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About Sleeper

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Forum Sheep

Forum Sheep (2/6)



  1. +1 Good man will do well. I have faith Best Jedi Padawan Bighead
  2. +1 Worked with you in naval and you are a active member of the old man club :)
  3. +1 Has done very well in the previous terms
  4. Hmmmm Want information from the man himself first..
  5. looks good but I would recommend getting a 650 watt power supply for potential better overclocking performance
  6. -1 I agree with forseen, I think regimental commanders should be focused on planning and leading troops. Also the weapons that you have now I do believe are fine.
  7. Sleeper

    21st Bacara BCMD

    -1 I don't think the effort to become a BCMD was put into this application
  8. +1 [Insert Reason Here]
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