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VIP - Carvis
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Everything posted by Carvis

  1. RP Name: Carvis Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46578116 VIP (Y/N): Yup Age: 19 Timezone: PST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I feel like I say this on every fucking app but oh well. I want to join the staff team to help the community. Now that we have the current founder team that are putting in TONS of work and we are constantly being stimluated by frequent updates and new things coming to us, I feel that i'll be less likely to burn out. Also I've had quite a bit of time to kinda relax from Gmod and feel excited to come back and assist the server as much as I can, even if that's just me staying as a SA and helping out whenever I get the chance :D Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a 19 year old that works in one of the largest Pharmacy chains in the US. I used to be a part of the staff team and got to the rank of Head Admin, where I resigned due to a lot of life changes that were incoming and in general needing to focus on myself (Plus I was hella burnt out). Anywho, I try to hang out with people in TS whenever I get the chance and like to assist people in the community both in game and out. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes, as stated earlier I have been a HA for this community and also lots of other staff experience from IFN to small HL2RP servers How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: oh god... 4743 hours (yikes)
  2. +1 just so bbstine has to put it in pending
  3. seems like something more fit for our new “Help Center” area of the forums. //moved to “Help Center”
  4. jeez this was a quick one Name: Carvis Steam ID: its on the roster Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 12/12/2020 Reason for leaving: I want to help on more of backend stuff of the server, rather than being directly on the server and being staff. I've had my time as staff/high staff already and have enjoyed my time, but now is the time for me to help in other ways :) Farewells: No need, I'm still here :D
  5. Question Answered. //moved to answered
  6. -1. Honestly ratio and baron said it perfectly. I mean I’m one that typically gets on and kinda screws around (though i’m trying to get away from doing that again). Being labeled as “Semi-Serious” just allows for things to get out of hand quickly. I feel like the current set up is a good balance.
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