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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by Tinovious

  1. Fair enough bb. I'm just opposed cause you're a lil meme and resigned a lot but it doesn't hurt to run for it again bro ❤️ Good luck though
  2. You've done it countless times bro. Even before you had too.
  3. -1 Just because you'll resign again
  4. +1 He spoke with me, and his intentions seem pretty solid. Good luck dude. Hope to see you as Hunter!
  5. HUGE -1 People have lives. God forbid the mans family visit and he takes sometime away. Keegan obviously trusted you all to look over the 187th in his absence. Take initiative; and no Initiative isn't using your tiny brain to come up with a weak ass commander report. It's identifying things that can help improve 187th with your other NCO's, SNCO's and Officer Corps. Find more intriguing ways to lure members to join, More ways to push for activity. Not remove the only solid leadership you have at the moment 4head.
  6. -1 This just seems like a power play tbh. I'm really active on the server and Boutineer is always on when I'm on. Doesn't even seem like a commander report tbh; just seems like your flexing, complaining and power playing lol.
  7. Was pretty fun towards the end. When I was DHG and we'd get a shit ton of sith on and raid the Endor Base or take over Bravo. Was also pretty fun when I use to yell at Acolytes and such when they stood too close to the throne -
  8. ngl gonna miss you man, I'm sorry for being mean to you. You're actually a good kid, and I hope life treats you well. o7, brother. Good luck.
  9. No Ben! o7 man. Good luck with life and don't be a stranger
  10. 8/10 I enjoyed arguing with a Admiral and the event seemed pretty solid. Good job Rocksteady, definitely kept the event interesting with the passive rp.
  11. Why am I running for Recon Reg? jkjk Really well structured app, And a great guy with a great plan... Also, 100% bias because you're also Scottish. Fuck 'em.
  12. +1 Send it dude. Your app is pretty good, and If Ket trusted you. I trust you. Shame you're not british though!
  14. +1 He was the man we turned to when the night was darkest. Korm has been an inspiration today and is fine man to be marshal. He was my first Squad lead in SOBDE when he was Kal for the whatever number of time it was. It feels kinda weird to be Kal now and have him in my squad but i solely believe he’ll do an excellent job. Good luck, Korm’buir.
  15. o7 brother. Enjoy your break, and take care. See you back soon
  16. Ah yes. Null-5 Lieutenant Prudii stumbles a Jedi starfighter and proceeded to not only almost crash it into GAR forces and Captain Rex himself. But fly the fighter into the tunnel and aim it at the space port doors, proceeding to provoke the sith to come out and screaming “the cavalry has arrived.”
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