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Everything posted by Beast

  1. @Bolt so how is high school going?
  2. why is the edit note owo hmmmm?
  3. Beast


    Naw New England Gang (I hate it here tho)
  4. Beast


    ah I see real 200iq plays right here
  5. Beast


    intelligent discussions I see
  6. I dont have a lot to say the title says it all but I am fully leaving this server at least for now. I thank everyone for the good times I had while playing and I made some good friends but for now I need to move on.- I will be resigning from my TRM position but I hope to be back in the trainer program at least someday as I really enjoyed it and all the people in it they were really fun to work with. If you wanna keep in contact add me on discord would love to play games or something (I have a ton im not gonna list them but add me if you wanna play) Beast#0734 I wont do specific shout outs but to all the people that knew me and talked with me love you all you are the reason I played on this server so long there is a lot of people but Good Luck to everyone in your future endeavors on synergy (91st if you're reading this I will still help manage the bots) Until later goodbye to all it was really fun hope to see you all again
  7. lmao this man made a poll +1 good luck
  8. wdym you two both copied my name
  9. Good luck mate Ive seen you around in game and you seem like a good lad. Application looks good +1 Good Luck!
  10. Do you have any ideas for how we could tinker the quota system to make it less mundane? I understand your concerns I was a TRO for ages and I do realize that it can be really mundane and boring at times.
  11. +1 A nice guy seems fit for the position
  12. App looks good +1 Good luck
  13. Honestly other than what has been said I think we just have unqualified people in staff that cannot properly do their job
  14. How were you able to Estimate your hours because I might do the same
  15. Name of the staff member you're asking: @Carter @Joah Question: What the status with the SCP Project? Further attachments: N/A Concerns: We or at least I haven't heard a lot about what exactly is going on with the SCP project so do you have any updates? A while ago it sounded like it was almost ready to go but now I cant remember the last I heard about what was going on with it? Would you mind telling us like whats done/almost done and what is still being sorted out? Thank you in advance
  16. Yeah 91st has similar issues we have a lot of commanders a like high ups but not a lot of NCOs and enlisted that are active
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