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Everything posted by Cabrera

  1. It won't download. Its stuck like this https://gyazo.com/9a3813884537f6f0e34d972d36957f80 and after a minute it disappears and is not downloaded. Joining the server just kicks me out for not having the map and I have to rely on someone sending me the file to join
  2. Cabrera


    Sniff just wants some more explosives on scorch. Also half the time I feel like I see the same suggestions get suggested again such as this one +1 though this would be nice to have
  3. 8/10 was a good event
  4. +1 lol I remember when it was first used even I have a couple of posts from when I was commander. It’s pretty useless though and most people don’t use it
  5. @Joah it would apply for any event job that is under the rank of lord (such as acolytes and apprentices cloaking)
  6. noooooo o7, hope everything gets better
  7. You might have gotten removed from staff and they didn’t know that you were vip or subscriber, you should go talk to a HA+ to fix it
  8. why hasn't this been added yet
  9. the link is in the senate chambers in TS @sonnyvi
  10. -1 What Thexan said + you don’t even need to be BCMD to do half of the stuff you said in your app. Also I believe the other candidate would be better in the spot
  11. +1, he has plenty of experience, app is also good
  12. Fantastic four was confirmed to being worked on
  13. Sounds like something that needs to go in bug reports https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/forum/36-clone-wars-bug-reports/
  14. Yea. Only Officers in base ops are humans so anyone below WO+ is a clone +1
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