unique skins etc Now im not saying copy at all, But how are we any different from some b grade CWRP than pops up? Not a whole lot, The main thing people say is "Oh we are more optimized" but that aint true compared to other servers that have more on the server box, More being used at a time and being done, more players on at one time etc we are still running substantially worse then them at prime. Im going to only relate to this last part, because it annoys me a lot. Staff are bad: We cannot address that issue, As a player its not our area to address. Directors+ Bad: This is dumb, I would say HA+ bad in some circumstances, once again its just a staff issue, you guys should be able to fix it, One thing I personally see, is its a lot of favouritsm and who you know thats getting people HA. NOW WAIT, before you say "No they go through a massive process and we a very careful with who you pick" Ima call it here, Bullshit. You got HA's that are apart of the GM team who literally run shit 2 hour events multiple times that most lose interest in or break immersion. You got HA's that dont even want to play GMOD, you have HA's that really dont do a whole bunch of good, this has been proven and seen time and time again, I did just see a director seeping so low as to argue on a forum post, I told Heart of for doing that on one of these a while ago, Just dont do it, if ur annoyed or angry fuck outta here, its for feedback not arguments neither the post owner or the director are being professional at all or the least bit constructive anymore. But its not a massive issue, we have a CoC and if followed correctly, as IT DOES, We shouldn't have to see a HA+ or a Director+ very often. Events Bad: This is the part thats triggered me, I know I have made a post relating to way to improve the efficiency of events and quality, by properly planning and developing events on a form to structure to develop a better guide with the help of Rohan, If people looked you would see this. RP Is Bad: I also stated this in another post and some ways a BCMD can improve quality of the battalion, How a REG+ should now approach his role to make it more enjoyable, How any Officer can role, How a marshal should work but I will say this. Before I resigned, Ive seen little work from the REG+ team, now that includes Marshal and Palp. I see them do shit all tbh, and i say this with confidence and they are my friends, But dont hold a position for the title, Hold it because you want to work and develop the community, People just apply to keep going up ranks, or to gain a new title, Theres not a lot of productivity going on anymore tbh. People AFK: Who cares we dont reach max cap anyway People only want to be led around and have events to give them things to do: Roleplay server, if they want to be led around and roleplay that way then meh People ruin events and RP because they don't like RP or force RP to go they're way: Very true actually, but once again things cant be fixed if no one reports the situation etc, Lets say I kill an event by forcing RP and making a 30 minute event take 2 hours, thats ruined and boring for those that are involved in the new RP, Unless you tell me not to, how will I know not to? Unless you ask me to avoid doing so because people are disliking it how will I know? You see, running from your problems and not facing them when they rise it and bringing them up in a forum post is dumb, Sort it when you see it.
  11. Hi, lately i've been thinking quite a lot about the server and a lot has been around how can we boost and or slowly fix the server to bring it back to its former prime. I would first like to address the GM team, especially around the planning of an event/encounter. I have been seeing recently GM's dragging events on and on, to the point where its no longer enjoyable for the players, I had one encounter recently where I killed the same Death watch 3 times... I would like to recommend to those who are GM to start using a template of some sort, I know @Rohan uses one that signifcantly improves the event experience, and flow of event. It could look similar to this: ------Template------ Event Type: In here you would state what you want the event to be, Is it; A) Shoot em up, Or more Story Line based B) Whats the objective, Is it hostage rescue, Interogations, Base defense etc. C) Is it on the Main or Event Server. Preparation: Time for setting up props Setting up event characters how many assistant GM's (If Event Server) What Battalions are involved: 212th? 501st? (If Event Server) Map Name: WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES: List the objectives in order you want them completed, this is important objectives. Event Time: Set a time limit and try to stick to it, for instance 30 Minutes to 45 minutes or 45-1hour. Event Job Roles: A short description listing what the event job is and their objective. Story: Write Here up, dont be lazy This gives more of a clear line and idea of what to do etc. As for staff, Just answer tickets lmao. BCMD's+ You guys need to promote roleplay, and the following of rules in your battalion, for instance if 2 melee users are going head to head, you need to stand down and not discharge weapons, its too often I see this. Also if youre battalion isn't doing to swell, change it up remove dumb requirements and shorten promo cool downs, its not needed if you just manage things better you'll find it will run hassle free. Any Member of a battalion: If you have a problem with your battalion please for the sake of the server talk to the people incharge of your battalion, you need to let people know or nothing will get fixed, I recently saw people running from their problems and I was ashamed to have been their BCMD, Speak up and make the effort it fix the battalion with those around you, never run from the problem confront it and fix it. Now removal of battalions, This is probably the dumbest thing ive ever heard to fix a server, its never been a problem even in the old days when we actually maxed out for hours at a time, don't try and blame the lack of numbers of a battalion on the fact that theres too many, thats not the case at all, especially if the battalion you blame isnt even in your regiment for instance: Lets say shock is dead, Removing 187th wont help them, its a completely different ballgame interms of how battalions operate, but this is the same for 104th, DU or any other battalion, Having more battalions yes can be a slight problem but even when there was more battalions than what there is now, its always been even interms of numbers, for instance, if a 187th trooper leaves when the servers max slots, a 41st might then replace him, it is unlikely that a member of the same battalion ever replaced someone from their own when an AFK check was done, or when people straight up left, so please stop saying we need to remove battalions, dont be so quick to blame other battalions. I'll say this, from personal experience people do not like having heaps of requirements in a battalion, and heaps long rank promotion cooldowns, they ARE NOT needed at all, but you might then say how to people get recruits, how are battalions getting numbers if you dont have to recruit... Its 200iq, you got to make the boring stuff more of a game, for instance add some insentive to the idea of recruitment, you gotta give them some credits, you gotta make it fun for them and have the right atmosphere in a battalion to get results its as easy as that, You cannot be some stuck up prick in a BCMD spot and expect to get results, people will begin to hate you or want you gone for an attitude problem and go elsewhere. I suggest to everyone that battalions evaluate their batts and think about where they personally can look to improve whether thats in basic enjoyment, or attidue on the server. We need people to enjoy their time here, not hate it. Now any reigmental+ Read this: Dont just sit in your channel or spend a lot of time with battalions you recently left, or arent in your regiment seriously. The worst thing you can do is favour a specific battalion over the entire regiment, Appoint a day or 2 to specific battalions and stick with the routine, For instance, monday you might chill with the 41st, the next maybe 91st etc. If you are using an active, and interactive approach as a bcmd would, you will simply find results and significant improvements not only in your knowledge of battalions but the problems they may have and how to better prepare simulations etc to be able to boost the battalions quality of troopers. I have seen far to many regimentals take the whole advising role and its done no justice to the server or battalions what so ever, you should be working to develop a BCMD, and make them great, not wait for him to start to fall before you give him a platform to stand on, Instead help him from the start from the back, dont push ideas onto them simply just suggest and promote different ideas and chill with his battalion, you gotta be there to gain respect, you dont just get it from sitting in a locked channel and poppin into the channel for a second or 2. Ontop of that, You guys really need to start hosting training, and I know i touched base on this a little above, but you need to be consistant, Im sick of 2 week regimentals, where they do shit for the first 2 weeks and then go MIA unitl problems arrive, that simply aint good enough, and by trainings maybe more roleplay situated things so we can start to bring the quality up over time, this starts at the rank of PVT and just because you go up the ranks doesnt mean your roleplay drops, you need to advice through the experience you have on the server how to make players better. And for the sweaty boyos in the backrow, Its a game interms of lore friendliness I dont care if they are a drawing you drew when you got drunk or if they have an entire movie dedicated to you, who cares all Im saying is just accept things as they are, and move on, its a game at the end of the day and complaining about lore every 2 seconds is just getting old. I will update more tonight, Im in quite the hurry as I have work.
  12. i just touched me willy
  13. -1, The idea is solid, but not needed, Just merge ENG and PLTs, making all Pilots go through Basic Engineer training before getting the job will better train your troops and give them more pathways when it comes to roleplay.
  14. If you could talk on some of these points Kelso that would be great, I might change my answer, but I have to agree with regional here quite a lot; you see, if we take out all the fluff youve added to your applications: Battalion at end of term, youll see this: I think currently, the battalion is in a good state, although we have no HC other than myself, and no Senior Officers. At the end of it though, I'd like to create an environment in the battalion where people can interact without having to be on GMod all the time, I'd like to create somewhat of a community. Thats literally the where i want my battalion, No one cares for the fluff, we care for the facts, and WHAT YOU WILL DO. Let me explain more: Heres the full thing I think currently, the battalion is in a good state, although we have no HC other than myself, and no Senior Officers. We're getting a steady flow of recruits and have a stable amount of people throughout the day. Last month, we even got the most recruits since January, reaching 86 (thanks to the adamant work of our NCO/SNCO Core.) During my term, the Officer Core should already be filled out with capable people, and regimental positions should be filled as we've got quite a good amount of capable and eager people in the battalion at the moment. At the end of it though, I'd like to create an environment in the battalion where people can interact without having to be on GMod all the time, I'd like to create somewhat of a community. I think we're already on the right track on this with the increase of game/movie nights. There's also been an increase in interactions between people in general. At the end of my term, I want the battalion to be fully functioning in every way whatsoever. What I highlighted in red relates to nothing with this question, Cool 501st recruitment went up, put that under why you should be bcmd. What do you mean it should already be full? You have no Senior Officers or High command, and if its full by the time u start ur term, theres nothing for you to do during your term in that aspect, The community, i mean sure but thats for your own benifit, the battalion having its own community with you and others does shit all for the rest of the server, whom as a bcmd you will also be targeting. Not only that you have literally stated 0 ways to achieve the 2 points you have, if you cant state a game plan for 2 points im sorry but I dont see you having a game plan at all. Also, you updated your hours, great but still weekdays are the problem with your hours, you updated your weekend hours when kids can get on during the time you are on, its a bloody weekend. Week days is the issue, they go 5 days without you and then 2 with you, thats not good at all, thats a killer and a half. Also you state how you know people in other battalions, smart man but you have no relation with the 187th at all, which is another attack battalion, I had 501st join my discord to improve relations and hold joint trainings etc, 0 absolutely 0. Now lets take my original comment thats been mass dumbed: Unfortunately -1 I do not know you that well Kelso, apart from the fact you held docs hostage and are still blacklisted from the 212th, you could have billiamed the docs for all we know. Yes you did hand them over, but still you made a dumb decision and I know others that have done the same that are still banned with no appeal. I dont have that much trust in you after doing that to a battalion to have you step up to the plate. You are a good lad, But US server and your times are very EU... With school having started back up and will be going during your term, you need to be on 4pm+ not during the school hours for your younger audience of troops, I dont see your times being of any benifit to the battalion at all as BCMD. To sum it up, Ive just lost trust in you, as I have with others who have held docs hostage, sorry. Interms of your arrests, they are quite solid with only have 1 for failRP in August. Not bad, Not good but it aint bad I guess. But other than that, The only way I could possibly +1 this, is if your times matched prime time, and unfortunately they dont. Sorry Mate. My main reasons for the -1 is TIMEZONE, and the trust you no longer have with me after the 212th issue, thats fine I dont care as I stated the only way I could +1 is if you could be on during prime time, unfortunately even after you updated your hours, you cannot on weekdays. BUT Here you are, I have more I want to see some actual issues, or some actual goals that'll benifit the 501st and how you are going to achieve them, are you going to rework the intel team? Are you going to improve the roleplay and strictness within the battalion? as i would hope you would as they all need it. How are you actually going to improve the officer core, oh wait you cant state how you will in your reply cause you say it should be done before hand, it SHOULD. Wtf what do you mean "should" thats a rubbish mindset, you mean "will" be done.
  15. Sniff, Sniff, Sniff... Right for those of you who dont know, I have been talking and hanging out with most of NULL since my retirement, just chilling around during after hours and this is what I have witnessed so far: Nothing but players who know what exactly there null character is but also his strengths, weakness's and personality traits, most try to maintain and stick to it as much as possible. Over SNIFF's time as Ordo, its become very clear to me that his overall attitude and roleplay abilities have actually significantly improved, However one thing I would like to see more off in the future is how strict you are with your own men, AKA, 1 strike if they screw up even on a small scale infront of anyone, this is simply to help bring that elite look back to NULL that it once had when it was first added. Not only that but youve actually been working quite hard to get the tryout dupe ready for the people waiting, and have been working quite late even into my nights to make sure it is ready, double checking with multiple others to see if it working, all welding and overall ready to be used, so you know what you are doing and have the basic communication skills on a gmod server to be able to actually put all of that together and develop one good squad. As this is your first application I will say that do not worry Sniff, you will do a superb job as Null and no matter what others may say or what influence they may have on another battalion/unit you need to remember ultimately youre running a squad of 6 not including Kal, not a battalion its easier to manage and to communicate and overall develop them into what you would like them to be. +1 sniff, best of luck!
  16. -1 made me remember my old pal faoeoe But in all seriousness, I spoke to Dargon about this, his plans, past experience, and overall time zone and his commitment to synergy far out weighs any other applicant whatsoever. Dargon is one of the few people I would say I looked up to during my early times in the 212th, his leadership ability and overall trust factor on synergy is far better than what I have with Kelso and, his track record on Synergy is far better than the other applicants at this point in time. After the pit of shit the 501st was in, with lack of high command within the battalion, put someone in there who knows how to start the 501st back up, get it EST timezone based and actually have it run well and successfully, he wont half ass it, has experience in multiple leadership positions and one of synergies 501st founding forfathers, makes sense to have him fix it while he can, overall I have more faith and trust in this applicant over the other. In terms of knowing the members of the battalion, Thats not quite true. Yes it can cause some confliction between members, but it will all sort itself out, I had the same issue with 187th, I literally pulled legacy rank 2ndLT, next day got waived, a week later I was BCMD and fixed the whole thing and we had HC to worry about, the 501st simply does not, theres a NCO and Jnr Officer core that needs work, and High Command that needs to be made. As you can read above, I had probably about a weeks worth of interaction with the battalion during my app was up, still got accepted and performed a massive turn around within 3 weeks, after 2 months was done, it was fine. the 501st has taken 3 months to get back up to somewhat of a standard for numbers, while maintaining 0 high command structure of the battalion, making someone whose EU apply, with times that mean during a weekday they can only get on during the school hours, Not really a good idea for a battalion that needs an active BCMD, and high command to start repairing it. Dargon will perform such duties as he did during the start of synergy and has continued to do so consistantly during his time here, Has a better trust factor with not only staff but battalions and playerbase (Didnt hold docs hostage) and has maintained and held higher power spots than this and has done so for multiple terms, and multiple re runs after breaks. If you really want the 501st to fix itself, and slowly develop the server, youd be smart to get someone with old knowledge of the server of when it was good and not dying rather than the wombats who think they're good but really failRP and have no knowledge of the rules on base(Server rules) that joined within the past 2 years when the server was dying and contributed towards it (Not all, but most and dumb acts like holding docs hostage like the other applicant and those forms of drama, are key killing points to a server and a battalion, no one wants to deal with drama.) +1 Dargon, I hope for the best.
  17. Hey there ron, I got a glitch with chatbox as im sure youre aware off, Its not restricted to his actual chat box and is hiding behind everything else: https://gyazo.com/bf8a5f47489baa62836d1b4d403c5797
  18. As I stated, Its my trust thats lost as that Battalion has a lot to do with me. Trust is something you get once but once its lost its gone and twice as hard to get thats the way the cookie crumbles. As I said, The arrest was in August, and I stated in a different color its not bad, You have an arrest which isnt good, But its fine, If it was an issue it would also be in red. As for your hours, Update your application to be correct then?
  19. Unfortunately -1 I do not know you that well Kelso, apart from the fact you held docs hostage and are still blacklisted from the 212th, you could have billiamed the docs for all we know. Yes you did hand them over, but still you made a dumb decision and I know others that have done the same that are still banned with no appeal. I dont have that much trust in you after doing that to a battalion to have you step up to the plate. You are a good lad, But US server and your times are very EU... With school having started back up and will be going during your term, you need to be on 4pm+ not during the school hours for your younger audience of troops, I dont see your times being of any benifit to the battalion at all as BCMD. To sum it up, Ive just lost trust in you, as I have with others who have held docs hostage, sorry. Interms of your arrests, they are quite solid with only have 1 for failRP in August. Not bad, Not good but it aint bad I guess. But other than that, The only way I could possibly +1 this, is if your times matched prime time, and unfortunately they dont. Sorry Mate.
  20. Its not needed, One of the signs is a link to the rules, and where they can be found, It also states failrp is not acceptable. Also, you should not be arrested straight up, You give a homie a warning, you see them do it again bean em its as easy as that. -1 dont flood the server with more sign and things that arent needed
  21. Hi Carter, I was the BCMD of the 187th most recently. Now lads, let me say something... Ya'll wanna make the server good again? Wanna fix it? Well you wont. Im sorry but you guys literally cant fix the server until you fix yourself first. Let me explain: Have you ever thought that the servers not doing so well, cause its all quantity not quality? The reason the 187th became to be so good recently was because I took a certain approach: I had fun with my men in teamspeak, and always had a laugh that was the key feature of the battalion, No toxicity whatsoever but have a laugh with the boys. Cool downs on ranks? Yeah have em but dont make them over the top bro, Lets be real You dont see my officer core filled to the max, its AVG on numbers but we dont have a cool down lmao, Its about having fun, and playing, hosting events. The recuirements was as follows: CPL>SGT - Get SGT trained EZ All of NCO ranks: Just have fun, be active, chill with the lads, do some doc work if your intel, Lead some events, lead the boys in a training, and overall perform. Yes it was slightly stricter, and you didnt get promoted off the spot but for me, it was about making sure these lads remembered it was a game. Piss me off and sure, ill give you PT that'll burst blood vessels in your eyes apparently. But as long as youre having fun and playing and just doing your part thats all that matters. When you got to officer it got bad, no lie but I made my troops take LOAs when I felt like they needed a break, I made sure they all knew they can leave for a break, play Halo or do other shit to take a break, you dont want to burn out your men, you want to look after them. In terms of recruitment, yall got it wrong. Battalions out there adding recruitment to the requirements are backwards, no offence. Not from the start was there any type of proper requirement for recruitment, You dont make it a requirement you make it challenge, Or a game inside a game. Lads everyone loves credits, so give the person with most recruits credits. And what was weird, if we got low on events, people decided to take it upon themselves to go and do CC trainings a lot to get us BAT of the week for an event, what an absolute lad. Its all about mucking around with the boys, but roleplaying properly and maintaining a character. I was always serious when I had to be in game, and I knew the rules and I follow them, when you learn to do that and transfer that into your battalion and troopers you can help the server out there. As for removal of battalions, I agree some can go, but overall its dumb, the math has been done, but that doesnt account for the mass AFKers that lurk during prime time, If we go back to when we hit 128/128 every prime time, youll find battalions still had a down fall in numbers cause its all luck, who can get on first. Im australian so I had to wait forever, but when we got deployed we all went and rocked solid numbers and we waited till we could get on, For instance, you might have some 41st AFK and they get kicked, and some 212th are waiting to join, they get in and replace the 41st who just got kicked and now the 212ths numbers are up while 41st are down, thats quick maf But the issue here is, we need to stop thinking about the digits guys, It'd be great if we could use the ratio about too many battalions but that doesnt matter when you cant push out 128/128 anyway to fullfill the stats... If a battalion is dead during prime time now, theres slots available for people to join and boost it. So how will removing battalions help server population? Lets say your removing a battalion with 8 people. Youre not getting 8 people back on the server, or 8 new people to boost numbers, No No no, Youre just moving 8 others away into another location, and when they become the biggest, the cycle repeats. Lets focus on just getting new players interested into the server before we worry about removing battalions homeslice. Lets work on fixing the current people on the server and them it will attract others cause we a quality not quantity, EZ Fix.
  22. Now that I am not applying and have resigned, I can say some stuff. Firstly, The application is very small even for someone who has updated it once already cause of that its tiny. Secondly, From what I read, you're planning on doing the generic Attack Regimental style, Simply becareful doing so, cause not a lot of attack regimentals do a lot. Thirdly, A lot of people from when I spoke to them said this, and I dont know why they havent posted anything but I will. A lot of them say that you'll be afk on this job for credits more than playing. Once again others opinion, not mine but its concerning when one of those who states that is a previos ATK reg... Now for my Honest truth. You want to run the ATTACK REG position a very generic and bland way, and quite frankly this way has proved time and time again to not work. Dont get me wrong, it always works in the first week or 2... Then it dies down real quick and every ATK Reg says it apart from the recent ones, But even with Omalic it was still very evident and I love omalic. Another thing is, ATK regimentals bloody favour battalions they leave, and its bloody bullshit. Quite frankly the only contact i got from attack regimentals was when I went to them for a chat, nothing was done for my battalion at its lowest point apart from a bunch of restrictions i broke. If you are not evenly active with each individual battalion and let them show you the ropes you will not succeed. The 212th has a very different structure compared to the 187th, and from what ive seen and heard, 327th etc. You're running a structure thats been almost the same since Billiams era, and thats outdated and its becoming obvious as you guys are struggling to have a successful NCO core and maintaining promotions. I would personally like to have seen you have more interaction with other battalions, But I do believe that you COULD be a good attack regimental, and follow what others have done, but I dont think thats what the server entirely needs right now. I think you have great knowledge, but it needs to spand futher and you need to put in an effort now. You may be working with Attack Regimentals but with them being so large, your dealing with a lot of people. And thats a lot of people who struggle to do basic roleplay and thats not just in NCO but also officers, Not only in the ATK regiments but also as an entirity of the server, and Its something I hope the Marshal Commander will address also, cause if its not done, the server will continue to die like it has been for the past 2 years, its no where at the quality that it once was and Im not the only who can see this. With you being Omalics first regimental, you will be working a lot with him and expected to do things quickly and efficiently. I just dont think the current High Command structure in a roleplay sense is the current roster that'll bring a spark back to the community and help develop it into what it once was. Thank you, I know most people who like Tyennoch will dumb this, but unfortuntely its the truth and not much can be said about that. On this note, I will remain Neutral.
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