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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by Tinovious

  1. Experiences with you in the past were a big yikes; Although. I do believe people change and you have proven that. Maybe spend a little more time as your position as Keller then try to reapply, It's gonna be a neutral from me. But good luck all in all, gamer.
  2. o7 bro, Wishing you the best man. Don't be a stranger, and take care.
  3. +1 Honestly feel like you've been shoved into the situation after what happened and it sucks that happened, but now you're the only hope.
  4. **Edited** Seeing your counterparts within the 327th's replies has made me see you in a more positive way, If Poe and Loopy think you're the man for the job, I'll agree with them. So +1 from me chief.
  5. Please read my quote above, I feel as if you never read our reasoning why
  6. Every time we give it a chance, Every time we let someone take it over. It ends up back here. On the forums.
  7. And Rancor would be a handful of ARC's with the majority ARF's, and Half of Torrent Company would be dead. Though, We care about lore in SOBDE
  8. Bruh, Other Squad leads have to focus on their own squads, Not worry for someone else's. All the occupants of Foxtrot left for other squads as they did not like being in Foxtrot so they tried out for open spots in other squads. Also, No one got manipulated out of the position first of all, they left on their own accord. As for the last Gregor, Richard saw this and we spoke to him about it and he agreed. it's no one's fault for letting Foxtrot die, and now that we see the opportunity before us; we have suggested to remove it. Plenty of people had opportunities to tryout for Foxtrot before we made this suggestion; Though we're in the endgame now. If anyone has a problem, there's still a considerable amount of squads within SOBDE and people can always tryout when there's a spot open. One less squad isn't going to hurt anyone. It'll make SOBDE easier to make forward, and operate. More lore friendly too. If the SOBDE squad leads feel the need to remove it, I think it shouldn't be questioned unless it's someone apart of High Staff asking why.
  9. 10/10 Really fun deployment, You also deployed us. YEET, The story was cool and the pre-planning up to with the Mission briefings was cool too! Keep it up
  10. Tbh, Chief. Just seems like they just want a paratrooper. Yeah, I don't agree with giving a heavy a jetpack, Though I'm all for them getting parachutes. Pretty sure Joah is trying to find a decent parachute thingy. Y'all complaining about lore, but when is lore ever done correctly on any CWRP sever. Some Troopers with 187th wore Paratrooper armour and some wore Galatic Marine armour, But fuck it. Get that parachute, lmao. +1
  11. Bruh, I was about to go ape on you and then i saw the joke part you absolute meme
  12. I mean, I like Gregor Character, it's pretty cool. Though, One less squad would be easier to manage. It does suck for Richard, though he agrees with the SOBDE members who have made this decision. So this a +1
  13. **Commander Meeting** Qal: Any other last minute PTS's? Me: Nothing other than Ratio is a cutie tbh Huge +1 This man is a great Fox, and is a great guy. Time to get roleplay of the month next Ratio
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