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McFisher last won the day on April 1 2020

McFisher had the most liked content!

About McFisher

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Forum Sheep

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  1. As long as I'm not removed its chill. Coming up on 2 months as a sgt!
  2. +1. i remember being in GC tryots with you and the lag was unbearable and i flopped. tbt
  3. ohhh i mean isnt he allowed to vote? but i see he was banned so it dosent matter anyway lmao
  4. im am the embodiment of autism oops +1
  5. phew just hit the month mark on that sw tcw spoiler lmao. and yeah sure why not +1
  6. probably more mature than me. damn you want a job at 14? i was sweating siege at 14. +1
  7. IDK if i can post here as im not staff but change your report to the template so it dosent get denied if you really want him to get punished or it will be denied as enzyme said
  8. i mean weve all done it tbh. i remember a little ducky spawning the lightsaber rifle as an admin on the shitty endor thingy map. (not me btw) just cant get caught. big up cloves. you were probably one of the best game masters, tieing with silvers. its a shmae you went full pp head and did all these things. i mean +1 for TS Unban tho
  9. dw literally me. minging is fun asf but peopel cant forgive and forget and if youre not popular you wont go far. just ignore the people who hate on you and try annoy you. the whole odinson and verstock clan hate me but its kinda funny the passion they put into it. well one of em atleast. stay safe
  10. we all know who this is aimed for. whos gonna tag em?
  11. Fine! Mingiest then :( i got told you was secretly mingey lmao
  12. we change too much stuff to make everyone happy. not everyone will be happy. all these other major server dont have posts about removing naval and shit every month from what ive seen. everyone here is so indecisive. they want a new map, then endor, then anaxes. like with the venator. like with operations. we made Mas REG then we want him back to normal. then senate event jobs. and naval event jobs? like just stop changing everythinggggg. its not gonna be perfect. we need to stick to what we have and improve it. not remove it and add something new. ive saw some really good BH RP from Omalic the other day. i dont see whats wrog with it? if people misbehave bean them. it promotes RP and shit if they do it correctly. idk just all these removing and improving posts are alot. we probably have the most server suggestions in GMOD. its always give this certain job a gun, or remove this person and add this. is it that necessary? or just for your personal liking?
  13. Im McFisher. if i stayed in staff i would've been the mingiest HA next to freck :( i was close. i lurk discord and join the server and do serious RP for sure. im perma banned from most battalions :( feelsbad. ive spent 61 hours on skyrim this week and im a 6ft4 eboy ;) becoming a hypixel bedwars pro. big up the UK. West Midlands gang. if you're from norwich or telford you're inbred. *cough* Slump *cough*. ive joined the 501st 6 times now :) i started minging originally with my mates in like February 2019, but slowly got into it and was in 4 batts for like a month or 2 lol and got high in BO etc then shit went down F
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