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Everything posted by Ket

  1. Mate on God people have been doing all types of transactions, apparently it's changed
  2. Welcome brother, yes it's difficult for aussies to play the server but there are a few players who I see managing to do it pretty efficiently so maybe you'd be able to meet with them in game. Have fun!
  3. From what I’ve heard it’s changed, at least that’s what people have been saying joah said
  4. This man sounds like he just went on youngling trials and found himself wtf goodluck brother, it’s all about knowing yourself after all, have fun and take it easy.
  5. Ket


    I am actually related to members of the ugandan royal palace, give me your bank details and I can transfer millions
  6. +1 Cleared up all of my points. If he's dedicated then may the best man win.
  7. Lmfao, this kid clearly doesn't give a single fuck if he doesn't use a format, acting childish and crying because he's 'given enough information' that's like refusing to follow out a police report for a crime because you've already given enough information. There's formats for a reason and they need to be followed, if you cared about dealing with this issue then you'd properly use the resources given to you. Literally a two second edit with the same information, just in an actually organised state with screenshots and or video evidence.
  8. +1 From the UK. Asked every fucker in the world on their opinion for this application. Proper donny with a great attitude. Good plan. Dedicated. Big lad. Could you ask for anything better?
  9. +1 There's a reason I made this guy XO.
  10. CT Private Ket supplies it every debrief, if you're lucky
  11. Battalion: 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps RP Name: Battalion Commander Neyo Date: 09/22/2019 Reason: Work, lack of attitude to continue to provide a good service, would not want to fail myself and others holding a position that I cannot continue to uphold to the highest standard. Goodbyes: (I'm not fully quitting the server, just sorta dropping activity) @Quebec Biggest defect, thanks for making the time fun as Neyo. @Firewis My brother throughout this entire time within the 91st. @Casual My sister throughout this entire time within the 91st. There's many others but I don't wanna at them because it takes too long.
  12. This guy is really up front and brutal with what he says, literally a no bullshit, no sissy type attitude. He literally will tell you upfront on how to improve, his care and understanding for the battalions he works with is great. He went through the entire BCMD roster to get an understanding on whether they'd want to see him as a MCMD. He's easy to work with and has a set understanding of what he expects, his plans are thorough and he ain't no snake 👀 +1
  13. Name: Ket Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39203220 Staff Rank: SA Were you VIP: Yes Date: 9/9/2019 Reason for leaving: Really dislike the need to meet a quota every week on top of running a battalion creating many changes. Also extremely dislike both branches that staff can opt into! Farewells: I'm staying on the server just not staff because it's BAD for my current situation.
  14. Can't have two Doom's Unit members as Head Admins anyway 🙄 Thanks for your service brother.
  15. -1 The other applicant in my opinion has an extreme advantage in this overall application stage. But that is not the reason I'll be giving you a -1. Nothing personal Rocksteady (or is it >:)) but from what I've HEARD of you, you haven't been very helpful in or out of game. But from what I've seen you just chill out and never actually act FULLY serious, if I would've seen that then fuck me you'd be getting a massive upvote. The one thing you've improved on from the last is your application, I'm happy to see you put some actual effort into your app this time round.
  16. +1 The British are taking over. Nah in all seriousness, I think Nade is a quality top bloke.
  17. I want a world without commando droid brainless infiltration events : ) On the other note, RP intensive events would be nice, or multi-part stories. / P.s. rakghoul events imo are hilarious and fun so do that yes?
  18. Just get tyler1's headset for that durability >:)
  19. 0/10 - One of the most unorganized and unplanned events I've ever been apart of. There was no physical room for RP and when people tried they were met with blank stares and the event characters walking away. After people started using a shoot 'em up alternative, they just force reflected the entire time resulting in 35+ deaths (counted by my medic's revives) over a 20-30 min period inside of the base. Literally seemed like there was no planning at all for this entire event, or any goal at least. Event jobs had no idea what was going on and neither did anyone else on the server, there was no attempt what so ever to try and fix the gaps that people were struggling with trying to figure out. Overall horrific event.
  20. Wish I could’ve been online for your departure :(. See you Quebec keep your Afro cool for me
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