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Posts posted by Magician

  1. 42 minutes ago, 187thTucker said:


    I might not have known you as well as some of the other guys, but whenever I saw you around you were always helpful and had a good attitude. I usually got a laugh out of my interactions with you. It stings to see you go before I really got a chance to know you. Late nights will never be the same.

    dangg broo

  2. 7 minutes ago, Jflag24 said:

    I had some good moments with you on the server. Feel free to hit us up if you play anything else we all might have in common. Thank you for being a part of this big adventure.


    17 minutes ago, Rickle said:



  3. My timezone is really messing me up and I kinda feel bad specially for Delta due to me getting on when they're on. It's just a struggle to get on early in the morning just to attend Staff Meetings and Such. I loved this Server and its Community, I've made a lot of Friends throughout my time here.

    There's way more people there that made me enjoy this Server.


    • Friendly 7
  4. Steam Name:

    Synr.gg | Magician

    RP Name:

    Delta RC-1262 "Scorch"

    RP Rank:


    Steam ID: 


    Battalion or squad you are applying for:

    Delta Squad



    I first joined the Server hoping to be in SO (Special Ops) cause they look nice and have the ability to cloak and they also have the Westar, So I quickly do the requirements I needed in order to join SO and a Week later I'm in Special Ops. I reached the rank of Corporal before leaving to 104th as a Private due to me resigning not Transferring. I didn't have any memories here but I had a few friends like Maddox (Shadow 7) Knockout and Ignis (Shadow 45).



    I joined 104th hoping to become Boost, The Jet Lead of 104th. I became Boost around the time when Brooklyn was still Comet. Being Boost and Jet Lead of 104th has taught me little leadership, Managing your own unit and hosting weekly training's.  A few weeks go by and Jet has the most numbers in the 104th. A Week from that I've received 2ndLT and the week next 1stLT. My time in the 104th has come short though due to me wanting to receive a position in SO BDE.


    It took me almost a month to receive a position in SO BDE.


    Delta Squad

    I finally got in SO BDE getting Scorch the Demolition of "Delta Squad", I was under Inosuke (Boss) and my Squad Ecetera (Sev) Teaa (Fixer) and Tomm (Iri Camas).  I usually get on around 9pm est as I live in the Philippines, I kinda hate being on the other side of the world as sometimes my Squad is sleeping when I'm on, But I still try to enjoy my time as Scorch. I helped people with their tryouts especially Pythin (Hunter) with Bad Batch tryouts. I overall had a great time here in SO BDE, Everything was going well until...Boss and Fixer was removed. The removal of my Squad Lead and XO was really something, That means It's up to me and Ecetera (Sev) on how we could refill Delta Squad. So I quickly made a new Tryout Dupe for Delta Squad. Which led me to thinking on being the Squad Lead of Delta Squad.






    21stSO PVT - CPL

    104th PVT - 1stLT

    Wolfpack Boost

    Delta RC-1262 "Scorch"

    SO BDE 2ndLT



    Jedi Padawan

    Jedi Knight - Knight Adept

    Sentinel Manager

    Sentinel Manager Lead




    NA -SA



    GM of the Week

    Staff of the Week

    TR of the Week


    Bounty Hunter


    Clan Associate

    Guild Cabinet Member


    Note: I had a lot more battalions I had joined on my Clone but either I forgot about it or I just stayed as a Private then left.



    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I have a lot of reasons why I should be the Battalion Commander for Delta Squad, I will list them below. 



    I would implement the zero strike system to my Squad as well, I would talk to each member of my Squad weekly if they have any problems about SO BDE or any Member within SO BDE. I want my Squad to be well disciplined  and well trained, We are "Republic Commandos" after all.  I don't want what happened to my Old Squad to happen to me as Boss so I will be strict to my Squad. 



    I would make the channel rules more strict and remove the use of Soundboards, As It gets too out of hand and too annoying. I understand that we all need fun so I will add a rule saying that you need a Permission from a XO+ from Delta or If no XO+ From Delta are to ask permission from the people in the channel if they like to hear it.


    Battle Comms

    Battle Comms is not really used in SO BDE, So I would like to talk to Squad Leads about adding Battle Comms to their Squad so SO BDE would act Professional during Events/Encounters. I would also talk to GM's about getting a only Delta Squad deployment to see if they have Improved on their Battle Comms and Teamwork. If an Event is happening I want Delta Squad to always be participating even if It's only themself.



    I want my Squad to Roleplay as much as their Character. I also want them to act Professional as they are "Republic Commandos". Of course I want Delta Squad to have fun also, But if things go way out of hand I will remind them of the Zero Strike System. I would also add the Delta Squad Protocols that Inosuke Implemented. Example having them Form Up on me and march to DB.



    I want my Squad to have great relationships with the members of each squad in SO BDE. Not also the whole SO BDE but server wide Battalions and I don't want them to have conflict anyone. If so they had conflict with another member from a battalion, I would talk to the BCMD of the Battalion about the Conflict.



    Well of course you want to be active if you're a Lore Character, Especially if you're in Delta Squad a Elite Commando Squad. So every week I will be checking my Squad's actvity and If I see their hours lacking, I would talk to them if the have any problems irl so they can put out an LOA.



    Full Squad

    This will be the first things I will manage when I receive Boss. Since I just finished the Tryout Dupe I will be hosting tryouts day and night to fill my squad. 



    I want my squad to also help with our Outreaches which is Mechanized (104th and 41st). Actively host training's with them, Hosting tryouts and just socializing with them. My squad will also be hosting training such as breach and clear or Hostage simulations. I want Delta to be helping Mechanized in everything 



    Every week I will be hosting Meetings, If my Squad wants to recommend something about our Outreach or adding something in the tryout dupe, Or if they have any problems with their loadout/job we can discuss about it. I will add this if I get a full Squad so I can pick a good time for when we can host those Meetings. If I cant make those meetings, The XO of the Squad will be hosting it. If a Member can't make it, I will be making a Meeting Notes so He can know what we have talked about.


     [I know this is a lot of Stuff,I will accomplish all of this as my time as Boss. ]



    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



    I am available due to the Corona Virus and suspension of Classes 

    Monday - Sunday : 9pm EST - 11am EST

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have been playing for around almost a year I think, Which earned me 1600 Hours.

    Do you have a microphone?:


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    I want my Squad to be full and all of them are capable of being the next Boss. I want all of them to be well know in SO BDE and Synergy as a whole. I also want Delta Squad to be active and participating with events/encounter from what I said earlier.  I also want our outreach to be in the best shape possible. I also want Delta Squad to be roleplaying as much as their Character. At the end of my term Delta Squad should be : 


    Well Disciplined


    Has a great Relationship with the entire Server

    Capable of being the next Squad Lead


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:



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