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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by Tinovious

  1. +1 This man needs to be staff again, Yes, Yes, Indeed.
  2. -1 Because you'll only resign in a couple of weeks.
  3. DUDE. Who am i gonna constantly bug now!? I see Pepe Silvia drove you to this! Nah, jk. I wish you the best of luck man, Take care of yourself and don't be a stranger.
  4. Mate. College is so much better than High School in Scotland ya cunt. Anyway, you'll be fine. Stay away from drugs, you look like Mark Renton and also. Drink responsibly.
  5. Welcome back Ben, Good to have you back on the server!
  6. i bet ye wear yer sisters pink fluffy socks
  7. Right. So, I’m obviously going to +1 because you’re my best friend, But sometimes you’re a pain in the arse. sure, you’re hard to read and actually hard to understand half the time but your intentions are good. I really don’t believe anyone but yourself deserves the position of Regimental. And, I get that you’ve said in the past that the position is worthless. But, You’ve helped me multiple times before and you’ve always advised me if I didn’t know what to do with my squads. You’re a great dude bro, and I’m truly honoured to call you my best friend. I believe that you will do nothing but amazing in this position and actually complete the term LMAO. But you can bet your ass once I’m done with Kal, I’ll run against you. Pepelmao.
  8. Oh no, Oh fuck. Oh, FUCK! See you gobber, don’t be a stranger. Love you long time
  9. Where I acknowledge your skills as a leader and a man who can certainly lead, This application seems rushed and sloppy. The 41st as of late has always been a bad egg, Recently activity has picked up and been going on a steady pace to bettering themselves. They’ve got solid officers and the other candidates are solid for Gree. Where as I’d like to give you my support, I just don’t envision you’d be an active Gree. Your plans for the battalion seem rather plain and not enthusiastic. In “Why should you become a battalion commander?” You stated that But yet; in “where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?” You say. It seems that you’ll only listen to parts information to better the battalion and not all, which is concerning because I think all information should be took into consideration when running these. furthermore, You’re 91st (I think) and you’re doing a great job there. If you have patience, You may even be Neyo if the current one doesn’t run for it. A good one at that, Anyway. You’re activity is pretty pepega currently as well, which I understand you’re a family man and I respect that. But, I’d assume people within the 41st want a solid leader who is active and available to bring all types of concerns and queries too. If Neutral was still thing, I would do that but I’ll have to -1 for now. But, hey. Maybe I’m wrong? What do I know, I’m a BCMD of six guys :pepelmao: I wish you the best of luck though!
  10. Alright 4head, at least I had the balls to make the suggestion
  11. People are wanting to limit to people who finished their term because most SOBDE reg’s resign after a week or two lmao but im personally fine with whatever one
  12. Yeah, Fairs. Seems really reasonable tbh. Because we've got guys that didn't serve as Reg but did like three Kal terms PEPELMAO
  13. Yeah, We have a lot of retired Command which may make it pretty pepega. Though, Not a lot of them play on the server anymore. But, I'd be down to make it for People who have served as SOBDE Reg and finished their term. I've edited the suggestion to add in the Regimental area.
  14. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:215467836 RP Name: Military Advisor Kal Skirata Battalion: Null Who is in command until you return?: Venom | Ordo Length of Absence: Two days, 8/4/19 - 8/6/19
  15. +1 To the man who gave me my first rec in 501st
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