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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by Tinovious

  1. o7 dude. You've been here since I joined the server and were one of the hardest working people here. Hope you're good bro
  2. o7 homie. Who's going to spawn in my dupesssssssss
  3. This was unexpected. I’m going to miss you shake and your small brain ideas. You helped a lot during tryouts when it was me and you left, lmao. I wish you nothing but the best you absolute unit. Take care brother. o7
  4. You make me proud. You truly are one of the best commanders 501st has right now. You’re easy to talk too and show nothing but compassion for the 501st. You’ve got some nice goals set out for the legion and I look forward to seeing you complete them. Good luck chief +1
  5. easiest plus one I’ll ever make. Not only is the application absolutely fucking solid. Jad is an absolute unit. Has been a great help and awesome dude to speak to myself when I was Niner. Absolute legend. Good luck dude +1 time for spec reg Corr and robotic arms??😉
  6. Circles? Shit's fire. Go give it a listen u fucking stoners
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1an3LG72jf2H6_Y45EAtU4JjjIpUhshKi/view
  8. @Razen Love you chief https://gyazo.com/3dd45146cffcea7194d738253f659cc9
  9. 8/10 I got to do mando things which I enjoy. Keep up the good work!
  10. 10/10 Been waiting weeks for this! Can't wait to see more! Keep up the good work boys!
  11. 2/10 Sorry Neptune, It seemed like a good event to start with but the story was all over the place. Mainly the problem was whoever was playing the Drug Lord or whatever. We legit had Roleplay reason to interrogate him, and had multiple reasons and evidence against him. Whoever was one of the couriers was chill, But the drug lord absolutely ruined it for me. We were interrogating, And he legit started saying we were failrp'ing. Which is pretty dumb to begin with, I told him what we gathered before from the couriers interrogation and broke RP multiple times, and legit was being a hardass throughout the interrogation. Like, Okay dude. Try getting a better main event job next time.
  12. +1 Viper summed it up. Make everyone proud. Good luck bro!
  13. You're honestly one of my good online friends, Like damn dude. I know you told me you were going; But it still hits hard. Who am I gonna listen to DBangz with? So much appreciation for you bro and I'll always keep in touch. Have fun in retirement ❤️
  14. You did what you could my friend. It’s sad to see you go. I guess Bravo Six is finally going dark, eh? HOWD A MUPPET LIKE YOU PASS SELECTIONS!? it’s not gonna be fun when you, me and price arent on at the same time and I can’t make memes! Anyway, good luck with your life bro! Take care. Don’t be a stranger also.
  15. @SmallJeff Imagine being the Youngest and... Worst Gregor! HAH!
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