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Everything posted by Beast

  1. o7 we didnt speak much but my interactions with you were very professional and I largely agree with your thoughts of the server
  2. Are you a diamond pickaxe? Because I'm harder than obsidian
  3. Fucking weeb trash +1 good luck buddy
  4. like you conquered the colonies oh wait...
  5. Im taking AP Chem + AP Bio next year and I want to fucking die Thank you for this I am coming back next year to this post just to thank you
  6. o7 My Man you recruited me to shock my first time on the server Good luck with life you will be missed
  7. Beast


    why are people retarded
  8. +1 Big Zach I can barely fucking understand you sometimes but I do realize you are perfect for this job good luck in your interview!
  9. Beast


    My ancestor signed the declaration of independence Cool fun fact to tell people
  10. Bro we have a format for this kind of stuff lol just use the format and this will be seriously looked at
  11. Ket we had our disagreements but I always respected you and what you did you will be missed
  12. +1 Used to be my TRM for a short time seemed like a good guy
  13. +1 lol I didn't even know you came back to the server welcome back
  14. +1 Not Professional at all that just aint right and doesn't make a good look for the server
  15. Beast

    Server Stories

    LMAO When I went to you, you sounded sounded so fucking depressed and miserable Joah just sounded disappointed at you.
  16. ??? He has spent so long making events and making sure everyone has a good time lol. To say he has done nothing since day one of joining this community is just being toxic and is just downright wrong. Yes he did mess around at times but it was mostly in good spirit. my dumbass thought he was serious To Dennis big o7 You were such a fucking hard worker and Im sorry this happened to you. I hope to see you around man.
  17. o7 Amazing TRO and great person overall
  18. o7 One of my greatest friends in the server. We had many good times and you did a great job as BCMD. You were the best defect. hmu on steam if you ever wanna play payday or some shit
  19. Nothing but positive interactions with Jad and his primary goal of communication is very good and I agree with. I believe he will work his best to achieve these goals. During his time in the 91st he helped us time and time again helping myself and many others take up an officer role and become a better and more effective leader. He is a role model and great leader and I believe he will do an excellent job if he is selected as the the SPEC REG. +1
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