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Everything posted by Washington

  1. Even Tyzen still knows who is #1 Ahsoka Anyway, you had a great run bud. We used to have a bunch of disagreements when you were Atin, then you become big bOi yoda and was an absolute lad, and hands down the best Yoda that there was. enjoy retirement. its much better.
  2. aight boys, I got work to do Farewells: If I liked you I liked you, if I didn't, well go fuck yourself.
  3. Name: Washington / Galle Suggestion: Make it so you have to be Captain+ to be able to grant permission to leave the base. Implementation: Make it so CPT+ can authorize leaving the base. Lore: Clones could walk outside and do patrols, they didn't need a BCMD+ to give them that, it would fall to an officer. Having a BCMD+ would restrict the usuage of the map heavily, and great reduce the amount of things people could do. This allows for passive RP out in the forest, and better gameplay that allows more players access to outside. It is to be watched by a CPT+ and any incidents would fall on his shoulders. The map should be able to be enjoyed, and not have people locked in a base. No development required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Name: Washington / Galle Suggestion: Make it so you have to be Captain+ to be able to grant permission to leave the base. Implementation: Make it so CPT+ can authorize leaving the base. Lore: Clones could walk outside and do patrols, they didn't need a BCMD+ to give them that, it would fall to an officer. Having a BCMD+ would restrict the usuage of the map heavily, and great reduce the amount of things people could do. This allows for passive RP out in the forest, and better gameplay that allows more players access to outside. It is to be watched by a CPT+ and any incidents would fall on his shoulders. The map should be able to be enjoyed, and not have people locked in a base. No development required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. +1 One of the best events in a long time. Needs no further explanation.
  6. @Square@Carter ay yo lock this before I start going off and calling kids retarded
  7. Well before all you guys keep having a panic attack over a game, I was referring to the existence of Base Ops not Naval, maybe there was some miscommunication, but the comment I responded to was in a conversation regarding base ops. I shouldn’t have to explain to a Admiral how to read.
  8. I would just rather have you guys just not exist, but I guess since people pay for VIP we have to keep you. Maybe if you guys did some RP I would think otherwise, but yes, I want BaseOps to be pointless. Because it is.
  9. I still miss Ginyu rip in peace to the lad
  10. if you think you will have any power on that base you are having a fucking laugh imma be frolicking in the forest the whole time
  11. -1 The fact that you have to try and force respect should be a testament to the very reason this is an issue. Respect is earned, not given. I’m not going to listen to some power hungry person (this is just an example, as this has happened in the past) who thinks since they have VIP they are on some high horse. Naval SOLE PURPOSE is to make sure the ship works. Not once through lore do you see naval order the clone troopers what to do. Your example of “well in real life”, well sorry to break it in, but this isn’t real life. I’m real life the Clone Ar... wait... it isn’t real. People need to realize this is STAR WARS not some real life military sim. Go play Arma if that’s your thing. Also, there is no point to this. Why do you want more power? It literally just shows how naval is power hungry af, and this is an example of WHY people don’t respect them. If you want more respect, earn it.
  12. +1 because it literally doesn’t matter you guys are hasbro toys you can call yourselves the 385th Barack Obama regiment and it will be just a lore friendly lmao so bring back the ol SC
  13. -1 The current Cody is doing very well, and this seems like just a way to slide into his role. The current Cody is a much better fit for maintaining the battalions success than you would be in trying to lead it somewhere different Keep 212th Great.
  14. +1 Perri is doing an EXCELLENT job as Cody and continues to keep the battalion in a good state. I see him on ALL THE TIME when I am on, so this misconception of him being "inactive" seems dumb and just an excuse to oust a man doing well in the position. Perri has the ability to lead the 212th, and capability to maintain its success. Perri is the man for this battalion. So go forth my boy, keep doing great things. Keep 212th Great!
  15. you look a little uh... different... @Egg wanna hang out sometime
  16. I may not have agreed with your means and methods, but I cannot doubt that you did have the conviction and vision to put your battalions in the best direction that you saw for them. Your passion and dedication to trying and better those regiments will be remembered and we may have ideologically clashed but you are always a great guy and I never took anything personal. I hope to still see you around and talk to ya!
  17. C O M M S A R E A U T O M A T I C A L L Y S E C U R E Y O U D O N T N E E D T O T Y P E S E C U R E
  18. We gonna still mob out on some other games
  19. Absolutely not. I appreciate you and your Cortana, but this isn't it. You are a director, and I am a strong advocate AGAINST Directors maintaining High Ranking positions like this. You need to FOCUS on Director and not deal with being a Regimental. It takes too much time, and I do not think you are ready to do both things. The only person I've seen capable is Jackson, and well, no one is like Jackson (<3) You need to focus on Director, not another role. -1
  20. Terms for BCMDs are terrible. Since my time throughout the server (and a VAST majority of my time was in High Command, where I had term limits) I have always been vehemently against them. To save time and space, I'll bullet why it is a terrible idea for BCMDs: Pointless. We have Commander Reports for a reason, use them. "What if the guy goes inactive" Don't we have High Command for a reason? I mean, I know they are not the best, but they can get the job done. "What if they don't pass on the torch" Then go over them, you can go Commander-REG at the same cost! You also could hold a General Meeting with your BCMD. We had to do it in the 327th back in the day, and it got the man out, and a new one in. I know it is hard, but try talking to people, does wonders. It can add additional stress to the Battalion Commander that they have to need the entire communities respect to be able to EXIST. Now time to address some counter-arguements: If you can't Commander Report a man who is failing at his job, you clearly aren't cut out to be a BCMD. Man up, and get the job done. Just because people have the OPPORTUNITY to apply, doesn't mean they should. Look at the Egg Vs. Matra race, if Matra would've won it would've killed the battalion. Let's look at something closer to home, what if Tristan didn't get Bly? The 327th would have failed by now, and its the second day. The right people need to be there. This man, is speaking wise words. Everything we keep moving towards to seems to be like we are slowly becoming IFN, and wasn't that the OPPOSITE of what we wanted to do. Maybe, we should try to be our own server. In conclusion, Battalion Commander terms are pointless, and all the points that support it are all subjective and based on a few specific incidents. In the long-run, it is a bad thing, and should not be in existence. This probably won't happen, but maybe we can see continual change into the server at some point. Thank you, have a great day.
  21. +1 Now all we need is GMs to make Event Server Events!
  22. This is a great idea, a great attempt, but it will never happen. This would be HUGE if they allowed people to be GMs without having to do the long tiring grind of being a staff. It usually takes 2 weeks per staff promo (MINIMUM) to be promoted. So NA > A = 2 weeks. A > SA = 2 weeks. If you fast track through the staff team (which seems nearly impossible, since people with even 50 CCs trained and people who have a lot of tickets never get recognition) it takes 1 MONTH to be ELIGIBLE to become a GM. No one has the time to waste for that. The people who do put the time and recognition usually seem to get promoted once a month, I've seen plenty of examples staff members who wish to become GMs, but simply just aren't noticed for their services. This man just hit the nail on the head. GM is treated like a reward that you ear. It should be something people who want to make the server fun should be able to do. The current state of the GM team (and the Staff team as a whole) is an absolute mess, and the same people in charge keep making the same sorry excuses for why it doesn't do well, or blames others for their shortcomings. Truth is, maybe the current system just isn't working. Exactly this. People solely do events because they have to, to be promoted. You can talk all about how the "requirement is one event per week", that's not the issue. It is that the more events you put out = promotion faster (or so they think at least), and that just leads to these cheap events being made. Another solid issue, the people who have good ideas, who want to make events, don't want to be in the muck and mire of the staff team. I can name plenty of examples of outstanding people who would be PERFECT as GMs and they never will because the staff team is a road to burning out if you don't have a passion for it. I've tried staff twice, got to VA and SA both times, and by the time you get the GM tag, you are burnt out. Let people who can make this server fun have a chance. This literally never happens. If it did, maybe we would have decent events. Literally every event is the same cookie-cutter shoot-em-up, or some droid trading mission. I could go on all day about this, but I believe I got the point across. Something needs to change in the GM system before it causes the server to continue to be a boring place with no fun things. High Staff continues to say "We'll it's not our fault GM team is bad" when the sole reason it isn't succeeding is because of a lack of action. Maybe the idea of a VIP-GM style thing isn't a good idea. But at least it is an idea. Something needs to change before it is too late.
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